
Newbie coming from BLACKLISTED WEBSITEs (Read 5354 times)

Started by CompShopeer, September 16, 2019, 03:36:23 pm
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Newbie coming from BLACKLISTED WEBSITEs
#1  September 16, 2019, 03:36:23 pm
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Hello everyone, the title is self explanatory. I was able to use BLACKLISTED WEBSITEs fine when I was younger, but now when I started getting back to MUGEN, all the files I wanted to download in BLACKLISTED WEBSITE are now inaccessible. I hope that if I use MugenGuild I can make my time more worthwhile and not spend the next hours trying to make 10 post and get ban for some rule that I don't understand. Please have patience since I am willing to learn everything about MugenGuild.
Re: Newbie coming from BLACKLISTED WEBSITEs
#2  September 16, 2019, 04:56:39 pm
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Welcome to Mugen Fighters Guild! Sadly, BLACKLISTED WEBSITE has gotten more and more unfriendly over the years and even lash out at other forums for criticizing them. I hope you can enjoy your time here, just be kind to others, reply in the right sections, don't bump super old topics unless it's really important, and just have fun shooting the breeze with other members!
Re: Newbie coming from BLACKLISTED WEBSITEs
#3  September 16, 2019, 05:38:08 pm
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Most likely my next full-game
Re: Newbie coming from BLACKLISTED WEBSITEs
#4  September 16, 2019, 06:36:55 pm
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also sadly the mugen reddit is ran by a BLACKLISTED WEBSITE truther with a crappy sticky on their front page, hes a total d-hole