apologize? shit. speed come on. they can bury my account face down before i let them disrespect you for being different. It's not right. I really respect for being the bigger person and not being angry and all that but enough is enough. It isnt right
Boba, you are such an hypocrite that you hate homosexuals yet are trying to crusade for someone being "different"Way to go , son.about the Mi comment.
It's a cycle.M.I. bans someone, they get butthurt and head here. People act all crazy here, get in fights, get banned then move to M.I.The circle of internet forum life is then completed. Beautiful <3.
[SPV3] said, March 16, 2008, 02:00:35 amChaos!! Not you, too!!Sorry Speed but I clearly remember when I registered it said that you have to be respectful and shit like that...if ppl are going to disgrace my friend then they can go fuck a goatIced said, March 16, 2008, 02:04:10 amfunny(srry BoB)
SEE WHAT YOU DID?!?Now it will take at least two weeks to get him to umprivatize his chars.AGAIN!GOODNESS SAKE.JANGO COME BACK!
Iced said, March 16, 2008, 02:00:01 amOh wow you do have a flawed oppinion of yourself.So, if they ban you they cant handle you being right, if they dont ban you, they are admitting to you being right, if they argue with you they are senseless fuckers that argue at an avatar, if they dont argue with you they are useless. You are afraid of the gay.You just need to insert circular logic somewhere and you are off for the gold , boy-o.there is no circular logic. there is only 1 point. Speed should not be brought down because he is different. thats it nothing else. i dont criticize people for being gay. I never said that iced get the facts straight. I said i dont want to be around it because i dont believe in it. its cool chaos it was funny. strange and childish but funny nontheless
[SPV3] said, March 16, 2008, 02:05:40 amUntrue, mate.Creations are released in both Forums.i was here at the guild for a while, thinking it was the best, i took a visit to MI, made an account, and found out it is way better
Creations aren't made by the forums, stop being such a humongous retards.we are dumb fucks spamming this site for ten yearss.
So we went from talking about speed to talking about which site hasbetter creations....dont WE ALL have something better to do?