
Evolving MUGEN: artistropeadope (Read 524410 times)

Started by artistropeadope, November 29, 2014, 09:51:34 pm
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#41  December 01, 2014, 05:15:40 am
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it took me one week to fully sprite a character in cvs stye, ggx style would take weeks !

Guys, he said that the sprites had to be as good as Guilty Gear's to be taken seriously.
He means the original Guilty Gear, not X/XX.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#42  December 01, 2014, 02:34:56 pm
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I always wanted cutscenes between fights in arcade mode. I just thought it would be interesting to have a "story mode" in a Mugen fullgame or something.
idk I'm going home
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#43  December 01, 2014, 11:43:32 pm
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I always wanted cutscenes between fights in arcade mode. I just thought it would be interesting to have a "story mode" in a Mugen fullgame or something.

ever heard of, "mugen story mode" it actually exists.

so really.................stable online mode
this website is stupid
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#44  December 02, 2014, 02:54:02 am
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duh, online mode, and cinematic like the others said and so that your opponents victory screen shows (i didn't make all those fucking quotes in my bosses for nothing) hm what else.... i guess that tag system(i prefer 3 on 3 like mvc and kof) while still keeping simul

also online mode would be this

each match, the character who you pick will be uploaded temp so then after the match it deletes itself(same would go for stages/music i guess, why not)
oh and all you people who complain " nu dis guy is juest uzin retardad orochi editz"

well its simple, how do you find another match? by fucking looking for one.

oh yeah for tag mode, it should be a separate mode, and chars without the tag option should not be selectable.

Elecbyte hasn't updated there blog in a year and even then they weren't saying much. Ikemen is fast becoming a good program for online play, though that's about all it's good for at the moment. Supersuehiro has updated Ikemen 5 times in just the past two months so who knows, maybe sometime soon it will even have tag battles.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#45  December 03, 2014, 01:42:53 am
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ikemen does not work very well so no also the inputs on there are bad, unless it can connect the way i described, it's not worth it.
this website is stupid
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#46  December 03, 2014, 09:15:22 am
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it does to work well? granted it can cause issues but it works quite well.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#47  December 04, 2014, 11:07:07 pm
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it does to work well? granted it can cause issues but it works quite well.

i don't consider bad inputs and too difficult to get running and having to have the exact same roster to play each other working well.
this website is stupid
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#48  December 06, 2014, 01:37:51 am
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they should start by ADDING A PAUSE BUTTON WHERE YOU CAN GET TO THE CHARACTERS MOVE LIST.That should have been In Mugen day one as almost every fighter has it.I mean i have over 800+ characters in my roster and do you really think I have time to remember all of my fav character's controls.if I don't I have to stop the game and open up the text file when it should have been a simple pause and click
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#49  December 06, 2014, 02:55:55 am
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this isnt a game its an engine, you would still have to manually input your characters inputs even if there was a hardcoded pause menu.

also, you can code pause menus into your character.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#50  December 06, 2014, 03:30:01 am
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coded pause menues can cause issues with command buffering and changestates in states with ctrl=1 so I always recommend people to just forget about them unless you're coding a full game. Unsurprisingly, most of the characters with a pause menu come from people with a not-so-good grasp of how mugen works like.

Still, his suggestion is not bad at all. The pause screen (Which would be triggered by a new button) would just get its graphics from the screenpack itself and the commands from an extra new file where you define the names for each move, its command, category and any extra notes you may want to add to it (Like "During [Insert move's name here]"). Of course nothing of this will ever happen unless Elecbyte decides to update MUGEN again :|
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#51  December 06, 2014, 03:49:20 am
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The pause screen (Which would be triggered by a new button) would just get its graphics from the screenpack itself and the commands from an extra new file where you define the names for each move, its command, category and any extra notes you may want to add to it (Like "During [Insert move's name here]"). Of course nothing of this will ever happen unless Elecbyte decides to update MUGEN again :|
You know, I figured that as long as the engine can recognize inputs from the cmd, why can't it just take the command names and designated inputs and just make them visible? As long as MUGEN reads the file why isn't it possible to literally just show it on a clipboard like the debug menu? It doesn't have to be slick, it could just be text.

Granted, they'd have to actually hard code it into the system so that it does read the cmd, which might be more complex than the idea is in theory.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#52  December 06, 2014, 03:49:51 am
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Well, Knuckle Fighter doesn't seem to have too much of a problem of it. Maybe Elecbyte can form a new file type that Mugen can read, and that would be a moveset display file, or something.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#53  December 06, 2014, 03:57:54 am
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As long as MUGEN reads the file why isn't it possible to literally just show it on a clipboard like the debug menu? It doesn't have to be slick, it could just be text.
Probably because in order to catch everything it would include compatibility with old characters, and you'd see



Before you got to the actual moves, and then you'd see 3-4 versions of them to encompass easy keyboard commands, alternate command structures and negative edge.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#54  December 06, 2014, 04:00:31 am
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Evolving M.U.G.E.N? It already looks cool but you have a point. Everything looks good so far, they have camera zooms and victory quotes and what not. What they can do instead of the plain ol Portraits is a unique select screen. You know like Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, the character does it's idle stance when it's at the character and when they select it, the character does it's victory pose or ready pose. I wish they can do that.

