
[Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread (Read 1083485 times)

Started by Formerly Hoshi, April 21, 2010, 09:50:12 pm
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1921  January 10, 2017, 01:22:13 pm
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Thought i'd leave this here

I just lack the will to finish it. If anyone wants to, be my guest, i only ask for credit if used
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1922  January 13, 2017, 10:57:42 pm
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Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1923  January 13, 2017, 10:58:42 pm
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No, but his chest needs to be facing in the same direction as the rest of his torso
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Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1924  January 14, 2017, 12:11:04 am
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Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1925  January 15, 2017, 09:52:49 pm
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Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1926  January 17, 2017, 04:50:53 pm
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Hello guys! I am new here, and wanted to share with you my latest creation.
The last time I've drawn anything was around 10 years ago (Scruffy Dragon/Unlimited times), but recently, after playing Mother Russia Bleeds, I thought to myself: "what if I was working on a beat 'em up game?". So I was thinking about drawing something akin to SFIII, but a bit simpler.
I made a template, with all parts separated, so it is more like a constructor. I add details every once in a while, but so far I've came up with this:

I would like to add some more clothing and other stuff, but so far I would like to know your opinion.
And no, I'm not doing a beat 'em up game :)
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1927  January 17, 2017, 10:19:48 pm
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Needs a LOT of work
For one, the shading is off. Urien was shaded a specific way due to his lack of clothing (You frankensprited him, the feet and arms are a dead give away) Characters were shaded with a secondary purple tone a majority of the time
Secondly, proportions are wonky, and the stance is weird. He looks uncomfortable

This is an unfinished SF3 Cody i was drawing out, his stance looks a bit more natural, but i am by no means saying mine is perfect. I could also suggest looking up Diepods Cody, along with various SF3 characters in regards to what makes a solid stance, On top of that his torso is much larger than his legs. Don't get me wrong, exaggeration can be a plus. Just look at Dudely for that. But even so his legs look a bit too skinny in comparison
Thirdly, frankenspriting. While i don't completely hate it, a it can prove helpful in nailing a position or keeping proportions in mind, i do not reccomend it if you're starting out. It teaches you little if anything while yielding mostly unimpressive results at an earlier stage. Trust me on that one. It'll be hard to learn things the more traditional way, but completely worth it in the end. Believe me, this is what i used to be like


Much cleaner, smoother and all around more pleasing to look at. Perfect? Absolutely not, but it shows significant improvement
These things will take time man, and i sincerely wish you good luck with learning, just PM me  if you ever need some help or have any questions. I can't say i know everything, but i know far more now than i used to. Good luck regardless

Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1928  January 18, 2017, 10:25:04 am
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Hey Yoshin222! Thanks for your comment!
Needs a LOT of work
For one, the shading is off. Urien was shaded a specific way due to his lack of clothing (You frankensprited him, the feet and arms are a dead give away) Characters were shaded with a secondary purple tone a majority of the time
Secondly, proportions are wonky, and the stance is weird. He looks uncomfortable
On top of that his torso is much larger than his legs. Don't get me wrong, exaggeration can be a plus. Just look at Dudely for that. But even so his legs look a bit too skinny in comparison
Well, that's why I said it is "akin to SFIII, but simpler". I do like how Urien looks, but I'm not a fan of working with that style. I'm not good enough yet. That's why I made it simpler.
About proportions - it is frankensprited Urien, so all "parts" are his own, even the "skinny legs".
I thought about making his stance a defensive one: front shoulder lifted, so it protects the chin from incoming attack. Maybe it didn't turned out as I hoped. I was worried more about pants, lol :)
I redid his shoulder girdle:

Thirdly, frankenspriting. While i don't completely hate it, a it can prove helpful in nailing a position or keeping proportions in mind, i do not reccomend it if you're starting out. It teaches you little if anything while yielding mostly unimpressive results at an earlier stage. Trust me on that one. It'll be hard to learn things the more traditional way, but completely worth it in the end. Believe me, this is what i used to be like


Much cleaner, smoother and all around more pleasing to look at. Perfect? Absolutely not, but it shows significant improvement
But it doesn't look as good as your Sagat at the top of the page. The gi garb especially. By looking at Sagat I also see how you work. I suck at hand drawing :) But you are doing a fine job. This isn't a full time hobby, so if I fill like spriting - frankenspriting is my way to go. I know I won't be like Diepod - the guy is godlike.
Good luck
Thanks! You too.

Edit. After some thinking, perhaps I was wrong to post here, maybe I should have posted in CPS2 thread? :)
Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 05:43:42 pm by T-REX
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1929  January 27, 2017, 11:03:40 pm
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Your teeth are everywhere! Pick them up before they get lost!
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1930  February 01, 2017, 09:10:47 am
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Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 12:14:30 pm by likiji123
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1931  February 01, 2017, 12:55:35 pm
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Not really getting a CPS3 vibe from that. It doesn't seem all that akin to other CPS3 sprites from any title. I do however really like how the trousers are shaded, but his right knee seems a bit too low, but that could just be me
PS his left arm and shoulder look kinda deflated
Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 01:40:21 pm by Yoshin222
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1932  February 14, 2017, 04:34:48 am
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Man, beast or god... My punch smashes all into nothingness!

Color separated cause i'm nice lol

You know who you are, those who encouraged me to finish this. Thank you for that, hope ya like how it turned out!


Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1933  February 14, 2017, 05:41:18 am
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looks great! theres a bit of banding on his viewers left theigh and knee area.

his leg bandages have very rough anti-aliasing and look jagged.
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1934  February 14, 2017, 04:02:26 pm
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Thank you for the notes, i shall keep them in mind. However i am done with this, if anyone else wants to edit it, id like credit but thats enough of SF3 Sagat for now, at least for me XD
Again thank you, i will try to make good on this feedback and not repeat these mistakes
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1935  February 27, 2017, 05:48:09 am
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Bless Pin for helping me with the folds of his clothes.

Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 02:13:26 am by MotorRoach
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1936  February 27, 2017, 05:02:46 pm
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(Looks a little wide for the style. Maybe making the bottom of his pants a bit tighter would help with the overall silhouette)
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1937  February 27, 2017, 05:14:08 pm
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Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1938  March 02, 2017, 09:20:50 pm
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I was inspired by the Death Battle X segment between those two and Jotaro/Star Platinum.
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Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1939  March 26, 2017, 05:14:45 am
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A couple of cute little things i did in SF3 style for fun. Hope ya like
A pun gone too far

Originally made for a friend, feel free to use it. A Profile picture of Reaper from Overwatch in SF3-esque fashion

Lastly, another gift. For a streamer i enjoy watching by the name of Jessica. She draws along with playing video games, and love Rayman, and plays Ibuki in 3S So, Ibuki Rayman now exists

Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1940  July 02, 2017, 01:37:38 pm
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Something kind of old but thought maybe someone would find it neat
Anyone remember the unfinished animations of SF3 on EventHubs? Well, a while back i tried testing what they would be scaled down to, and have learned a thing or two. 1, Its likely that every frame was scaled down depending on either the animation or the character, an important distinction to make. 2 even characters with similar builds can have different scaling values that i can only assume are affected whether or not the character is in the air or not. Of course a lot more can be done to explore this but i'd like to get the ball rolling

Of course these aren't perfect but i feel these give a good approximation as to what the scaling could have been like. The actual values
46%  = Horz
34%  = Vert
54% = Horz
43% = Vert
52%  = Horz
38%  = Vert

Make of this what you will, have a good day