More Arcade stuff as I wait for the SP support.
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Could you please elaborate which part of the video has those arcade stuff that you've mentioned? If it's rivals matches for arcade mode than it's already implemented. Here's the quote from the latest select.def that explains 2 new character's parameters that handles adjusting general order and match settings: (expanded compared to what was previously posted in this topic, fulfilling your older feature request)
; - 1, 2, 3, ... (rivals)
; IKEMEN feature: The parameter alters standard arcade order system and other
; default match settings, allowing to force pre-defined matches along the
; way. paramname refers to arcade match number (for example 4 = 4th match).
; paramvalue, enclosed in {} brackets, follows the same syntax as adding a
; new character with optional stage assignment and accepts following optional
; char parameters: music, musicalt, musiclife, zoom, ai, winscreen, rounds,
; time, lifebar, onlyme. If 'onlyme' parameter is not set and you're playing
; in team mode the referenced character becomes the opposite team leader, and
; other characters follows order settings. Chars and stages referenced here,
; if not already present in [Characters] and [ExtraStages] sections as
; separate entries, won't be selectable in select screen.
; - maxmatches
; IKEMEN feature: This parameter makes the character ignore default
; *.maxmatches settings under [Options] section and assign different ones
; instead, allowing you to set up custom maximum number of matches to fight
; before game ends in arcade mode, as well as order priority. paramvalue is
; used as a prefix to the original names of these settings, followed by dot,
; so the new entries added under [Options] section should look like this:
; 'paramvalue.arcade.maxmatches', ''.
If you're talking about rival conversations like in SvC than I think it's a nice idea. If you want to speed up its implementation please design exactly how it should be implemented in mugen files - see these posts for design examples:
- edit: (actual design for the SvC like conversations)
Same request to others. It's very possible that you guys know more about mugen than me (for example I've figured out how lifebars works just recently), so please try to elaborate how stuff could be implemented.