And wasn't there already a Suave Dude made?
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#55  December 06, 2014, 04:01:21 am
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As long as MUGEN reads the file why isn't it possible to literally just show it on a clipboard like the debug menu? It doesn't have to be slick, it could just be text.
Probably because in order to catch everything it would include compatibility with old characters, and you'd see



Before you got to the actual moves, and then you'd see 3-4 versions of them to encompass easy keyboard commands, alternate command structures and negative edge.
Ah, I forgot about the beauty of thousands of AI commands.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#56  December 06, 2014, 04:01:57 am
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The pause screen (Which would be triggered by a new button) would just get its graphics from the screenpack itself and the commands from an extra new file where you define the names for each move, its command, category and any extra notes you may want to add to it (Like "During [Insert move's name here]"). Of course nothing of this will ever happen unless Elecbyte decides to update MUGEN again :|
You know, I figured that as long as the engine can recognize inputs from the cmd, why can't it just take the command names and designated inputs and just make them visible? As long as MUGEN reads the file why isn't it possible to literally just show it on a clipboard like the debug menu? It doesn't have to be slick, it could just be text.

Granted, they'd have to actually hard code it into the system so that it does read the cmd, which might be more complex than the idea is in theory.

Using the .cmd itself was my original idea but then I realized that I'd rather have direct manual input when it comes to how the commands should be displayed like for a global movelist menu. Many moves often have as many as 6 variants for the same command (Mostly to add shortcuts, failsafes and whatnot while other times to add a different beginning point like in 360 command moves) or sometimes you just want to keep the command hidden while still hinting at the move itself (Like a special move named "Hodukean" with the command input just displaying a bunch of "???").
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#57  December 06, 2014, 04:55:33 am
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Evolving M.U.G.E.N? It already looks cool but you have a point. Everything looks good so far, they have camera zooms and victory quotes and what not. What they can do instead of the plain ol Portraits is a unique select screen. You know like Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, the character does it's idle stance when it's at the character and when they select it, the character does it's victory pose or ready pose. I wish they can do that.

And wasn't there already a Suave Dude made?

Aren't there really fancy screenpacks that support character sprite upon choosing, but they aren't animated? And, he was made. By Masupnu-KunZ or something like that.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#58  December 06, 2014, 09:05:25 am
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Ah, I forgot about the beauty of thousands of AI commands.
And commands that require a particular condition, like entering a special mode, or even just follow-ups, "Evil" mode triggered by palette selection, or, hell, air moves and super moves. All of that can only be determined by the guy who created it. Forget people like Red who'll claim you don't know much of how Mugen works if you don't fully know command buffering (filthy pleb), this is extremely basic stuff.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 09:08:30 am by DKDC
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#59  December 06, 2014, 09:15:19 am
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The movelist would be a cool idea IF there was like an optional flag for CMD entry that was like "movelist = 1" or something to indicate that you want this move shown on the movelist. You could maybe go a step further with something like "movelistorder =2" to designate the order you want the moves to be listed (ie: if you want Hadou Ken to appear first on the list before Shoryuken).

I've never really had a problem with reading a readme for movelists, however, and the movelist feature would be rendered pretty much pointless once you've got your character down.
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#60  December 06, 2014, 11:11:21 am
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Ah, I forgot about the beauty of thousands of AI commands.
And commands that require a particular condition, like entering a special mode, or even just follow-ups, "Evil" mode triggered by palette selection, or, hell, air moves and super moves. All of that can only be determined by the guy who created it. Forget people like Red who'll claim you don't know much of how Mugen works if you don't fully know command buffering (filthy pleb), this is extremely basic stuff.

You can charge directions while you "pause" the game with a custom pause screen, suddenly Guile became even more viable :D

The movelist would be a cool idea IF there was like an optional flag for CMD entry that was like "movelist = 1" or something to indicate that you want this move shown on the movelist. You could maybe go a step further with something like "movelistorder =2" to designate the order you want the moves to be listed (ie: if you want Hadou Ken to appear first on the list before Shoryuken).

You'll need two more flags: One for the move's display name would be cool, and one for extra text info (Like what we said before with the move being a follow up or exclusive to a mode, etc.).
Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 11:15:14 am by -Red-