
Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.3 (UPDATED June, 16) (Read 1049423 times)

Started by VirtuallTek, April 04, 2018, 02:43:30 pm
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Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#141  April 17, 2018, 06:13:21 pm
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Got your point. Someone else?
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#142  April 17, 2018, 07:52:44 pm
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ctrl+f -> find: animtype = Hamburger -> replace: animtype = Hard

Yeah it's really hard to do it with so many chars *sarcasm*
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#143  April 17, 2018, 08:01:17 pm
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If the errors don't imply that you have to fix the char, or prevent you from testing it, I can't see this as a bad thing. If it has pop up errors that might get boring after 100 tests, but then again it's your fault for coding it wrong.

OR you could do it like me. Just edit the goddamn syntax files and other .xmls inside the FF folder. (at least I've added a couple of undocumented things to them for OCD reasons, 90% of my chars are 1.1 only, and sff problems are not a thing.)

Imo you should keep it, but make it less intrusive.
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#144  April 17, 2018, 09:52:28 pm
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ctrl+f -> find: animtype = Hamburger -> replace: animtype = Hard

Yeah it's really hard to do it with so many chars *sarcasm*
That's not the only potential issue and you know it. This example is an easy replace all fix but not all would be. But at least you got hit to me with that sharp sarcasm
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#145  April 18, 2018, 12:06:56 am
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i am using it to make somethings, it´s really good to see the virtualtek active nowadays.
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#146  April 18, 2018, 02:15:36 pm
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I code web as a hobby so I should totally do stuff like

print("1" + "1" == 11)
output: true

Because it allows me to do it! Nope, no problem with that at all, if it allows me to do it, it must be correct. It's totally not a code smell and I should ignore that warning it gives me so I can bang my head against a wall wondering why shit doesn't work down the road.
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#147  April 18, 2018, 02:17:55 pm
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Anyone that goes into real coding will find out very quickly how coding in bad syntax can bite them later on. This hobby app shouldn't be so strict! MUGEN was made for ppl that have all ranges of coding knowledge.

yes it fucking should, the fact that it IS now means you're more prepared to code other things as a hobby as most people who do move on from mugen typically does. Not to mention game breaking things people have done over the years that make them unable to work in 1.0, the velset = 0,0,0 comes to mind for example.

I code web shit as a hobby so should I ignore proper syntax like line breaks because javascript doesn't enforce it?
that's like saying "yeah man I drive as a hobby so i don't wear seat belts." Hobby or no, if you're going to do something you owe it yourself to do right my guy.
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119/150 Chars, I'm not dead yet....the true surprise is in my thread.
Hahahah fuck you photobucket.
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#148  April 18, 2018, 03:53:28 pm
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I just took a look in one of your chars and you do it too. So your "ROFL it fucking should" comes off pretty hypocritical. We've even taught ppl in MUGEN Class that you can use whatever you want for some of these things. Being strict in MUGEN syntax seems 20 years too late in my opinion. I don't care that it shows the errors. I simply gave an answer to the question that was asked. If I'd known I'd get so much crap for my answer I wouldn't have said anything. Even VirtualTek acted like my answer was worthless so I won't waste anymore time giving answers.
We can all continue to use incorrect syntaxes and ignore the errors or we can fix said errors. In the end it's not a big deal.
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#149  April 18, 2018, 04:22:05 pm
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I just took a look in one of your chars and you do it too. So your "ROFL it fucking should" comes off pretty hypocritical. We've even taught ppl in MUGEN Class that you can use whatever you want for some of these things. Being strict in MUGEN syntax seems 20 years too late in my opinion. I don't care that it shows the errors. I simply gave an answer to the question that was asked. If I'd known I'd get so much crap for my answer I wouldn't have said anything. Even VirtualTek acted like my answer was worthless so I won't waste anymore time giving answers.
We can all continue to use incorrect syntaxes and ignore the errors or we can fix said errors. In the end it's not a big deal.

