
Introduction Thread (INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO THE COMMUNITY HERE) (Read 8457702 times)

Started by shin. [OFWGKTA], July 07, 2007, 01:29:07 am
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Re: Introduction Thread
#61  August 28, 2007, 06:20:21 am
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  • [ + Bloody Tears + ]
Greetings. Saver is still here, and.. quite confused. Perhaps I will take a better look at WHAT happened here. I mean, all the release topics are gone. *coughOLDreleasetopicscough*
Re: Introduction Thread
#62  August 28, 2007, 06:23:34 am
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  • Mysterio! Do the Hustle!!!!
Your date of registration is on my birthday!  [glow=blue,2,900]LET"S DANCE!!![/glow]

FYI, it's a coyote... not a wolf f00! :Mr-T:
*Orton Poses*
Re: Introduction Thread
#63  August 28, 2007, 06:34:20 am
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Re: Introduction Thread
#64  August 28, 2007, 06:35:31 am
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>_> Gross, I'm surprised a moderator or admin won't take that darn picture down.
Re: Introduction Thread
#65  August 28, 2007, 06:39:46 am
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  • Mysterio! Do the Hustle!!!!
Has this whole, I'll post gratuidous images fad been goin' on in this forum for a while or is it new??? 

FYI, it's a coyote... not a wolf f00! :Mr-T:
*Orton Poses*
Re: Introduction Thread
#66  August 28, 2007, 07:19:41 am
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  • [ + Bloody Tears + ]
>_> I noticed people have put.. 'proper' introductions of themselfs.

Well then, I'll start from the beginning. My name is Saver. I learned about MUGEN from a friend of mine named Ylle. It took me only about a week to fully understand how to work MUGEN. Only thing's I am not trained in is to work Lifebars or actually making characters and such.

I'm... kinda disabled. I suffer from Mild Autism, CP, Scoliosis, and many UNKNOWN disiablties my mother had mentioned. It's rather difficult for me to actually type good. Though I do want to type rather good.

My interests are Anime,Manga,Anime conventions, MMORPGS, RPGS, Roleplaying and of course MUGEN.

Re: Introduction Thread
#67  August 28, 2007, 11:21:37 pm
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  • Is this thing on?
Greetings. I am Chrome, a narrow minded individual who sits around on internet forums and plays M.U.G.E.N all day long. I go on survival runs regularly and have now come to this forum in my initial search to find a character, now hopefully to stay.

You all will fear me irrationally, for no apparent reason. Randomness ftw! ;P
Re: Introduction Thread
#68  August 28, 2007, 11:29:15 pm
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Wow, I must have missed this, lol, all the excitement has been above (on the page, of course).

Well, I'm Ichierzen, a contributor over on Tarusac and Jed's GundamWar Mugen project, more of a tester really, and a member of MugenBR.

I've been a guest, looking over the releases section daily to find out what's new and exciting in the world of Mugen, but never joined until the new set of rules because I like that the staff of this community feels that in some way it can impact how the community is moving. Whether that's a good direction or not probably won't be solved until either the site dies away, or every other forum changes, so we'll see. Either way, I hope to help with whatever I can, and finally get my hands on a copy of Evil Orochi, lol.


Re: Introduction Thread
#69  August 29, 2007, 03:13:10 am
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Hi, I'm here to spy.

Re: Introduction Thread
#70  August 29, 2007, 02:10:33 pm
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I am Jigglypuff fanatic.

wait i already have been here awhile...

I left for awhile, so hi again
Re: Introduction Thread
#71  August 29, 2007, 08:09:29 pm
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Well I guess you can call me agentpussy I mean I'm getting more pussy than you ever will. Its nice that you can only get what you pay for.

If you like tall then you gonna like me.
Re: Introduction Thread
#72  August 29, 2007, 09:30:03 pm
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Re: Introduction Thread
#73  August 29, 2007, 10:42:28 pm
Re: Introduction Thread
#74  August 30, 2007, 02:13:22 am
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Well I guess you can call me agentpussy I mean I'm getting more pussy than you ever will. Its nice that you can only get what you pay for.

If you like tall then you gonna like me.
Re: Introduction Thread
#75  August 30, 2007, 03:20:51 am
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You only know what I tell you, therefore the fake bastard who's posing as me can only mimick and pretend to be like me.
Re: Introduction Thread
#76  August 30, 2007, 03:54:43 am
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Well I guess you can call me agentpussy I mean I'm getting more pussy than you ever will. Its nice that you can only get what you pay for.

If you like tall then you gonna like me.
Re: Introduction Thread
#77  August 30, 2007, 09:30:40 am
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Agentpussy never got back to me  :(
Re: Introduction Thread
#78  August 30, 2007, 09:34:53 am
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  • BOOYAA!!
I fanally Found the intro thread!
HEY THERE I'm Sol-blaze, I'm known around mugen as Solsuna, Sol, or Adian
Umm I'm a wannabe creater, I'm learning alot so far, I'm REALLY into martial arts :ninja:
To hell with the circumstances, I create oppertunities. -Bruce Lee
Re: Introduction Thread
#79  August 30, 2007, 09:40:00 am
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  • Zodiaccaidoz
I fanally Found the intro thread!
HEY THERE I'm Sol-blaze, I'm known around mugen as Solsuna, Sol, or Adian
Umm I'm a wannabe creater, I'm learning alot so far, I'm REALLY into martial arts :ninja:
You forgot the part about scaring the shit out of Agentpussy.
Re: Introduction Thread
#80  August 30, 2007, 10:04:14 am
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  • BOOYAA!!
Nah I didn't. I figure Why bother with someone like him? His trash talk of kicking somone's ass over the internet dosn't bother me anymore, I'll just ignore him, in "the end" he'll be the one looking like a fool.
Win, lose or draw, fighting somone over mugen is a waste of energy.
(besides all that crap talking he did only proves he has no skill what so ever like the thugs here in chicago)

Let's just drop it.

@clown king
just because he has a little problem with Agentsix dosn't mean he's a "leech".
To hell with the circumstances, I create oppertunities. -Bruce Lee