
FeLo & Co (Read 751037 times)

Started by FeLo_Llop, April 04, 2010, 03:30:29 pm
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Re: FeLo & Co
#601  October 07, 2023, 09:45:17 pm
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Everyone have Greatness :)
Re: FeLo & Co
#602  October 08, 2023, 07:15:15 am
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Dang, didn't know the C stood for "Cheeks"!

Joke aside, very well done in progress! Dimitrescu looks absolutely stunning as well!
Re: FeLo & Co
#603  November 24, 2023, 12:01:00 pm
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Thanks people!! Well, I leave Lady Dimitrescu for the weekends, BUT during the week I'm with Ash. Lately, I've finished his autocombo from KoF XV. And started with a win animation from 2k3:
  <---yes, I'm aware he lacks the white thing in his sleeve. I just leave that for the point I finish the part.

Also, I have 2 other things in the sleeve which I'm trying to advance 1 frame/day, cause I'm focusing on Ash now. Sorry, I can't show more.

I'm learning how to do portraits with Street Fighter 3 New Generation style BUT using the crazy ammounts of colours, and I'd lie if I say it's easy. IT'S NOT. And I'm lost sometimes, but it's nice learning something new.

Have a nice day!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#604  November 27, 2023, 02:06:52 am
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Finished fixing from Dimitrescu:

- Stance.
- Side change.
- Dodge.
- Crouch(1 frame. But I think I'll have to add movement to the hand, dunno).

Here's a small show of the dodge fix:

First image is the previous, GIANT one. Second is after the resize. Third is after all the fix. Specially folds in the skirt/dress.

Now next step is fixing the walk animation and finish the intermediate frames.

Dunno if I said, but MOST of the sprites of Dimitrescu are totally original, I mean, hand drawn in paper, scanned and pixel trranslated. Few things are(crouch and walk, by the moment) translated from other characters(in this case are Iced's and Middler's from JoJo).

These two images are an example of something I haven't finished. So yes, basically with her I'm planning EVERYTHING, taking in consideration her persona from Village. Maaaaaaybe thewalk is a bit exaggerated and maybe Iced's walk fits her more, but she'd end looking like a man in disguise.

Well, a lot of bla bla bla.

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#605  March 08, 2024, 12:19:46 am
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Seems I don't work enough on my wips, but you know, zombies can't die once and for all by themselves in Dead Island 2 xD. That, and I've also been busy as Hell with an exam that unfortunately I was at the same doors but...couldn't pass. So next time, maybe!

Well, things.

- Ash: This guy seems to be an endless wip. I'd like to say I've already finished the 2k3 things, but I'd be lying. Currently finished his intro vs Betty, and now next bunch is a Lose, a Win and a Taunt from that game. Also, I'm heading to something original with him too.

- Kage: yes! it was a matter of time I go with a shoto, but this has a big BUT on it. As spriting the whole torso would be A LOT of work(muscles, etc), I'm just collaborating with certain stuff for someone's future version. So yes, as he's wearing his classic gi, he seems to be kinda Evil Ryu. Whatever!

- Alcina Dimitrescu: in stand by.

- Shiki: it's around a 75%(counting ONLY with SvC version). I may re-fix few things here and there.

- Mature: working slowly in her different to Vice's stuff.

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 12:48:40 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: FeLo & Co
#606  March 23, 2024, 12:15:38 pm
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Added: Chizuru, but not something 100% prioritary.

Why her? I'm having problems with Alcina Dimitrescu's folds, and Chizuru is an excellent testing for those while translated to CvS. Not just the static stance, but the movement is something that could help me a lot with Lady Dimitrescu. Also, as usual, I'm CSing her. I've found the correct path to make possible both classic and XV attires in one(even I'm not adding the cloak she has in the latest game).

And of course, working in the other things I said.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#607  March 24, 2024, 10:48:22 pm
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Is there any other platform we can find you? I'm really keen on your stuff but I don't come to this site that often.
Re: FeLo & Co
#608  March 25, 2024, 11:27:24 am
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Thanks, Shao.

I only post my stuff here(even I posted sheet in a banned website time ago). If you're n the Guild's discord, feel free to talk me if need something.

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#609  March 25, 2024, 09:00:01 pm
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awesome work as always Felo. I haven't been on here much in a good while but I may pick up my old projects again. I've lost most of my own work(not nearly as good as yours) so I'm starting fresh
Re: FeLo & Co
#610  March 26, 2024, 10:34:16 am
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awesome work as always Felo. I haven't been on here much in a good while but I may pick up my old projects again. I've lost most of my own work(not nearly as good as yours) so I'm starting fresh

Ouch man, that hurs!! If need help with spriting, hit me up, I'll try to help!

