
A touchy Topic (Read 79887 times)

Started by courte2, January 10, 2008, 06:45:14 am
A touchy Topic
#1  January 10, 2008, 06:45:14 am
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Regarding African American Characters in Fighting games... man it just got tense in here :gulp:

back in the early days, i suppose it was simply an evolution of character and art, but simply the portraits of some of the fictional african american characters is... god awful ugly in my opinion, take skate from streets of rage and brown bullet from agressors of dark combat. Such ugly children. Before anyone screams racist yes i am african american, and no i'm not even gonna touch Lucky Glauber and SNK+Black People = Basketball that's something for another place. your thoughts and opinions??
Re: A touchy Topic
#2  January 10, 2008, 06:54:07 am
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Heavy D! is awesome?

you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: A touchy Topic
#3  January 10, 2008, 07:17:32 am
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seth? dudley?
Re: A touchy Topic
#4  January 10, 2008, 07:20:16 am
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Dudley is actually cool and not ugly or stereotypical of- oh wait you said african americans not blacks so dudley doesn't count.
Re: A touchy Topic
#5  January 10, 2008, 07:32:08 am
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do the evil characters count
Re: A touchy Topic
#6  January 10, 2008, 07:34:29 am
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  • I've got ballllls of steeellll.
If we're specifically talking ugly/stupid-looking portraits, I don't think Balrog looked bad at all aside from being on the brute-ish side in Street Fighter II.  Although when Super Street Fighter II came along for some reason they did certainly dumb him up.  The way I look at it though, they were poking fun specifically at Mike Tyson; not black people.
Re: A touchy Topic
#7  January 10, 2008, 07:35:24 am
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Lmao actually Elena of sf3 is designed with a pretty mug even is she is stereo typed

Dudley is actually cool and not ugly or stereotypical of- oh wait you said african americans not blacks so dudley doesn't count.
Dudley is kick ass no doubt...

Hello guys.  I have touched children.
Re: A touchy Topic
#8  January 10, 2008, 07:36:06 am
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I just realized... all those people sans Seth use a boxing fighting style
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: A touchy Topic
#9  January 10, 2008, 07:46:33 am
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I believe that black representation in gaming has been less favorable than white or perhaps Asian but way better than a lot of other 'minority' groups. Indian, and Native American characters almost always appear to be awfully stereotypical. For reference take a look at SFII CE Dhalsim ending --; you'll be saddened.

I have many names, 
                            Chrisis X is my current sig :P = Me
Re: A touchy Topic
#10  January 10, 2008, 07:48:03 am
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  • If only I had my rainbow star back -_-
It's true that if you own a PS3 then all arguments made by those who don't have one are invalid.
Re: A touchy Topic
#11  January 10, 2008, 08:26:45 am
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If we're specifically talking ugly/stupid-looking portraits, I don't think Balrog looked bad at all aside from being on the brute-ish side in Street Fighter II.  Although when Super Street Fighter II came along for some reason they did certainly dumb him up.  The way I look at it though, they were poking fun specifically at Mike Tyson; not black people.
In the canon Bison/Balrog is stated to be quite ugly, and this is shown even in the games when Balrog/Vega shakes his head in disgust in his intro against him.

Also, +1 to your last sentence.
Re: A touchy Topic
#12  January 10, 2008, 08:29:00 am
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I believe that black representation in gaming has been less favorable than white or perhaps Asian but way better than a lot of other 'minority' groups. Indian, and Native American characters almost always appear to be awfully stereotypical. For reference take a look at SFII CE Dhalsim ending --; you'll be saddened.
thing is.... how would they make a game interesting if all the characters were portrayed as typical North Americans in street clothes...?
Hello guys.  I have touched children.
Re: A touchy Topic
#13  January 10, 2008, 08:32:44 am
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Yeah that's why they gave Mike a new wardrobe, knocked his teeth and brains out, and gave him steroids and the last name of "Bison."
Re: A touchy Topic
#14  January 10, 2008, 08:36:52 am
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  • I made it up for a videogame.
What's the good of phenomenal cosmic power if you can't blow something up?
Re: A touchy Topic
#15  January 10, 2008, 08:39:40 am
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probably he's like me... I've seen a lot of Indians with a cockney accent and the weird thing is I reside in Toronto.
Hello guys.  I have touched children.
Re: A touchy Topic
#16  January 10, 2008, 05:37:52 pm
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Hey it's hard. The Japs are developing the game characters and they seem to know not much about on how to portrait non-cliche characters. They even type-cast themselves :S

In the end, no one is to blame, it's not as if they were writing respected novels. Do you really WANT a serious depiction of something? Go read a serious author. As far as Capcom has explained, Ryu has never changed his clothes, and is still seeking the same thing 15 after his first appearance.

