
Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released (Read 5436 times)

Started by DeluxeGamer705, November 30, 2024, 01:47:39 pm
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Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#1  November 30, 2024, 01:47:39 pm
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  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
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    • Poland
Quite surprised I managed to get my next character done just before December would arrive. Even still, I always had the time to work on him if I decided to. Anyways, here it is!




Gameplay-wise, he is a 6-button character that is a Fragile Speedster-type character. He has lower defence, which means he can be K.O.'d earlier. However, he has higher speed, both in terms of mobility and attacking. His moveset is largely based on his gimmicks from Tomato Adventure (the game he comes from), but some original ones do make an appearance.

Get him here:

Found any bugs, errors, or oopsies? Send me your feedback and I'll update him when I have time!

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 05:04:33 pm by DeluxeGamer705
Re: Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#2  December 01, 2024, 09:47:21 am
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  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
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    • Poland
Had to fix some oddities with the download because of some random crap. Or maybe defender is just causing a false positive for whatever reason? ?_?

Whatever, next time before I release a char/edit or an update, I'm gonna check things out to see if everything works fine so that this garbage won't happen again. Boy, that sure was very strange. :confused:

Let me know if the download works, and if you have feedback for Relek, go ahead and tell me! :neutral:

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Re: Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#3  December 03, 2024, 05:36:19 am
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1201/1208 is getting debug flood.
[State 1026, Velocity]
type = HitVelSet  ;should just be velset

I think your 1030 "projectiles" if you make them stick around with invisible frames, for a few more frames, you'll see the combo counter count up correctly.

So far he's pretty fun. I'd personally like to see air moves, but not all chars get them so I'm ok with him how he is.
Jumping Fierce Punch is pretty decent. The damage is right where it needs to be. I find myself trying to get it to fire off on a short hop in P2's face. I think my max hits on Ryu is 10!
vVv N00bSaibot & Muramasa RoofTop vVv
Re: Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#4  December 03, 2024, 04:08:40 pm
  • **
  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
  • Gaming is so fun!
    • Poland
1201/1208 is getting debug flood.

Will try to fix it, though it's mainly done so that Below Scratch can work in simul mode as intended due to it being a tracking move (otherwise it would keep tracking the opponent leader even if they're K.O.'d)

[State 1026, Velocity]
type = HitVelSet  ;should just be velset

To be fair, considering KFM already had a complete, functional wall bounce, I've used the code from him, which is why there's HitVelSet here.

I think your 1030 "projectiles" if you make them stick around with invisible frames, for a few more frames, you'll see the combo counter count up correctly.

I'll make it so that the combo counter will count up correctly by increasing the remaining projectiles' hitstun, while the last one will have the least.

So far he's pretty fun. I'd personally like to see air moves, but not all chars get them so I'm ok with him how he is.
Jumping Fierce Punch is pretty decent. The damage is right where it needs to be. I find myself trying to get it to fire off on a short hop in P2's face. I think my max hits on Ryu is 10!

I'm glad to hear you like him. ;D
As for the "Jumping Fierce Punch", I'm not sure what do you mean. Are you referring to Below Scratch?

Either way, thanks for feedback. :)

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Re: Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#5  December 04, 2024, 06:07:11 pm
  • *****
  • Shame on you!
    • USA
As for the "Jumping Fierce Punch", I'm not sure what do you mean. Are you referring to Below Scratch?
the regular 620, jump+z ; Jump Strong Punch
He keeps spinning on taller enemies. I usually get 7 or 8, but if you hit the sweet spot you can get 10 hits!

also "SeedBombB" into "Yokozuna", 1110 into 3010, doesn't seem to keep the combo counting going. It looks like P2 stays in the hitstate the entire time.
vVv N00bSaibot & Muramasa RoofTop vVv
Re: Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#6  December 04, 2024, 06:12:36 pm
  • **
  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
  • Gaming is so fun!
    • Poland
As for the "Jumping Fierce Punch", I'm not sure what do you mean. Are you referring to Below Scratch?
the regular 620, jump+z ; Jump Strong Punch
He keeps spinning on taller enemies. I usually get 7 or 8, but if you hit the sweet spot you can get 10 hits!

Oh, I see. This is in fact the third time I've done this - first time was with my Minion Pig's V1 (back when it was rather barebones before updates fixed many issues, with the last one being v1.13 until v2's release and v1 no longer being updated in favour of v2), though functioned in a slightly different way - Yumetaro's V2 was the first char of mine to feature proper spinning with his jumping medium normal. ;)

also "SeedBombB" into "Yokozuna", 1110 into 3010, doesn't seem to keep the combo counting going. It looks like P2 stays in the hitstate the entire time.

You probably chained into it too late. I've tested it and it works properly, so you probably didn't chain it in time.

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 06:18:10 pm by DeluxeGamer705
Re: Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#7  December 07, 2024, 12:09:27 pm
  • **
  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
  • Gaming is so fun!
    • Poland
A week after release, v1.1 is now here!

- Fixed a debug error caused by Below Scratch's tracking property in single matches.
- EX ShuriGun's earlier hits now have more hitstun, while the animation was made a frame shorter, allowing the combo counter to count up correctly when the shurikens hit the opponent.
- Speaking of EX ShuriGun, an oversight was fixed where only the first shuriken played the correct hitspark on hit.
- Firehog now plays a smoke animation after the projectile charges forward, making use of an previously unused sprite.
- Removed an infinite involving Charge Kick by increasing the attack animation's endlag.
- Below Scratch is now an OTG (only the regular attack; startup's hitbox is not an OTG).
- Improved the shading on the victory portrait.

Also, I found the issue why some of my chars couldn't be downloaded! - apparently, defender and real time protection got a "Machine Learning" thing, but it doesn't do a good job detecting if the files are harmless or not, so a "wacatac.b!ml" false positive began coming! Don't worry - you can easily eliminate this issue when downloading a Mugen character and then it doesn't allow you to download it. ;)

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Re: Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#8  January 01, 2025, 11:47:21 am
  • **
  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
  • Gaming is so fun!
    • Poland
Since 2025 is here, I decided to update him to v1.2 to give him new stuff!

- Added new mechanics:
 - Parry
 - Air Dash
- Added a Guard Cancel.
- Added a Hyper Combo Finish.
- If Relek is facing to the left during Mole Rush, he now no longer appears on the same spot when the move is finished.
- New palette selector graphic.

EDIT: Due to certain issues with low parrying with two of my other characters, it was removed completely to be consistent with them. This will be
also done for my other characters that will receive parrying.

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 10:42:10 am by DeluxeGamer705
Re: Relek by DeluxeGamer705 - Released
#9  January 25, 2025, 05:04:58 pm
  • **
  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
  • Gaming is so fun!
    • Poland
To celebrate Tomato Adventure's 23rd anniversary, Relek has been updated to v1.3! ;D

- The sprites were updated to fix one inaccuracy.
- Seed Bomb has been buffed; its medium and hard versions now have increased damage (same with the EX version).

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.