I found this cool screenpack that I decided to convert to ikemen. It only works for the nightly build because it uses the cell skip feature.The screenpack comes with patches for 30, 108 and 581 slots. It also has a category select screen where I modified so you have to sort the characters alphabetically. Cell skip doesn't work in the mugenSlots version of the screenpack, so if you're still using the 0.99 version, only use this motif.To install the screenpack, just drop the contents directly into the "data" folder, then just change the "motif" line in your config to "data/DEF/system". To change slots, just open the "patch" folder, and copy an paste the respective "select" and "system" files into the "DEF" folder.This is my first time converting a screenpack to Ikemen, so feedback is greately appreciated. Let me know if you find any issue or problem with the screenpack or if I forgot to add any Ikemen feature ino the screenpackScreenshotsDownload: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ig5q6_NVWuYf0yNryIAmf5-mApdldu3b/view?usp=sharing(After you install the screenpack, go to the sff folder and drag the "fight.sff" to the "DEF" folder)