I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#611  March 27, 2024, 08:16:18 pm
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you're good man. I haven't done any mugen work since working on Akuma for CvTW. I don't even know if SeanAltly is even still doing any work on CvTW.
Re: FeLo & Co
#612  May 12, 2024, 02:25:43 pm
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Thanks, Slenderman! I'd like you to start again because we need talented people around! Go for it!!

Now, something which been around my head for some time ago. I felt CvS2 roster(even it's awesome, as we all know), lacks some people. Not talking about Alex, K' or so many others(of course we need them in!), but people who comes from both SvC versions(MotM and Chaos). So I did a smalllist which I'll explain here:

- IN GREEN: Characters which have their sheets converted to cvs or something similar to. And with very good quality. I include here works as Leona by Dampir, Tessa by Hatter or Mr.Karate/Takuma/Shin Mr.Karate by Demongorne. Yes, Demitri is here not because of his hideous DS sheet(Sorry to say, but it's the sad true), but because DGO is working in his sheet. So these shouldn't be touched at all. MAYBE Leona, and not the whole sheet, IMHO.

- IN YELLOW: Characters whose sprite sheet comes in a similar quality to CvS or previously converted to CvS. That's why I include Jubei(Samurai Shodown), even unplayable in SvC MotM, it happens the same as with Karin, Fio or Marco. Then we find Choi and Goenitz. Goenitz has a good quality buuuut falling in a lot of frames(IMHO) by Dampir. Not bashing his awesome work, because I love Dampir's work and he's a nice nice nice person. But this sheet in particular falls a bit in quality. Choi is here because even Falcon Rapper(??) did an awesome work porting stuff he hadn't in CvS(same as with Chang), I don't know the character a lot to say if it's lacking something or not, so I'd like to know your opinion at this topic, please. What does Chang&Choi needs to be complete?

- IN RED: Characters whose sheet hasn't been transated to CvS. I did few tests with G.Athena and Akari(sheet from Last Blade). I'd say that changing their paletes AND with minour fixes, they'd translate VERY well into CvS. Same happens with Firebrand, but as his svc sheet and MvC looks THAT different, is the reason why I included him in RED. Shiki is fine. I have her at 75% finished, but decided to put her on stand by because reasons, mostly because I've improved a lot of things in the late sprites that could add a lot to the whole sheet. Arthur has a very good classic MvC sheet and if I'm not wrong, someone translated his UMvC3 sprites to a very well looking CvS/MvC style. I'd like to know if this could be workable, that's why is in red. Kasumi is the WTF ya' doin' here hun'? since Falcon Rapper translated her sheet to CvS. KINDA. After seeing the whole thing, I can say he translated the hakama and pasted her cvs head here and there. But the rest of the sheet is her svc/kof, so she'd need a WHOLE thing. Also, I did a BIG BMP with ALL her animations(including AoF) in case of future choices.

Not going to lie. I'd LOVE to see this whole cast to be completed. I may be putting my hands in firebrand first once I finish Ash and Mature(Lady Dimitrescu would be during weekend thing to do, so don't expect her that soon, I'm sorry. Also, I'm recording myself doing the moves. So yes, I'm my own motion capture here hahahaha). After these two, I'd be considering going with someone from this list, the same way I'd love to do a once and for all BEAUTIFUL Viewtiful Joe, mixing both CvS shading(kinda) and his game of origin particular shading.

(This comes from my artwork topic in Graphic section)

- Head by: SteamBoy, with few fixes I did.
- Raw lines by: eFeX. It was not easy to fill all that, but I think I've managed to.

And yes, you guessed well: That scarf was a Hell to do.

So, basically, I'd like to know your opinions at this matter.

Have a nice day!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: May 19, 2024, 04:30:15 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: FeLo & Co
#613  May 18, 2024, 06:58:42 pm
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i think i will redo a certain moment ,  maybe within this year , maybe some girl with a whip is in plans, but tell no one about this...
Re: FeLo & Co
#614  May 24, 2024, 04:56:24 pm
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Oh? so you're back to fix him? Those are awesome news!!!

In news, these are the changes for Shiki:
  -----> Svc as Reference
As you can see, improved hair, her obi(belt) is now 3 pixeles bigger and bicolour, because I like that part of her design in artworks(which unfortunately didn't do the cut to SvC). I didn't include the CS for arms(shoulders and half chest) and fingers, because I feel it's not needed, same goes to add a ninja mask. I admit it would be cool, TBH. Specially because I CSed the upper part of her dress, so MK ninjas could be paleted in her.

