
Avengers: United Battle Force (Read 565936 times)

Started by O Ilusionista, May 14, 2013, 05:02:48 pm
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Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#61  October 11, 2013, 03:10:48 am
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  • Does this look like the face of mercy?
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#62  October 13, 2013, 06:43:18 am
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that is the idea :)

Yes, some other chars will have grab and grab attacks, but not fancy Throws (or not throws at all) like Black Panther and Iron Fist. And there will be people with scripted slams, like Hulk, Beast, Hercules, etc. Hercules, for example, will be like King on Tekken

I asked to Doom edit more Beast frames, so he could execute some grabattacks

Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#63  October 16, 2013, 06:41:06 am
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I've been working on Tiger Shark, which will be the first boss. His AI is almost done (who knows my works knows that I never make anything too easy).
His voiced dialog:

I plan to make a new stage just to fight him, I have some cool ideas to test.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#64  October 17, 2013, 04:45:43 pm
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The dialogue should be

"I'm gonna take you on a wild ride" ;)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#65  October 17, 2013, 04:46:31 pm
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yeah, it was my mistake.
The voice says "I'm gonna take you for a wild ride, punk"
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#66  October 20, 2013, 08:22:52 am
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Finally I managed to code something I wanted since I decided to do Tiger Shark:

When you fight him, he (and only him) can go into and out from the water whenever he wants to. Each time he dives into the water, he appears in a different location, and jumps to attack you. And how much he stays random too, so no pattern to guess.

You can't hit him while on the water (neither when he is jumping into the water, you can hit him just once he is jumping out from the water), and he can call reinforcement which will jump from the water too. By the way, he can call those reinforcements even when he is fighting you on the pier.

I need to add some water effects on the pier and I need to find a better water splash, but I liked the result.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#67  October 21, 2013, 05:10:38 am
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Me (Hulk) and my son (Iron Man) playing against Tiger Shark, the new boss.

On the video, you can watch:
- Hulk new moves and grabs
- Tiger Shark moves
- The new Enemy Info Screen.
- new Boss music
- New pier stage
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#68  November 02, 2013, 07:42:06 pm
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More news...

- Finally I found resources to make the second stage, where you fight the Maggia crime syndicate. Its a stage full of thugs and gangsters. The sub boss is a big gangster, and the boss is Madame Masque with help of Dreadnoughts.

(its a mock-up, hence the lack of shadows)

- 5 new chars will join the team (but I think they won't be avaliable on the beta):

Black Panther (By Cyrrus - thanks Zvitor)

Moon Knight (by Jeffpr - again thanks Zvitor)

Wolverine (by Supaman2525 - Smartpal by Jhfer)

Brand (by Ens23)

Northstar (by Ens23)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#69  November 03, 2013, 03:58:55 pm
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Excellent work as usual man. İ like those new features You added.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#70  November 08, 2013, 06:59:54 pm
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no, Doom

Okay, this is the roster of the game

Ready (sprites and code)
1-Captain America
3-Iron Man
4-War Machine
7-Emma Frost
8-Madame Masque (boss)
9-Tiger Shark (boss)

Near completion:
12-Whirlwind (boss)

Sprites done only or missing many codes:
13- Scarlet Witch
14- Silver Surfer
15- Moon Knight

only sprites, but all done
16- Yondu
17- Black Panther
18- Antman* (we will change him)
19- Brand
20- Slaymaster (boss)
21- Tundra (boss and NPC)
22- Moon Dragon (NPC)
23- Klaw (boss)
24- Korvac (boss)
25- Starhawk (boss and playable)
26- Major Victory
27- Count Nefaria
28- DREADNOUGHT (enemy)
29- Winter Soldier
30- Black Knight
31- Archangel
32- Colossus
33- Wolverine
34- Living Laser (boss)
35- Sentinels (many)
36- Mandroids (enemies)
37- Mysterio