Hell, I've learned more about myself in the past 3 years, than Ryu has learned in 15 about hisself.
Re: A touchy Topic
#17  January 10, 2008, 08:32:49 pm
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seth was recently turned from blatantly black [he aint a bad lookin fellow] and dudley is indian, even though he lives in britian, i believe i'm not tooo sure
-1up's attempt at mapping the characters together is hilarious though they put it as bluntly as it is "Wants his car back"
-and yes i'm an talking about african americans but blacks are included as well, i find its not as bad now adays though
-heavy d! is Hispanic/Latin
-evil characters count
-to the post above me, well put, despite a few errors in grammar lol

thinking about it now, yes m. bison/balrog is sorta of like the characiture of Mike Tyson so it's well put, but his view in recent years, the comics, isn't as bad. We can be glad he doesn't have the squeaky voice... (I live in suffolk county new york, Mike Tyson lives in nassua--PLEASE DON'T KILL ME MIKE!!!!!! :S :crying:

anyhoo, quite a few of them are portrayed as boxers, but there is Lucky Glauber(KoF), Bobby Nelson;The Brown Bullet(Agressors or Dark Combat), and im taunt form, Sean... What is it matsuda?? (I don't need to put his game do i??) who'm all use basketballs in one form or another... for them it's more funny than offensive looking back now, accept that kid Bobby Nelson;Brown Bullet (WTF for the name) isn't that fast, i don't think he lets go of the ball, and he's got this ugly gary coleman like face lol
Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 08:40:42 pm by courte2
Re: A touchy Topic
#18  January 10, 2008, 08:55:04 pm
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Lord knows I've made my case in the guild about this, before I rant, let me just make this perfectly clear: every person in every fighting game known to man is a stereotype (don't pigeonhold the definition of "stereotype" to just race, then you'll see what I mean).

unorderly rant begins
Be it black boxers, ancient chinese secret having asians, long-legged-big-tittied-ass white/asian women, tranny-looking fighters with off-the-wall powers (i.e., Alba Meira), unusually-shy-"kawaii!" behavior-having-japanese-school-girl fighters....they're all equally bad

One of the things that pisses me off about black fighters in games is their defining features. EX: Elena from SF3, Vanessa from VF, and Seth from, last time I checked black people don't grow shimmering, long, thin white hair. Period. Characters like K' define somebody with a ludacris physique that can only be justified by staying in a tanning booth all day (literally) and dying their hair with chalk. You'd think that Japanese developers have never seen a black woman before.....

Truth be told, the designers don't care....
The Japs are developing the game characters and they seem to know not much about on how to portrait non-cliche characters. They even type-cast themselves :S
Kung fu gi wearing asians, black boxers, white boys leading as the protagonist.......yeah, these are what the industry (and fans, unfortunately) think is the only way to define somebody....oh well. The only way to break the door down on stereotypes in games to make a racially justifiable game yourself. Who knows if the fighting genre can actually have a black female fighter that looks like Kelly Rowland or a black male fighter that looks like Morris Chessnut.....

courte2: SNK's justification on Lucky Glauber was that the character's inspiration came from Kareem Abdul Jabar, the basketball player. He was in one of Bruce Lee's flicks back in the day.

......Heavy D! still owns, though  8).
Re: A touchy Topic
#19  January 10, 2008, 09:08:38 pm
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India was previously oppressed colonized befriended by the British Galactic Empire, so it would make sense that Dudley has roots in India. Just my 5 royal crests.

And maybe Elena got her hair dyed! Oh wait... her hair is canonically naturally white.
Re: A touchy Topic
#20  January 11, 2008, 05:40:09 am
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seth was recently turned from blatantly black [he aint a bad lookin fellow]
I'm looking for "into..."

and dudley is indian
Last I checked, no.

-heavy d! is Hispanic/Latin
uh what

-evil characters count
What the hell are you talking about?

Sean... What is it matsuda??
Sean is Brazilian... And 1/4 Japanese.