
[Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025) (Read 1834298 times)

Started by TornilloOxidado, January 07, 2023, 12:52:31 am
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Kyo Kusanagi Released (OHMSBY Style) [17/3/2023]
#61  March 28, 2023, 11:52:36 am
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Hey, if you don't mind, are you interested in testing my upcoming characters? I think it would be good if you first test my projects before release them to prevent some errors because i always (always) forget something important, it's doesn't need to be right now since i'm working on the updates first, i only wanted to say this to you.
Sorry, I'm going to have to pass for now as I'm already tied up with other things at the moment. I will still do feedback for them after release, but here is something that can help while you work on them:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Effect Specific:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
I keep this checklist for feedback so I know for certain that I won't miss anything. Since you use Ichida's mechanics, the last two will apply to you as well. This is slightly more updated than the one on my Edits thread.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Kyo Kusanagi Released (OHMSBY Style) [17/3/2023]
#62  March 28, 2023, 08:41:42 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Sorry, I'm going to have to pass for now as I'm already tied up with other things at the moment. I will still do feedback for them after release, but here is something that can help while you work on them:

It's fine no problem, still thank you for the list, this will be helpful.

Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#63  April 02, 2023, 05:22:15 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
It was really hard doing this, i barely had some time to open the FFS and work with the updates, in other words, March was a hard month, but here it is, at least, i have more time now until May.
Reworked Chars: Terry Bogard and Noel Vermillion/Noel NOL.
Fixed: Everyone else

Terry Bogard
-Crack Shoot nerfed, now is more reactable and not too safe on block, same with Burn Knuckle.
-Fixed a lot of aesthetic issues.
-Life increased to 1100.
-His movements are slower, but damage increased.
-Fixed hitpauses.
-Burn Knuckle EX has a different attack property.
-Bonus Strikes fixed.

Noel Vermillion / Noel NOL
-Fixed a lot of issues regarding the helper codes.
-She can now rapid cancel her air normals.
-Fixed a error where the Finisher effect plays twice in Fenrir.
-Added a special intro against Dizzy.
-All of her B >> A normals are jump cancelable.
-New EX move: Chain Boomerang (D,D,C)
-Reworked 5C.
-Fixed error where her special intro Vs Hazama and Tager doesn't played at Turns mode.
-Her special intro Vs Mai Natsume, Heart Aino and Noel Aizome (MBTL) were fixed.
-Assault Through can hit the opponent in the corner.
-Zero Gun: Sleipnir was deleted, and now her EXA move is Zero Gun: Gungnir and Heimdall for LV2. (From Blazblue Chronophantasma Unlimited).
-English Voicepatch updated, in the Extras section.

K Dash
-Fixed hitsounds.
-Fixed aesthetics.

Kyo Kusanagi
-Fixed hitsounds.
-Fixed aesthetics.
-Fixed issues in his special attacks.
-Fixed errors regarding Rapid Cancels.
-Bonus Strikes fixed.

Michael Roa Valdamjong
-Fixed a strange error where he can rapid cancel in middle of Celestial Strike.
-Fixed aesthetics.
-Fixed the"?" in his special intro against Hilda by OHMSBY.
-Added a new special intro.
-Bonus Strikes fixed.

i hope i'm not forgeting something again.
Last Edit: April 02, 2023, 05:34:02 pm by TornilloOxidado
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#64  April 02, 2023, 08:27:06 pm
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I'm not sure why but WIndows Defender keeps picking up K' as a potential threat, but none of the other characters seem to be an issue, I'm not sure why
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#65  April 02, 2023, 09:04:35 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
I'm not sure why but WIndows Defender keeps picking up K' as a potential threat, but none of the other characters seem to be an issue, I'm not sure why

You know, that got me thinking, i tried with my other PC (a desktop one) but in my case Windows Defender doesn't react, i'm not sure what could be.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#66  April 03, 2023, 12:09:16 am
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it's not even the unzipped file, just as soon as it downloads Windows Defender keeps deleting it, as I said I just don't know why it's just this one character lol, everyone else downloaded just fine, I did allow, but just figured it would be worth mentioning due to this issue.

Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#67  April 03, 2023, 01:10:52 am
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
it's not even the unzipped file, just as soon as it downloads Windows Defender keeps deleting it, as I said I just don't know why it's just this one character lol, everyone else downloaded just fine, I did allow, but just figured it would be worth mentioning due to this issue.

