
gaming news that don't deserve their own thread (Read 3235054 times)

Started by Titiln, October 30, 2011, 05:13:58 pm
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#61  November 15, 2011, 05:28:55 pm
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Sometimes you should just stop hunting GBK, and if he's being a dumbass like you claim, people will just stop replying to him ... but no, you have to be a dick to him, and try to put him down around every corner.

Seriously, that's not active moderation, that's called harassment.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#62  November 15, 2011, 09:01:10 pm
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Let's remember what the post said; "[...]intern by way of friend"

yeah good source +1 would recommend again. We don't need several threads for similar things. A rumor can count as news and be posted in the news thread because people aren't retarded enough to take the aforementioned source seriously.
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#63  November 15, 2011, 10:39:34 pm
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alrighty, i will learn from this experience and will post the next rumor i see on various gaming sites as a news here in this thread if i think it is noteworthy enough

Sorry mr admin

The original X-Box turned 10 years today btw
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#64  November 15, 2011, 10:43:14 pm
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He looks like he's going to make love to it.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#65  November 16, 2011, 01:54:56 am
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"Given the choice; whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire or to challenge the Fates for another throw a better throw against one's destiny... what was a king to do?
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#66  November 16, 2011, 05:17:32 am
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sure, for your sake let's disregard that the rumor spread like wildfire
wait a minute there are some gaming sites that post rumors with absolutely no shred of credibility to them??? wow really?????????
why don't you take my feedback?
because 1: i believe you're misinformed (you're under the impression i'm the only one doing all these bad things) 2: the way the shit thread works is fine and i disagree with you. some staff members could agree with you which is why i tell you to post it in feedback instead of this place but it's pretty obvious you'd rather stir up shit here.
why do you try to deflect your post-elitist and try to shift the blame on somebody else?
it's not so much shifting the blame as it is pointing out that whenever some other staff member does the exact same thing you don't seem to give a shit. fyi tempest brought up the idea of deleting the rumors thread which makes her a content nazi and a horrible person all around. maybe she too needs to chillaxe
Sometimes you should just stop hunting GBK, and if he's being a dumbass like you claim, people will just stop replying to him ... but no, you have to be a dick to him, and try to put him down around every corner.
i'm not hunting him. i'm not actively looking for his posts. if i didn't call him dumb when he posts dumb things someone else would have (which is what happens most of the case). if that's your definition of harassment then i could also claim you're harassing me by the amount of times you've replied to me lately attempting to derail whatever conversation is going on into something about how i'm a horrible administrator or a hypocrite in some way or another, but it might as well be a coincidence because you post often and you're bound to find a post by me in a thread you look at.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#67  November 16, 2011, 06:58:10 am
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Oh come on. Its no different from the posters who post rumors on which characters and modes we'll see in *insert upcoming fighting game* in the Fighting game board. How many times have we actively discussed character rumors when we first heard the announcement of MvC3?

You got problems with the rumor, its understandable. Going out of you way to insult someone for posting a thread to discuss the rumor is not.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#68  November 16, 2011, 07:02:19 am
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It wasn't about the rumor. It was about rumors in general. Rumors show up on the news, rumors don't need their own thread when this thread serves that purpose just fine. News doesn't mean absolute fact, it means new information that is released about a thing. Don't be stupid. If something is posted here that isn't fact, you can easily edit your post to say it wasn't, or to say it was a rumor, we don't need multiple threads that serve the same purpose.
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#69  November 16, 2011, 09:24:46 am
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I have a question, what exactly defines the difference between threadworthy gaming news, and news for this thread?

Beside that, it would make sense to make this thread sticky, wouldnt it?

thanks for the support people.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#70  November 16, 2011, 02:42:30 pm
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Oh come on. Its no different from the posters who post rumors on which characters and modes we'll see in *insert upcoming fighting game* in the Fighting game board. How many times have we actively discussed character rumors when we first heard the announcement of MvC3?
oh hey i remember this happening! except it wasn't its own thread and most posts about fighting game rumors were also questioning the sources instead of drooling over the possibility of whoever being in mvc3
Going out of you way to insult someone for posting a thread to discuss the rumor is not.
when did i or anyone else go out of their way to insult gbk for making the thread? i called the rumor laughable/dumb and the thread redundant. i didn't insult him for the thread. any insults he got because of this were because of personal attacks he posted later on. fucking quit talking out of your ass for a minute

I have a question, what exactly defines the difference between threadworthy gaming news, and news for this thread?
there's no clear definition but i imagine this thread would have links to smaller news or articles from gaming sites. think of it as the random topic. you can also post rumors that show up in whatever site but keep in mind that you'll get several replies laughing at the rumor source more than anything else. this is why having a thread dedicated solely to rumors is a bad idea
Beside that, it would make sense to make this thread sticky, wouldnt it?
barring the bullshit from recent pages this thread isn't active enough to justify a sticky yet.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#71  November 16, 2011, 03:18:24 pm
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Popularity of action-RPGs is "a ignore at your peril"

Final Fantasy XIII-2 producer Yoshinori Kitase has said the changing tastes of gamers means the next Final Fantasy may drift away from its turn-based roots.

