
The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!) (Read 275196 times)

Started by Sean Altly, July 26, 2011, 10:53:27 pm
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Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1541  January 10, 2014, 05:18:17 am
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As far as Reptile I kinda left him behind to brainstorm on ideas for his Hyper moves. Trying to find a way to implement his Acid hand, his version of the slide move, and thinking about making a few new things on him.
Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1542  January 10, 2014, 05:34:35 am
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It shouldn't be difficult especially with MK9 as reference. With the EX moves you can just attach interesting qualities and call it a character. There shouldn't be too much left right?
Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1543  January 10, 2014, 05:43:42 am
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Slide could work with follow-up properties so the initial hit aims low and the next input could either hit low again or become an overhead ground bounce for a combo, if you are referring to move ideas.  Or are you trying to make him closer to his source?
Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1544  January 12, 2014, 10:14:39 pm
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I'm trying to find a way to make his MK9 style slide. I was considering XNAlara to frame out the moves first then going from there with a conversion but other than that I've been thinking of ways to implement hypermoves. I was thinking since Sean has it to where the opponent dies(fatality) after the lvl3 hyper ends with no health I'd have to use something to kill the player. Acid puke or something.

I have to do decide on his UT move as well. but for now he's on hold til I finish Ermac which is gonna take a while since I want him to be as solid as I can get him.
Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1545  February 05, 2014, 12:41:29 am
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Just have the other player melt in puke for fatality, hypers can just be upgraded special moves. UT could be his dash elbow.

The ideas are the easy part tbqh. If it's coding and what not I can see your pain.
Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1546  February 21, 2014, 02:40:29 pm
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Did u have any plan to keep bosses in game. Sub-Boss Section and Final Boss Section is blank. Well, u can put a single boss from anywhere (not from capcom) as a Sub-Boss. And then put two bosses (One from 'Capcom' and another from 'The World') as Final-Boss.
About Capcom Final Boss, u can put Gill or, Oni.
Sprites are here-
Check out this-
May Be Chuchoryu will like to make CVTW-Oni.
Any way, I just suggesting or, sharing ideas. :)
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Sig 3: You did a mistake and then you simply admit it after realizing your fault. This is one of the coolest things ever you can do in your lifetime.
Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1547  February 22, 2014, 06:18:06 pm
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Sean's taken a break from Capcom vs The World. He'll get back to it on his own time but until then CvTW will stay as is unless other creators fashion together some characters.
Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1548  February 23, 2014, 05:28:03 am
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Sean's taken a break from Capcom vs The World. He'll get back to it on his own time but until then CvTW will stay as is unless other creators fashion together some characters.

OK. All Right. :)
Sig 1: I am nobody... Neither you... We won't be any matter just after a few years later when we die. Enjoy the happiness and sadness for now.

Sig 2: When someone or, a bunch of people makes fun of you. The total time they invested in making fun of you, is the time they couldn't manage to stay focused on their work or, development. If you care about them, let them know. If you don't, then don't bother. Stay focused on your own business.

Sig 3: You did a mistake and then you simply admit it after realizing your fault. This is one of the coolest things ever you can do in your lifetime.
Re: The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!)
#1549  May 15, 2014, 04:36:24 am
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For a sub-boss...

For the world  I guess Cervantes or Jack

for capcom, (if your doing it like that)
seth or captain commando
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