About She-Ra.
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I guess that "Classic She-Ra" exists in that universe, when they go to "Heaven" they talk about how the Evil Horde was fend off in the Past, making it clear that the Evil Horde is still part of this story, it would be a stupid decision to keep She-Ra completly out of the story, technicaly she is the only one who could battle Skelletor right now since she has the Sword of Protection. Because of that it would realy annoy me if the kill Adam off for a Second time to make Teela the Champion.
She-Ra is already a Female Champion they can use, and in the section in "Hell" they showed that Teela already posesses her own Powers that she inherited from her Mother, even if she is not completly aware of it right now, making her the Champion of the Sword on top of that would be stupid.
About the story in general.
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I know they do it for dramatic reasons, but killing off side character after side character gives me a sad feeling overall, the only thing saves it for me is that they at least give them meaningfull and Heroic deaths, and that a weakened Orko was able to defeat Scare Glow in his own realm was a great moment.
What I realy liked was to see what the other bad guys would do if Skelletor is not around anymore, it was an interresting idea that the Cybernetic villains would go kind of crazy and start embrace technology even more after the Magic vanished, and that Evil-Lyn would put aside what happend in the past and would focus on saving Eternia.
I'm curious about what is going on with Beast Man, he seems to be realy overprotectiv of Evil-Lyn and even calls her Mistress, he never acted like that before at least not in any cartoon or comic I know of, maybe he has fallen in love with her but don't know how to show it or something like that.
About Kevin Smith.
He is a dick, nothing more and nothing less, he even admitted in his last livestream on his own channel that the higher ups on Netflix are realy happy about all the Drama that he and some other people who are involved in making this series a causing on Twitter and Youtube, it is the classic "There is no such thing as bad publicity" mentality, and because of this they will continue to behave that way.