Click to view larger image
In an interview with Edge, Kitase said the rising popularity of action-RPGs is "a ignore at your peril."

"I think the nature of the franchise is to present something new each time. In the global market we see many players moving away from games that used turn-based systems toward what you might term an action-RPG."

He went on to say a number of design elements of Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2's battle system began the transition.

"FFXIII and FFXIII-2's battle systems have those elements of speed and action that are the key words for us, though that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to stick to the same route in our next game," he said. "That's something only time can tell."

Earlier this year, Kitase acknowledged the faults of recent FF games and said FFXIII-2 will be 'completely different experience'.

No Comment

@Tiltin a sub forum just for gaming news and rumors would be cool, there could be one for the typical "whats you favourite shit blabla , which game do you want to see remade blablub" kinds of threads or for people searchinf for help in a game or ask for opinions about a new game etc. and one just dedicated to game news threads

that worked very well on some other forums like N4g where they seperate it clearly

Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#72  November 16, 2011, 03:27:41 pm
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@Tiltin a sub forum just for gaming news and rumors would be cool, there could be one for the typical "whats you favourite shit blabla , which game do you want to see remade blablub" kinds of threads or for people searchinf for help in a game or ask for opinions about a new game etc. and one just dedicated to game news threads
there's not enough activity to justify a subforum just for news
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#73  November 16, 2011, 06:04:14 pm
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#74  November 16, 2011, 10:15:51 pm
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Earlier this year, Kitase acknowledged the faults of recent FF games and said FFXIII-2 will be 'completely different experience'.

By that I hope he means a far less linear experience. I don't need open world, but I do like to explore and find hidden places on the world map. Also, villages and NPC interaction is never a bad thing.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#75  November 17, 2011, 03:36:09 am
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#76  November 17, 2011, 03:54:23 am
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By that I hope he means a far less linear experience. I don't need open world, but I do like to explore and find hidden places on the world map. Also, villages and NPC interaction is never a bad thing.

If you've been following the game at all you'd know that they are taking some huge steps to make it non-linear, but personally I don't like it because I dislike the battle system and FFXIII-2's story could make me vomit. I'll try the game but not for full price.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#77  November 17, 2011, 08:15:51 am
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Cool, and same here, pretty much. I don't mind the battle system though.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#78  November 17, 2011, 08:39:54 am
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Ubisoft Montreal currently working with next-generation Xbox devkits; major Sony studio shifts focus to new PlayStation.

Ubisoft Montreal is hard at work on 'target boxes' based on the intended specifications of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 successor, according to an Edge source. Delivery of the first iteration of genuine devkits, running custom hardware, is expected to reach studios before Christmas, and all signs point to the finalised console arriving at retail in late 2012.

Ubisoft’s teams are said to be working on PCs containing off-the-shelf components provided by Microsoft, and it’s our understanding that several other major developers, including certain EA studios, are also in possession of these target boxes. While our source was unable to share precise specifications, it is believed that AMD is providing the bespoke GPU solution for Microsoft’s console. A Ubisoft spokesperson said: "We do not comment on rumour and speculation."

We can also reveal that one major Sony-owned studio has now ceased PlayStation 3 development, its entire focus having shifted to the console’s successor. The studio is also said to have been involved in the development process of the graphics technology adopted by Sony’s new hardware.

Full article at
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#79  November 17, 2011, 09:38:44 am
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Finally got some vids on here.
Subscribe to me please and who knows, maybe my video walkthroughs will help you one day.......
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#80  November 17, 2011, 02:26:00 pm
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Popularity of action-RPGs is "a ignore at your peril"

Final Fantasy XIII-2 producer Yoshinori Kitase has said the changing tastes of gamers means the next Final Fantasy may drift away from its turn-based roots.

Click to view larger image
In an interview with Edge, Kitase said the rising popularity of action-RPGs is "a ignore at your peril."

"I think the nature of the franchise is to present something new each time. In the global market we see many players moving away from games that used turn-based systems toward what you might term an action-RPG."

He went on to say a number of design elements of Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2's battle system began the transition.

"FFXIII and FFXIII-2's battle systems have those elements of speed and action that are the key words for us, though that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to stick to the same route in our next game," he said. "That's something only time can tell."

Earlier this year, Kitase acknowledged the faults of recent FF games and said FFXIII-2 will be 'completely different experience'.

If it changes into something akin to Kingdom Hearts, then I'm good Squeenix