I'll put K's download link offline for the time being, i'll try to set up a new link in the next hours as i need to verify some things first.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#68  April 03, 2023, 01:36:32 am
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sorry for being annoying, but you forgot the april fools joke.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#69  April 03, 2023, 01:43:10 am
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  • DerRedstar
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#70  April 03, 2023, 02:55:32 am
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#71  April 03, 2023, 03:56:11 am
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
K Dash is available to download again, with a new link, hope it's fine now.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#72  April 03, 2023, 01:21:19 pm
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  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
K Dash is available to download again, with a new link, hope it's fine now.
I was able to download it just fine with the old link a few hours ago. But once I tried backing him up on my SSD, I got the Windows Defender issue and ended up getting deleted. I downloaded it with the new link and my browser now detects it as a virus whether I use Chrome or Edge and keeps failing it. I think there's something wrong with the rar file itself. I created a new rar using the other characters and copied his files over it and was fine. Try making a completely new rar file with instead of updating that one, otherwise it'll kept being flagged as a virus.

sorry for being annoying, but you forgot the april fools joke.
I don't think him or Ichida ever promised one. Otherwise, I would've known.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#73  April 03, 2023, 04:26:10 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Ok, tried with a new copy and it's uploaded.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#74  April 03, 2023, 06:16:00 pm
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Hey, So I had a Feedback (and I know you're getting Really Tired So I don't want to go hard on you because you made a rework and it takes too long for ya, so yeah)

The Feedback is:

Noel's Intro has some stiffed animations like when she pull her up 2 guns the frames was like not the same as the original games (Idk What i'm talking about the animation about XD)

also Positive Feedback is:

Your Character's AI is Holy Bazooka went So Hard That I love it or Hate it (Cuz Roa Doin' Infinites XD)
Real reason I'm Called "Dude" Cuz I watched Regular Show WOOOOOOAHH
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Everybody Fix Update (02/04/2023)
#75  April 04, 2023, 05:53:55 am
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Battler Ushiromiya Released (9/04/2023)
#76  April 09, 2023, 11:28:08 pm
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  • DerRedstar
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Battler Ushiromiya from Umineko No Naku Koro Ni released.
He features a special intro against every OHMSBY Styled character (Ichida and Resentone too) and some other female characters.

->Only against """Big""" females.
He also features a special line against Female and Male enemies in a certain attack.

Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Battler Ushiromiya Released (9/04/2023)
#77  April 10, 2023, 01:54:15 am
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I do like some of the concepts that OHMSBY characters have but the style isn't really something I actually play with because I feel it's rather bloated compared to other styles. However I still want to give feedback because I'm bored and just feel like giving feedback to people.

Outside of that the character seems fine for the most part. I remember wanting to try your KoF conversions just to see how well they were actually adapted but I didn't really have enough interest to do so.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Battler Ushiromiya Released (9/04/2023)
#78  April 10, 2023, 02:01:16 am
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
I do like some of the concepts that OHMSBY characters have but the style isn't really something I actually play with because I feel it's rather bloated compared to other styles. However I still want to give feedback because I'm bored and just feel like giving feedback to people.

Outside of that the character seems fine for the most part. I remember wanting to try your KoF conversions just to see how well they were actually adapted but I didn't really have enough interest to do so.

Gonna check the infinite part, you aren't forced to do this, you know.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Battler Ushiromiya Released (9/04/2023)
#79  April 10, 2023, 04:01:00 am
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Hey dude, nice work on Battler. He looks really cool and I like the effort of including special interactions for Battler's more...special techniques ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But in all seriousness this really well made, can't wait to see how your rendition of Jam will turn out. Keep up the good work dude!
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Jam Kuradoberi Released (18/04/2023)
#80  April 18, 2023, 09:47:49 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay

Jam Kuradoberi released
There is important notes in the readme file.

Mugen Site:

Here is some quick update:
Battler Ushiromiya
-Fixed error where he stucked in the air if he is getting hit during Elegant Blue Raid.

-Added a new intro Vs Jam Kuradoberi

-Added special Intro Vs Makoto Nanaya

Added AI Pacth for OHMSBY's Akatsuki, available in my site.