
Anyone know how i can get in contact with Kenshiro99? (Read 4264 times)

Started by snowy997, March 05, 2025, 01:09:41 am
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Anyone know how i can get in contact with Kenshiro99?
#1  March 05, 2025, 01:09:41 am
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I've heard he does commissions, but i don't know how to contact him. He does not seem to be active here in MFG.
Re: Anyone know how i can get in contact with Kenshiro99?
#2  March 05, 2025, 03:59:46 am
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I've heard he does commissions, but i don't know how to contact him. He does not seem to be active here in MFG.

iirc, he's most likely retired/taking hiatus or break/busy with some other stuffs like irl work etc.
Something like that.
Re: Anyone know how i can get in contact with Kenshiro99?
#3  March 05, 2025, 01:04:28 pm
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Well, i remember that there were some characters that seemed do be comissioned by him, such as Akira Ogake, Vixen Widowmaker, etc. That were released on Mugen Archive (and reuploaded in AK1). and those seemed to be from circa 2024. It's because i would like to comission him a Misty using no1wammy's sprite sheet