
Necro Post (Read 2903 times)

Started by Colobucci, November 18, 2024, 10:00:30 pm
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Necro Post
#1  November 18, 2024, 10:00:30 pm
  • **
    • Argentina
I'm wondering this: When is a post considered "Necro"? I ask because there are several Interesting Threads that I would like to comment on, but I see that there are recent comments that are crossed out as "Necro" and I want to know that, why they are called necro and under what circumstances they should be called that.
Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 10:05:24 pm by Colobucci
Re: Necro Post
#2  November 18, 2024, 10:42:56 pm
  • *
    • USA
Roughly 1 year of inactivity, I'd assume.

The best way to look at it is this... if the OPs last post in that thread is YEARS old, then the thread itself is NECRO.
Re: Necro Post
#3  November 18, 2024, 11:40:46 pm
  • ****
  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
Take a look at the forum rules:

But in short, 30 days of inactivity is already considered necrobump. Some topics can be bumped with no worries, like the ones outside the release and help boards and the sticky topics.

Think like this:
You want to post on X topic, but it's been more than 30 days that no one posts on it.
Are you adding something useful, important or relevant? (like correcting misinformation, adding new link for a dead one, the OP is not active here but it is in another place and you're updating his topic with information) = it's okay to bump.
Is this topic stickied? = it's okay to bump.
Is this topic about a franchise? (Street Fighter, Dragon Ball, Marvel) = it's okay to bump.
You found someone asking for help about something mugen related, the topic is very old but there is no answer, and you know the answer and wants to help = it's okay to bump.
You're the OP, you're updating your WIP topic or a release topic with new information about your work = it's okay to bump.

What is not okay:
The release topic is months or years old, link is dead, author is not active, and you'll ask for another link. Don't do this, instead create a topic in the Request section.
Same thing as above but instead of asking for a link, you just want to add a "nice char! +1". Don't do this, you're not adding anything useful.