
Jubei (sprites by Rabano) and Ryu updated (05/02/2025) (Read 19243 times)

Started by KarmaCharmeleon, January 10, 2025, 01:32:48 pm
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Re: Jubei (sprites by Rabano) and Ryu updated (20/01/2025)
#21  January 20, 2025, 07:52:09 pm
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  • In a few minutes, bitch
    • Germany
A little late due to IRL, but here's some small feedback:
-The hitspark and guard spark of jumping MK is slightly misaligned (It's aligned where it's knee is and not his foot).
-Tawara Gaeshi and Tomoe Nage doesn't have a grab sound when it successfully countered on the 2nd frame.
-Tawara Gaeshi causes the opponent to get an on state 1465: changed to invalid action 1465 debug error.
-Dynamite Senbei Shuriken doesn't have a landing effect and sound when he leaps and touches the ground when it successfully connects.

It seems that debug error with Tawara Gaeshi was not in the previous version and just appeared in the recent update. Tomoe Nage is fine though.

All of these were fixed! Thanks for giving him a shot.
Spoiler: Jubei's Changelog (click to see content)
Spoiler: Ryu's Changelog (click to see content)

Typo in your changelog... You posted the changes for Jubei again, but for Ryu.  :rolleyes4:

You have it correct in your first post.
Whoops. Hope this one is okay hahaha.

Jubei updated.
Spoiler: Jubei's Changelog (click to see content)
Re: Jubei (sprites by Rabano) and Ryu updated (05/02/2025)
#22  February 05, 2025, 06:59:30 pm
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  • In a few minutes, bitch
    • Germany
Jubei and Ryu updated.
Spoiler: Jubei's Changelog (click to see content)
Spoiler: Ryu's Changelog (click to see content)
Re: Jubei (sprites by Rabano) and Ryu updated (05/02/2025)
#23  February 05, 2025, 10:03:43 pm
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  • The Chaos has ended. You will be remembered!
    • Germany
Re: Jubei (sprites by Rabano) and Ryu updated (05/02/2025)
#24  February 06, 2025, 12:58:49 pm
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  • In a few minutes, bitch
    • Germany
Sure, maybe I'll do it for next update ;D
Re: Jubei (sprites by Rabano) and Ryu updated (05/02/2025)
#25  February 10, 2025, 06:50:56 pm
  • ***
  • Small characters can kick big ass.
    • USA
I love that Jubei has such a simple moveset, and yet he's still plenty effective as a fighter. Absolutely badass sprite work from Rabano as well. You guys make a hell of a team! I also have to say that your Iori is among my favorite versions of him. Hell, I'm not even a particularly skilled Iori player in his source games, but your version and the way it plays is really enjoyable (especially with his Claw Mode), and I find myself using him fairly often.

I did find just a couple of bugs though (one for Iori, and one for Jubei):
Jubei -

When Jubei's Lvl3 projectile comes into contact with any other projectile or helper, the explosion still appears on the opponent.


I came across Iori during an arcade run and the AI used a Custom Combo against me, cancelling "100 Shiki: Oni Yaki" over and over again until the Custom Combo was finished. I guarded the entire thing, and the block damage was unreal.

For clarity, I used IkemenGo (Nightly) while running these characters. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for other potential bugs with your other characters as well, and report any findings here. Again, fantastic work guys! I look forward to seeing any projects you and your team decide to work on in the future! :D
Re: Jubei (sprites by Rabano) and Ryu updated (05/02/2025)
#26  February 13, 2025, 07:24:37 pm
  • ***
  • In a few minutes, bitch
    • Germany
Thanks for the reports! And also for the kind words!!
Fixed Jubei's cookie bug real quick. I also adjusted DP's chip damage so its less cheap. Referenced CvS2 for how it handled that string; it still does great damage and guardbreak, but shouldn't be THAT much.

I'll drop updates for both of these guys later this month, whenever I drop Terry's Remake. Stay tuned ;D