That has absolutely nothing to do with my statement. Whether an IDE corrects bad practices has nothing to do with someone's previous code. I said it should because it should regardless of whatever I've done in the past. And as far as my older work goes, I've made 118 things throughout 12 years which a good chunk of I've stopped updating so yeah probably will find some mistakes there. However, my attitude towards it is that it's unacceptable NOW because I happen to code for a living and my current work is radically different. There were things in winmugen that you could get away with that crashes in 1.0/1.1 and that is the issue. If syntax was upheld in IDE's of the past that would not be a problem.

edit: the last thing I released only has syntax errors because ff3 isn't aware it's a thing that's completely fine to do otherwise it has 0. EG "Scond(x,t,f)" being allowed
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119/150 Chars, I'm not dead yet....the true surprise is in my thread.
Hahahah fuck you photobucket.
Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 04:27:44 pm by Kamekaze
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#150  April 18, 2018, 04:50:28 pm
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Without the snark you make good responses. Responses I agree with. I never said it was "wrong" to uphold syntax. All I did was give a reason why some ppl may not want to do it. There was no need for the sarcasm and putting me in my place. And had this been a thing when you started creating years back you would have followed the syntax better and removed all errors. You guys are acting like I don't get it. I'm just saying that this is going against a 20 year precedence that even you had set in motion. That is a REASON why some may not want to change now. It doesn't have to be a reason you agree with but you can disagree in better fashion too.

Even though I said I wouldn't I'd already started cleaning up syntax issues. I can't help myself it's how I am. But just like with autoclsn maker ppl shouldn't react in snarky manners. 
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#151  April 18, 2018, 09:51:09 pm
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You ever played Fighting games before. Ever taken the moment to look for hitboxes in them? They're nowhere near how they look in auto CLSN.

Looks the same to me  ;D

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Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#152  April 20, 2018, 02:17:47 pm
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EDIT: After many tests i think i found the solution, but i hope that in the next versions we don't let to do this all the times VirtuallTek, because this take time:

vegeta when i select the group 2,0 the image stays like this [bad result]

my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 2,0 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
[bad result]

vegeta when i select the group 1,1 the image stays like this [more or less]

my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 1,1 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
[more or less]

vegeta when i select the group 9000,0 the image stays like this
[the best result]

my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 9000,0 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
[the best result]

SO I DISCOVER THAT THE SECRET IS DO THIS TESTS BEFORE ADD MANY GROUP OF IMAGES and do tests with only one group of images until you found a group number that let the images good without pink background around the head and body.

Other example:

Ace when i select the group 9000,4 the image stays like this [bad result]

my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 9000,4 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
 [bad result]

Ace when i select the group 9000,0 the image stays like this [bad result]

my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 9000,0 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
 [bad result]

Ace when i select the group 1,2 the image stays like this [bad result]

my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 1,2 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
 [bad result]

Ace when i select the group 9000,1 the image stays like this [more or less]

my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 9000,1 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
 [more or less]

Ace when i select the group 1,1 the image stays like this
[the best result]

my pc win 10 pro using FFS 'add one or more sprites' select the group of images converted in XBR 4x in this case is the group 0,0  'Detect group-index from filename'  'Force the specified palette (adapt the image)' select the group 1,1 click in 'OK' and 'No to All' 
 [the best result]

SO I DISCOVER THAT THE SECRET IS DO THIS TESTS BEFORE ADD MANY GROUP OF IMAGES and do tests with only one group of images until you found a group number that let the images good without pink background around the head and body.


