
Mortal Kombat Project - need some guidance making non-MK characters with Finish (Read 5134 times)

Started by MKImc7r, January 25, 2025, 11:38:10 pm
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Mortal Kombat Project - need some guidance making non-MK characters with Finish
#1  January 25, 2025, 11:38:10 pm

One way to make chars into MKP that some already are doing but know to code a char is when they base the char on existing MKP char (for example I saw TMNT Donatello based on Jade MKP - and they replace sprites maybe add the same abilities of the original char dunno). Such characters will already share the common files FightFx.sff air and Common1.cns , Finishers since based on a MKP char.

The other way if someone knows it and could guide how to do it - a Char is not MKP and is just regular Mugen but needs to respond correctly to some states. This is what I would try if I know how:

Let' say you have Captain America. I would add a separate Common1.cns or other state files for such characters if I know - how to make the character be dizzy on Finish him - so far a MKP vs non-MKP character , the non-MKP char will continue fighting (but freezing the character like from Sub-Zero) makes them stop and round is over after they are 0 health and on finish him LOL - He needs to be dizzy on finish.

So How do I add this to a non-MKP char? This is if they use their own coding not using the MKP files but state numbers need to be same as MKP to trigger in the same way from MKP chars.

Then I may want to add at least one fatality to e.g. Captain America - again its own effect but maybe the code can take the Common MKP files FightFX, air etc? And ofc some bloody effects to be finished will have to be added as sprites and Animations - which is no problem since one can see what a MKP Character Animation Number is for that bloody effect and do the same Anim Num.

For example, I'd do it for Psycho Shredder , I am waiting a MKP version of him with finishers, Leaving him with the abilities he has.

NRS makes their super men, Conan, Homelander, but one of the things about Mugen there are no strings fatalizing well known super heroes and villains. Also I was looking to have with "3D sprites" or newer not the cartoony ones (but eventually them too) marvel chars like Spiderman, Venom, Venon Scorp, Vulture, Carnage, Electro, Dr Doom, Fantastic 4, Iron Man, Wolverine.

There used to be MKP boards to ask for specific MKP questions so if someone knows how to adapt and make tutorial in either way 1) or way 2), please do



By a small discovery I do this:

The first thing is making a Marvel character (non MKP) be finish-able. For this all it needed is add to the DEF* a customized - where I edit some command & block triggers that otherwise cause the character to crash if they are not removed or commented. As long as there is a code that tells the character to enter state 9010 (and uses dizzy Anim*5300). The issue with that is only specific hits make him enter the dizzy/finishable state.

A MKP character for example can fatalize him but if the Marvel char is lacking animations you may see for example his sprite still showing if the fatality does a 'body explode' for example - but does order to use FightFX sprites so you will see exploding bones. And if the fatality fails, he does not fall on the ground as failed finish but the battle continues. It needs to be made the battle to finish either with fatality or he needs to fall on the ground if just hit.*

So how do I fix it to always get into that dizzy state 9010?*

This is achieved by just using the and adding it to the DEF of the character. It is modified to remove commands that cause the character to crash. The question is what else needs to be added or removed for him to properly get Dizzy on Finish and 1 hit = falls on the ground.


Adding some fatal/pit to the Marvel character so HE can finish someone:

If someone knows and can make a tutorial on what can be added to a basic Mugen character - to make him finishable, have a finisher - without remaking completely based on MKP character as is 1), then this will be great.

Which of the files:, makes a non-MKP char trigger the Finish her/him state as originally a character wins when they win 2nd round.

Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 02:07:22 am by MKImc7r
Re: Mortal Kombat Project - need some guidance making non-MK characters with Finish
#2  January 31, 2025, 09:55:13 pm
  • *****
  • Shame on you!
    • USA
Nice work making Captain America finishable! You're on the right track.
One thing you'll be doing a lot is going from an MKP character back to Cap. I'd think having Captain America do Johnny Cage's uppercut the head off fatality would probably be the easiest one to duplicate. But if it seems like there's another fatality that Cap has the sprites to mimic, try that one out.

You'll need to be able to make a ChangeState in the CMD file, the Animation for the fatality in the AIR file, and the StateDef in the CNS file. You'll probably be able to find good sounds in the SND file, but you may want to add some from an MKP char.
If you do settle on making an uppercut fatality, you can use an existing animation, or you can copy and paste that animation into a new animation and change the timings to make it look more fatal.

Since you want it to mimic the way MKP do their fatalities, open up Kabal and find his fatality you did in the video. I think it plays a sound and the screen goes dark. So find the playsnd and other effects.
See if Captain America is using that StateDef number. If he isn't you could duplicate it inside Cap for consistency. Once you have the new StateDef number add the top with anim = the uppercut, and add a ChangeState at the bottom. Give it a
trigger1 = time >= 240   
This way you can use it in game and it'll still let you go back to normal.
One thing I like to do for creating a new move is to change Standing Light Punch's changestate in the CMD file to my new state's number. This way all I have to do is press X and it'll activate.
Once things are showing up in game, try to find out what Kabal/Johnny use to make the fatality happen. Do they make the bones and heads fly, or do they rely on P2 for that?

More than likely, you can check out Kabal's fatality and see how it looks on himself. I imagine that the StateDef Kabal sends P2 into for the fatality has an animation with a blank frame. That's why your Captain America has 2 bodies. You animation doesn't have a blank frame at the end.

Remember, you can press F4 to reload the round. So you can look at Kabal's debug values and P2's debug values pretty easy. F2 and F4 will probably become your favorite buttons.
vVv N00bSaibot & Muramasa RoofTop vVv
Re: Mortal Kombat Project - need some guidance making non-MK characters with Finish
#3  February 03, 2025, 02:34:44 am
Thanks, I will try that, specially for captain America I could try the Kung lao hat throw even if not easiest may work. But he will throw his shield instead.

because for now the Marvel chars are to be fought against, before making them a finisher, I'd like to fix them to always be finishable and these are the first things I am asking about. is the state that makes a non-MKP char finishable. But I had to remove some lines of code using "blok" or "command" that are MKP specific (ofc I duplicate the state for the non MKP), so the edited file works without crashing the character due to blok or other command, that is  how I get him finished but these are the bugs to fix:

The Marvel character does not always enter 'Finish him' when hit on low life round 2, as in the video only specific hit like kabal's missile ball or punching the Marvel char continuously makes them enter Finisher - how to make sure they are always Dizzy - and hitting the Marvel char if not fatality or other finisher used, should make them fall on the ground but as in the video, they do not fall if just hit once. These are the things to fix