
General HDBZ Discussion topic (Read 1239655 times)

Started by Iced, May 15, 2015, 11:27:53 am
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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#121  June 14, 2015, 11:19:47 am
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On the saiyan pride right corner there's a rock that has a z-index higher than the emotional state bars z-index.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#122  June 14, 2015, 01:16:40 pm
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I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by that. Can you provide more details and a screenshot of the error? Thanks
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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#123  June 14, 2015, 03:36:22 pm
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I think he means that on the Sayian Pride stage by NoZ, one of the rocks at the bottom of the stage has a higher sprite priority (ontop=1) than the emotion bars, thus covering them and affecting gameplay a little, since you don't have visual feedback on how full your emo bar is.
This is a little bug I never managed to correct. Once I used ontop=1 on the emotion bar helpers, the sprpriority stuff kept bugging because of the animations the emo bar helper keeps creating/destroying/scaling/etc. That's why I ended up removing ontop=1 all together for these helpers.
If you could find a way to make them work properly, that'd be great. :P


Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#124  June 14, 2015, 03:50:22 pm
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Exactly :D Sorry, I'm not familiar with mugen so I used what I know (CSS property z-index) to explain.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#125  June 14, 2015, 04:54:16 pm
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I always thought it was meant to be this way lol
Personnaly i think it gives more interactivity with the stage which is a good thing ofc.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#126  June 14, 2015, 07:59:00 pm
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Oh, I thought he was referring to Majin's Saiyan Pride Beatdown, when used as a finisher (for the BG rock stuff), that's why I didn't understand it :P

So, I restored the ontop=1 for the Vanilla gauge (Majin's gauge were working correctly) and now the bars are displayed on top of the rock. I couldn't find any of the problems you refer with weird explod behavior, so either Vegeta/Majin is not affected, or you fixed it somehow at a later stage and forgot to put the ontop=1 back.
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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#127  June 14, 2015, 11:33:56 pm
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Does the scaling part appear on top of the rock too ? The problem came from the frame and scaling parts which kept overlapping and changing priority.
I think it's odd to have the frame of the emo bar on top and the scaling part appearing under the rock, so that's why I placed everything underneath.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#128  June 21, 2015, 06:46:10 pm
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Quoting an e-mail I've gotten, I have no idea how to answer it, so gimme an answer:

"In the text document marked UPDATE, it states that Goku, SSJ Goku, and Vegeta cannot airblock after jumping forward or airdashing. I can't airblock after jumping forward or airdashing with anyone on the roster, but the AI can. Am I executing this incorrectly? Is the update file outdated or wrong? How can I block supers I unwittingly airdash into?

Keep up the good work, Team Z2. I really love this game and your two newest characters blow me away."
Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 06:53:11 pm by Balthazar
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#129  June 21, 2015, 11:11:29 pm
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"Hi Mr XXX,
Thanks a lot for your bug report, we never realized the AI could guard after an air dash or when jumping forward. We'll look into it and fix this ASAP, once we isolate the bug".

Dunno where this bug could come from. First, we have to confirm the AI can indeed do this.

The only code related to air guard is in the state-2 part :
[State -2, AirGuard];Don't airguard if you've dashed or moving forward
type = AssertSpecial
triggerall = var(10) = 1 || vel x >= 0.1
trigger1 = 1
flag = NoAirGuard
IgnoreHitPause = 1
I can't recall (for what I remember, at least) any AI code related to air guarding.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#130  June 21, 2015, 11:40:51 pm
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I've seen the AI pulling some impossible stuff from time to time, especially during guard, like for example guard on ground and then jump upwards while keeping the guard stance. Couldn't find any way to prevent it and that's why I don't like AI coding in winmugen.
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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#131  June 22, 2015, 05:20:22 pm
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So, guys. With the recent developments in DBZ SPRITE LEGACY, how does that affect your plans for this game, positively or negatively?

