
Last game you finished + 4 lines review.  (Read 1309944 times)

Started by Santtu, May 30, 2010, 07:06:56 pm
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Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2401  January 30, 2020, 04:52:11 pm
  • *****
    • USA
Code Vein(PS4)

Out of all the games I've played that are "Souls" like, this is the only one that kept me engaged in it. It has a coherent and mostly interesting story, good char development and personalities, great fast paced combat and dozens of options, and is not too cheap with BS deaths.

It's honestly surprising because I'm not into anime, but I find the aesthetic of this game very befitting of it all. I really like how they made it you can change things up on the fly. Leveling up, you don't have to commit to specific stats like the Souls games. Dex, Strength, etc. are determined by "Blood Codes", which can be changed at any time once acquired. I've beaten it twice so far. You have to play through it at least 3 times I believe to get all the Blood Codes. I'm on my 3rd play through now.

Three trophies away from getting a platinum. I've been experimenting more in this play through. I never used a bayonet in my first two runs, though now I'm trying it out. Unfortunately, I didn't save Eva in my first runs, so I don't have access to her gun. Though I hear it's one of the best in the game. Companions weapons are usually good overall. Or at least useful in some way. Io's halberd actually isn't that good(imo), but it has a nice perk that can give you 25% resist to physical attacks for a short duration.

I've heard various people say this game is easier than Souls games. Mainly due to you can have an AI companion always. This only makes it a bit easier though to me. Honestly, the companion is really only good for res'ing you if you go down. They have to give up their own HP to do it tho, so, they'll usually get killed shortly after helping you. A lot of the time, they just got in my way, or really didn't do anything to help. As far as attacking a boss or something goes. Save for Yakumo, I'll admit, he is the best companion overall. Io is wife and all, we know, but she's not that great against bosses. She goes down pretty easy, like Mia, and their damage output is pretty meh.

At any rate, if you've ever been curious about a "Souls" like game, though have never played one, I recommend this one very much.  It's a bit intimidating at first with all the Gifts, Blood Codes, etc., though it's actually pretty straight forward. You also can change things as you progress, as leveling only effects flat bonuses in HP and attack. You don't have to commit to any build. Change things based on your preferences. There's also tons of char customization options and they let you do this anytime you're at home base. Very well made game that takes the formula of Souls, and adds it's own spin and aesthetic.

Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 04:57:15 pm by DW
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2402  February 05, 2020, 07:33:29 am
  • ****
so i finished two games i ditched and forgotten about...

GTA San Andreas:
i had played this game back when it first came out but i wanted to revisit it. and man its a great classic! with a shit ton of things to do in it. unfortunately tho i have other games to beat. so i stuck with the main story and finished it. don't play it on the ps3 tho, the remastered version is glitchy and had radio songs removed. the ps2 classic is removed from psn.

Spider-Man shattered dimensions:
i played this and left it before i played arkham origins and i kinda wish i hadn't spoiled myself with it. because this game's combat is just way too clunky compared arkham's.
unintuitive parry (that you have to unlock), no block, and no quick turns to cancel your combos. so if you're fighting a goon and some other goon comes up from behind you, you can't cancel your combo to hit him and you will have to eat his attacks. noir spider man can do this to a degree but the rest of the spider-men can't.
the last boss' goons are the worst case for this, there's way too many of them and they will gang up on you and will give you a hard time. so i ended it up cheesing a spin attack to win it. the spider men have unique combat skills to differentiate them and can alleviate this issue to a certain degree, especially ultimate and 2099.
the story and voice acting are good, the voice over from stan lee is excellent and he gave it his all (bless his soul). the villains selection is good and their boss fights are pretty varied and good. the spider men's quips are also pretty funny sometimes.
play it for the story or if you're a spider-man fan. its okay.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2403  February 05, 2020, 10:52:40 pm
  • *****
  • Eyyyy
    • UK
Gennos, you can always get the PS4 version of San Andreas. That one uses the original PS2 version as a base so its not a glitchy pile of piss.
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2404  February 06, 2020, 02:57:14 am
  • ****
  • I want to learn, no criticize
    • Dominica
Nier Automata
it was the second best hack and slash I ever played, history mode was really well made and combat mechanic were really well made, and the philosophy about human/androide vs machine was really well implemented 10/10
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2405  February 06, 2020, 09:00:30 am
  • ****
Gennos, you can always get the PS4 version of San Andreas. That one uses the original PS2 version as a base so its not a glitchy pile of piss.
it was too late to change it, i had a lot of progress in it and didn't feel like starting over again. but if i feel like playing it again im definitely not coming back to this version.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2406  February 06, 2020, 03:23:23 pm
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  • Eyyyy
    • UK
Ahh jeez, sunken cost fallacy. But still, once you're done with that pool of piss go play the PS4 version and see how way better that one feels. For one thing it doesn't crash like a motherfuck and have sound issues.
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2407  February 18, 2020, 06:10:11 pm
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    • USA
BattleBorn PS4

