
The Nintendo News Thread (Read 1826374 times)

Started by "Bad News" Hoffmann, June 07, 2011, 09:14:28 pm
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#21  June 07, 2011, 11:00:28 pm
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I'm not sure for large controllers.

They are harder to carry around.

And I hope the controllers are not that heavy.

Why would you carry it around? not like you are going to leave the house. Even my PS3 controller sits on my lap while I am playing unless im leaning on a table with my arms sitting down. I dont think its going to be that heavy. If anything the iPad might weigh more.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#22  June 07, 2011, 11:04:29 pm
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#23  June 07, 2011, 11:13:11 pm
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Lets not forget something, even if the WiiU games can be compared graphically with xb360 and ps3 games..and we would see the same games on all three systems again like in 2001 with the ps2,gc and the xb

the xb360 and ps3 are since 5/6 years on the market and we probably see new consoles in 2013 which will both again make a technical difference as we know it today between the nintendo vs xb360/ps3 graphics

i am not a graphic whore, but that means probably big third party support for the microsoft and sony consoles which would see sequels of successful franchises while the wiiu would the wii see only some halfway good ports (dead rising, wwe smackdown etc) and mostly games made for the "casual" gamer (think the various petz games, sims etc)

And now, the "casual gamer" market is divided even..its not the same situation as in 2005 due to kinect and move

If Nintendo cant get a really big third party support this time, with games you didnt see on nintendo consoles GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect and what else is very popular they will lose a lot money in thenext years
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#24  June 07, 2011, 11:54:11 pm
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GBK do you ever look over your posts and think to yourself "maybe I should stop talking out of my ass"? Because if not, you really, really should.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#25  June 07, 2011, 11:57:56 pm
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#26  June 08, 2011, 12:51:18 am
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If Nintendo cant get a really big third party support this time, with games you didnt see on nintendo consoles GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect and what else is very popular they will lose a lot money in thenext years

They already mention that Rock Star is doing a game for Nintendo which was mentioned in Gameinformer. Not to mention EA and others are already backing up Nintendo. On top of that Nintendo isnt doing what they did with the Wii which is not even showing game companies their console. They already gotten their hands on the console and started to develop games for it.

the xb360 and ps3 are since 5/6 years on the market and we probably see new consoles in 2013 which will both again make a technical difference as we know it today between the nintendo vs xb360/ps3 graphics

I see 360 launching a new system. As for PS3 i doubt it for the simple fact that companies are still have trouble understanding how to do games for the PS3. My choice of words might not be correct on this (last sentence I wrote) but I do remember Sony saying that their system is going to have a life span of 10 years and not 5. 360 would need to release a new system maybe to start using Blue-Ray disc so they dont feel like a PS1 having to have multiple disc to play a game.

Im not a graphic whore either. In fact games have been so repetitive with all companies following a damn trend that I just started to play old school games starting with my PS1/Snes RPGs because the quality is far better. I am just tired of every game that comes out to be a FPS. I like them but enough is enough. There are just too many out.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#27  June 08, 2011, 04:02:19 am
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Sony really wants to wait 10 years to release a PS4. If I were them I wouldn't feel safe doing that. Because I have Sega related paranoia when it comes to how often to release a console.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#28  June 08, 2011, 04:39:55 am
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Sony really wants to wait 10 years to release a PS4. If I were them I wouldn't feel safe doing that. Because I have Sega related paranoia when it comes to how often to release a console.

LOL i dont know, I just feel like it would be a waste of money to come out with a ps4. due to the fact that there wasnt much released on the ps3. only thing good was the Kill Zones, Little big planets, and the Uncharteds. And now with the New nintendo being supported by other developers people are gonna be like hmmmm should i get it for the 360? Wii? or PS3?

I dont know man, the way the industry is going, little by little im starting to dislike video games. Now I know how those old school people rather stay retro lol
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#29  June 08, 2011, 11:35:13 am
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In fact games have been so repetitive with all companies following a damn trend that I just started to play old school games starting with my PS1/Snes RPGs because the quality is far better. I am just tired of every game that comes out to be a FPS. I like them but enough is enough. There are just too many out.


is exactly what i think about most (not all) games of the current generation as well. Games today are often trying to be like a action movie. Thats why i often play old games and/or "indie" games lately. Witcher 2 was a exception
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#30  June 08, 2011, 12:14:10 pm
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#31  June 08, 2011, 03:14:18 pm
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#32  June 08, 2011, 03:22:45 pm
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#33  June 08, 2011, 03:30:20 pm
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#34  June 08, 2011, 03:33:47 pm
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#35  June 08, 2011, 03:38:37 pm
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thanks for repeating what already was on the first threadpost ;)
you edited it in today.

Last Edit: Today at 05:42:34 am by GBK667 »

And that way I brought that to the center of discussion, instead of being a bullet point.
If you make an update to a list, but dont point it out further along, people wont discuss it.
Having a presentation of "this are our graphs!" and showing stuff from other consoles is fucking ridoncolous.

Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#36  June 08, 2011, 03:44:40 pm
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alrighty, will do a reply post the next time when i can update the first post
Having a presentation of "this are our graphs!" and showing stuff from other consoles is fucking ridoncolous.
^^ Thats what a big gamesite did, not my work i just thought its interesting
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#37  June 08, 2011, 03:46:12 pm
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I know its what they did,I wasnt implying you did nintendo presentation Oo.
Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#38  June 08, 2011, 03:47:55 pm
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thanks for repeating what already was on the first threadpost ;)
you edited it in today.

Last Edit: Today at 05:42:34 am by GBK667 »

And that way I brought that to the center of discussion, instead of being a bullet point.
If you make an update to a list, but dont point it out further along, people wont discuss it.
Having a presentation of "this are our graphs!" and showing stuff from other consoles is fucking ridoncolous.

I think he meant:

"... what already was added on the first threadpost."

So you are repeating GBK. His addition, to be specific.

Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#39  June 08, 2011, 03:53:20 pm
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At first I was unsure about the controller but now nintendo has really won me over, the graphics are amazing and the controller works well with the games and I think nintendo will make it so for most games only 1 controller is needed and you can use wiimotes for multiplayer etc so you won't have to spend £80 on a new controller
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Re: The Nintendo News Thread
#40  June 08, 2011, 03:56:12 pm
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I know its what they did,I wasnt implying you did nintendo presentation Oo.

sometimes i really should read something a second time.  kudos to ya lolz.

my english is probably good but obviously not perfect. i misunderstood you an thought you meant the picture with the size comparisons of the new wiiU controller and various other handhelds and consoles