Sprites not finished
38- Spiderwoman
39- Hellcat
40- Dormammu (boss)
41- Arcade (boss)
42- Hercules
43- Crystal
44- Photon
45- BlackCat
46- Spiderman
47- Black Widow
48- Iron Fist
49- Magneto
50- Dagger
51- Ghost Rider
52- Luke Cage
53- Miss Marvel
54- Blob
55- Juggernauth
56- Lady Mandarin/Psylocke
57- Nortstar
58- Cyclops

And some other surprises :)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#71  November 08, 2013, 10:55:36 pm
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Wow! That is a huge roster.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#72  November 11, 2013, 01:13:10 am
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Two more chars:


Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#73  November 13, 2013, 02:02:22 am
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I've been very busy, but here are some infos about what I've made to the game. Some points aren't finished yet:

Game Manual

This is consuming too much of my free time, but will worth the trouble. Its a page showing each char bios, power grids, all the commands and gives some tips about each char.


-Each character have different values for attack, defense, speed, mp, mp consumption, mp recover and status change.
-Some chars have double jump, some have fly mode, some will run while some will only dash,etc

Passive Skills

Some chars will have passive skills, designed to give even more uniqueness.


Asgardian - Can't be burned or poisoned (still receive damage from the attacks)
Super Armor - He won't enter into the pain state if the attack isn't strong enough.
Natural Leadership - Recovers powers quickly.

New char: Angel

Jhfer is making an AWESOME work on his smartpalette.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#74  November 16, 2013, 08:04:22 pm
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Just some quick info:

Namor's sprites are done, and Jhfer already made a wonderfull job with the smartpal, so we can have a lot of costumes (each char will have 4 costumes)

(base smartpal -- Classic -- Sphinx Era -- X-men)

I am studying the idea of to change some attacks based on the palette the char is using. Nothing too fancy, maybe just one different attack.
And there are some cool surprises I will include down on the road, but they won't be avaliable on the next beta.

Working on Vision now. I've been watching Avengers cartoon with my son a lot those days, playing on the Facebook I got a lot of ideas for him.

Vision will abuse of his density change ability:

-His block now just make him intangibly

- When knocked down, he can escape by changing his density

(you can control where he will appear again. The enemies doesn't knows where Vision is until its full tangible again)

- Uses a illusion (not show on the video) to tricky the enemy and goes from the ground to attack the enemies

(the same for his spawn animation)

- Short blasts
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#75  November 24, 2013, 12:08:03 am
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
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okay, I managed to find some time to record a new video, showing some stuff from:

-Vision: Almost done, with his density control system
-Hawkeye: Arrow system
-Beast: some new grabs and aerial super
-Hulk: No invencible armor anymore (still super armor), new special
-War Machine: fly mode, Gatling gun.
-Iron Man: Fly mode

All the characters have random combo finishes (Vision uses a short blast, War Machine uses gatling gun etc), to avoid the game turn into a repetitive thing.

(I love how OpenBOR handles the water. And those hooks will have a major role on this stage later)
And youtube killed the fucking quality again...

I am aware of that the bios got covered by the char name. I will modify the image, since it seams that you can't put anything over the char name (this is a suggestion to the OpenBOR coders)

Thanks to MGMURROW for the UMVC3 sound effects.

Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 03:51:30 am by O Ilusionista
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#76  November 24, 2013, 12:30:17 am
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awesoman really liking what you are doing keep it up
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#77  November 24, 2013, 03:51:47 am
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
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Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#78  November 24, 2013, 01:20:53 pm
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Lot's of great gameplay and design stuff you got there man. This new ship level is amazing. It's animations and movements are smoothly. I have nothing to say about those characters. They all seem decent and original like they should be.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#79  November 26, 2013, 02:14:00 am
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Hey, man, this game is looking really good. I mean, like, REALLY, really good. Smooth animation, dynamic levels and gameplay...beat 'em up is my favorite genre, and I love marvel, so this is, like, a dream come true for me. But--and I wouldn't ask if the subject had not already come up, but since you responded to another user on the same matter, I have to ask....WHERE THE DEMO BE AT
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#80  November 26, 2013, 03:54:58 am
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
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Saddly, thanks to some issues at my RL I dont think i will be able to release the demo this Year yet, maybe in january. Thanks for your support.