Finished the Ops run for Oscar Mikes' title.
Guys this game deserve atleast a 9/10, its well worth buying this game, so much fun and varied characters with heavy artwork and lore and personality. Deserves atleast a 9.9/10, no joke. Join us online! We need players ASAP!
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2408  February 18, 2020, 09:32:40 pm
  • *****
I just clicked your link and the first thing it says is that Battleborn is no longer available on any storefronts and the game is shutting down in a year lol
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2409  February 19, 2020, 12:55:33 am
  • *****
    • Puerto Rico
Let the man dream.
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2410  February 19, 2020, 01:36:23 am
  • ****
  • PSN&Steam: ViBeZ8282/Le-Fiction
    • USA
I just clicked your link and the first thing it says is that Battleborn is no longer available on any storefronts and the game is shutting down in a year lol

I should not be laughing this hard
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2411  February 19, 2020, 10:57:26 am
  • ****
  • PSN&Steam: ViBeZ8282/Le-Fiction
    • USA

Fuck these levels. Fuck these stupid ass difficulties. This game was not meant for the player and lastly this is a game of skill considering how unga bunga it is, 8/10.

BTW Loving the Vergil, Lady and Trish gameplay
Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 11:09:23 am by ViBeZ
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2412  February 19, 2020, 01:13:42 pm
  • ****
I just clicked your link and the first thing it says is that Battleborn is no longer available on any storefronts and the game is shutting down in a year lol
First thing i thought when i saw the poster is how much of a Overwatch ripoff this game looks. But apparently this game came out before it, and Overwatch is actually what took most of this game's players.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2413  February 19, 2020, 05:45:20 pm
  • *****
    • Puerto Rico
I just clicked your link and the first thing it says is that Battleborn is no longer available on any storefronts and the game is shutting down in a year lol
First thing i thought when i saw the poster is how much of a Overwatch ripoff this game looks. But apparently this game came out before it, and Overwatch is actually what took most of this game's players.
Overwatch was heavily advertised and everyone knew of the year long closed beta it had. Battleborn had nearly no advertisement except for maybe the open beta weekend it had. Easy to figure out what happened.
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2414  February 20, 2020, 04:52:51 pm
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TF2 wins again
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2415  July 27, 2020, 08:29:59 pm
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Red Alert 1 re-release.

It was a blast of nostalgia.
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2416  July 27, 2020, 08:34:41 pm
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Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2417  November 16, 2020, 12:33:13 am
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ff7 remake
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2418  June 07, 2021, 08:49:13 am
  • ****
  • Never give up
Resident Evil VIllage: It's a very good action game with light horror elements. I beat it 6 times and will probably play it a couple more.

Before that was Subnautica. That was one of the best gaming experiences that I've ever had. From the exploration, crafting, and fear of the unknown. If you weren't sacred of the ocean before, this game will probably make you think twice about dark water in IRL.
Re: Last game you finished + 4 lines review.
#2419  June 29, 2021, 10:54:24 am
    • Guatemala
Shadowman Remastered! one of the best game ever created! I don´t have words to describe, only this is the bactraking king