The only reason I decided to put her in stand by is stupid as I am. I wasn't happy with her hair(AT ALL! It was hideous!!) so I wanted to improve that part, just didn't know how to. I admit it frustrated me A LOT. So yes, her hair is the only guilty of her hiatus status. Her back tattoos will only be the snake. The tribal one seemed SO chaotic sometimes and kinda looked like an ink stai in her back).

There was also a moment where I wanted to put the flower of her dress and cut her "back" dress as in SamSho19, as I wanted to put those lines for sandals, but I discarded this because it would increase the work A LOT(specially that flower). But in the end, it was just the upper part of her "sleeves", being the same colour as the lower dress.

This SvC/NGBC Shiki to CvS conversion will be free to everyone to use(don't make money out of it, please!). I may expand her moveset with SamSho 19 and Burst Shiki's set in the future and etc things. Please, if someone has videos or rips of those new movements Burst Shiki has, please, let me know, I only found a single kick in a random video of outube I've never found again.

Have a nice day!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: May 24, 2024, 05:14:13 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: FeLo & Co
#615  May 24, 2024, 08:00:05 pm
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Shiki’s looking terrific! And it’s no big deal on Yuga’s symbol, it can always be CSed in, great work as always:)


Re: FeLo & Co
#616  May 25, 2024, 02:53:16 am
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Yes, Demitri is here not because of his hideous DS sheet(Sorry to say, but it's the sad true), but because DGO is working in his sheet. So these shouldn't be touched at all...

Still working on, not as fast as i want, but he´s gonna be released... someday

By the way, Shiki looks awsome
Re: FeLo & Co
#617  May 25, 2024, 11:02:45 am
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Yes, Demitri is here not because of his hideous DS sheet(Sorry to say, but it's the sad true), but because DGO is working in his sheet. So these shouldn't be touched at all...

Still working on, not as fast as i want, but he´s gonna be released... someday

By the way, Shiki looks awsome

Those are awesome news!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#618  August 03, 2024, 12:52:30 pm
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Hell, it's been time.

I thought Ash was finished from his 2k3 stuff. But I forgot some things while I jumped into XV. Explanation of this image:

(The number is the ammount of frames missing for finishing that animation in particular)
- straigh kick(4 frames missing): That's a kick I personally loved in previous KOFs that was missing in XII and XV. I wanted so badly to translate it, but given the differences of leg placing, was a hard stone to avoid. What was my surprise playing XIII that Saiki has a VERY similar kick to it!! So I decided to convert straight from him. I'm sorry Sai! Your kick's going diectly to your treacherous descendant!
- "whatever pose"(1 frame): When I finished that animation, and I THOUGHT I FINISHED IT, I forgot to add that frame. So I'll have to translate(thing I'll do once the straight kick is finished).
- "High kick from XV"(7 frames): This is very sketchy, since it directly comes from a 3D rip. There're 7 frames to finish that animation. Patience please :(.
- "charging energy for an attack"(4 frames): I honestly forgot about that. There are only 4 frames to do, so perfect,.

With this, the base Ash will be finished. Of course, I want to add stuff from MIRA and a secret mode, but once these are done, I'll go to Mature(sorry JMM).

Also, I decided to add more stuff to Shiki, directly from SS64. Seems she has 2 things in that game that didn't do the cut in newer games. And of course, I thought in adding stuff from Penumbral Shiki(she has an amazing set of kicks and attacks too).

Seems it's all for today. Have a nice weekend!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo & Co
#619  August 08, 2024, 05:37:55 pm
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Great work!
Like always !!

I still feel his big haircut a bit too big to match with CVS characters, because of the source game.
But it's ok I think :)
Re: FeLo & Co
#620  August 13, 2024, 12:26:26 pm
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Merci beaucoup, Momotaro! At first I thought exactly the same about Ash's hair, but then I got to think that, without that bumpy hair, his head could look a bit too flat compared to other CvS characters, so I decided to keep it as in XII/XIII.

More news!

Next in the list is Shiki. I did a big image with all the NGBC/SvC sprites like 3 months ago, for doing her CS as I wanted, so startting from the very begining will allow me more freedom to make things as I want(being inside her design)

My version will have a bigger hair, a bit more of muscle definition in legs, extra lines for her obi, CS closer to her SamSho19(except I won't put her sandals and that big big flower).

I've started from the gethits, because that's the MOST boring part for me.

Here's a small comparison with old SvC and mine.

And yes, Mature will become a side project.

Now, I need your suggestion: 1 week for each of them or keeping Mature for the weekends? There are like  230 sprites of her to be done)

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!