Thank you for answer VirtuallTek your new program is awesome and about pink pixels around the head and body i found the solution for this, you just have to do a test with one group of images and select the correct group number before add many images, here in this tutorial in the part of text and images you will see the solution
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 04:01:18 am by Ramon Garcia
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#153  April 21, 2018, 03:25:50 pm
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HI! i was just testing this new version and is looking really great so far!
but i cant save any changes made because it warns me to fix all erros before saving..
i mean the chars already run in the engine (some debug log stuff.. no popup when starting tho) but i should be able to save if the chars run...
or where i can find the "error list" to fix em .. it says that i have 11 erros to fix in one char and the other saves just fine..
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#154  April 21, 2018, 08:25:04 pm
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Hi everyone I like to give my feedback About the new Fighter Factory Studio
there are many Mugen Stages and Screen Pack Creators out there that are so used to using the Fighter Factory 3.0.1
But the Problem is with the New Fighter Factory studio is that Dont give you that freedom any more..

Let me explain so you can Understand me better. Im OldGamer that create Mugen stages and Mugen Screen pack
I dont know how to create mugen character. so you can Say Im a Mugen Theme Creator

Fighter Factory 3.0.1 have the freedom to create New empty Project and give the option to choose Tamplate or New Empty Project

Okay now as for me I love 3.0.1 Because give me the freedom to Choose New Empty Project and give you the freedom to choose
Characters,Stages ,fonts, New type Font and Screen Board

Here a picture to show you what Im talking about

for Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 WONT LET ME CHOOOSE...
 Factory Studio 3.5.1 wont give me the freedom to Choose New Empty Project Characters,Stages ,fonts, New type Font and Screen Board and ETC................
Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 forces me to choose Mugen AL tamplate when I try to create a New Project

Here a picture to show you what Im talking about

VirtuallTek  I am a mugen Stage and screen pack creator. I like for you to over look my feedback and please Bring back the other setting from the Fighter Factory 3.0.1 over to the Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1  that you forgot to add the Characters,Stages ,fonts, New type Font and Screen Board and ETC for the new  Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1

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Last Edit: April 21, 2018, 08:33:28 pm by OldGamer
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#155  April 21, 2018, 11:10:40 pm
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I'm pretty confident VirtuallTek has said proper stage and screenpack support will be added eventually, while the option to open a new empty project will be added in the next version.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#156  April 22, 2018, 12:53:12 am
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    • Brazil
HI! i was just testing this new version and is looking really great so far!
but i cant save any changes made because it warns me to fix all erros before saving..
i mean the chars already run in the engine (some debug log stuff.. no popup when starting tho) but i should be able to save if the chars run...
or where i can find the "error list" to fix em .. it says that i have 11 erros to fix in one char and the other saves just fine..

Hi just read my old coments in this post and you will see the answer for this ok.
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#157  April 22, 2018, 12:53:40 am
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Did you totally ignore my post that outright gave you a blank template @OldGamer:

"Don't give you freedom anymore" have you people totally ignored the extensibility of FF these past few years? There's so many features it has that go unutilized because you people don't RTFM.
Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 01:06:21 am by Jesuszilla
Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#158  April 22, 2018, 02:44:17 am
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Did you totally ignore my post that outright gave you a blank template @OldGamer:

"Don't give you freedom anymore" have you people totally ignored the extensibility of FF these past few years? There's so many features it has that go unutilized because you people don't RTFM.
look is cool you made a blank tamplate. but what about  the  setting in general ? how  do we manage to make it blank  like how u did it ? Plus  PlasmoidThunder already explain it to me that VirtuallTek planning on adding those extra menu on the next update. so I just rather wait then, but thank for doing that and Im sorry but I must miss your post sorry. all we can do is wait am I right ?

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Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#159  April 22, 2018, 02:48:48 am
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I'm pretty confident VirtuallTek has said proper stage and screenpack support will be added eventually, while the option to open a new empty project will be added in the next version.
Thank you PlasmoidThunder :)

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Re: Fighter Factory Studio 3.5.1 (UPDATED April, 07)
#160  April 22, 2018, 01:44:46 pm
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I'm amazed how much of a fight club this topic has become.

... All I want is to adjust the side panel size. I don't ask for much.