DBZ:EB's Cell looks straight out of Balthazar's paint, and Broly exactly what Diepod would have wanted to make of him, so ... I would assume that pillaging those, and try to make them work and play in Z2 Style would be great, don't you think?
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#132  June 22, 2015, 05:23:56 pm
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personally I think they would take a lot of adaptation, but that they are a great middlestep for some interesting adaptations. Broly is the one I think looks the best.

Dunno how Balth feels about it.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#133  June 22, 2015, 05:36:17 pm
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My gawd :gonk: Those sprites!
They are so awesome...that Hyper DBZ is cancelled effective immediately. I can't handle it. * faints*


Now seriously. Barker's Majin Bu is only a 2-sprite striker in the game, so moving forward on that one makes sense.

I truly believe that Zero de Armentis should continue to focus his efforts on that amazing CVS/SVC Demitri he's making, as that small Majin Bu is super legit in the official game. Sadly, it's almost the same case with Gotenks (unless the game's version doesn't fit the right size in the Z2 game).

Saiyans in DBZ:EB aren't muscular enough, Balth's versions end up looking superior. Beerus and Krillin weren't even in the plans, but they fit perfectly IMO
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#134  June 22, 2015, 05:44:42 pm
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It's a great asset, but it probably requires adaptation, and much more to make a usable sheet. DBZEB is a 3 button game with just a couple of specials, after all. Also, it does seem pretty repetitive : one main chain attack, up fireball, down fireball, ultimate fireball, same for everyone. It's far from the standards of several specials with branching combos and an "emotion mode" unique gameplay system.
I don't really know the spritecount between DBZEB and HDBZ, but I'd say DBZEB still needs to be doubled.
And I'm not even counting the animation quality, but then again, there are a few people involved who have made wonders of animations starting from just a couple of sprites.
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Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 05:47:56 pm by DKDC
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#135  June 22, 2015, 05:46:33 pm
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@walt im not sure if you read my previous comment or not.

Daeron gotenks still has a lot more personality and quality than the final sheet from the game. I see no reason to stop it.

Cant comment on Zero because he never really finished any one animation to compare.

Any sheet of those that get used will have to get a very heavy overhaul, if at least to get the missing basics ( it has 3 per character) moves , intro sand winposes.  The game seems to have 2 moves per character compared to our gameplay that is far denser and more geared towards a capcom playstyle.

Any spriter that would be interested in using a sheet of those to start a project towards our style would still have a lot of work ahead, but this will probably be a boon towards getting more characters.

I mean, Majin Vegeta alone has like 10 winposes where everyone has one animation for intro , time loss and winpose on extreme.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#136  June 22, 2015, 09:34:53 pm
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For the small characters, I don't think the spritesheets are really useful or can be leveraged for HDBZ.

For example, C18 or Cell idle stances are just 4 frames, and there are few differences between these frames. C18's walking sprites are just 5 frames and they are basically the same idle stances slightly edited:



It's a 3 button gameplay that doesn't even let to create a full 4 button character with weak/strong attacks, for example, there is only 1 crouching punch and 1 crouching kick.

No turning sprites. Some animations are missing in-between key frames, so the animation is not smooth.

In any case, it may be good for gathering ideas and references moves, which can be good for artists to outline and create new animations, but other than that, the hype and wow effect ends here.

Expect a plethora of broken EB characters that will try to earn the "first EB character released" achievement and fail miserably.
XGargoyle: Battle posing since 1979  <-- Please click that link  <-- Donations welcome!
Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 09:38:46 pm by XGargoyle


Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#137  June 22, 2015, 09:39:48 pm
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For the small characters, I don't think the spritesheets are really useful or can be leveraged for HDBZ.
Agree, but Krillins will work, for the others we at least have good keyframes

No turning sprites. Some animations are missing in-between key frames, so the animation is not smooth.
That's where I will come into play if there's some interest in somebody reworking them :)

Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#138  June 22, 2015, 09:42:31 pm
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once again ahead of the curve.
Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#139  June 22, 2015, 09:47:05 pm
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Re: General HDBZ Discussion topic
#140  June 22, 2015, 09:49:09 pm
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