
titiln reviews characters (Read 171032 times)

Started by Titiln, March 22, 2012, 02:55:43 am
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Re: titiln reviews characters
#201  March 29, 2012, 12:09:20 am
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Re: titiln reviews characters
#202  March 29, 2012, 12:23:14 am
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the character did not include a readme but the moves can be found in the thread (weird).

I guess that is pretty weird.

i figure you could add a second kick button that makes him attack with a stretchy leg.

That I can do.

his crouching kick is an infinite on some characters.

I'll fix that.

  the only voice samples he has are the text to speech samples from 2000's all your base video. since it's text to speech, why don't you make your own instead? that would give you a lot more options.

Okay, I'll try something.

i would ditch the afterimages altogether and go for something better looking. the afterimages in his jumping kick are troublesome because if you do that kick from a low height he'll still have afterimages after landing.

Yeah, I guess he can make due without them.

kamaitachi is 6/10 as he currently is

Well atleast he's not too bad, thank god.

Alright I'll get right on it, Thanks for the review. :)
Re: titiln reviews characters
#203  March 29, 2012, 03:25:46 am
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this is an okay character that is severely bogged down by its gameplay and coding. i wish someone else took the sprites and started from scratch, then this character would be very good, but right now he's just okay.

I feel the same way about that Deadpool from 2007.

In fact, y'know what?  Review him please:
Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 03:29:12 am by Baby Bonnie Hood
Re: titiln reviews characters
#204  March 29, 2012, 03:46:14 am
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i am now reviewing gator by sxvector he is at

this character is a custom version of a character from capoeira fighter 3 which i haven't played. i would guess the game has a lot of command basics because gator also has them. he can't jump to save his life but again i suppose that's an origin game thing. he's got several small issues however. some of his throws (like the frankensteiner) have poor alignment and should be made relative to the opponent's head position. other throws use the available gethits poorly and some even use nonexisting gethits only found in gator himself. some basics go through the opponent if up close. the portrait shown during hypers is still there during the move and it's distracting. his taunt is the same animation as one of his punches (same for the intro) which looked really weird. something better could've been done for the intro with what was available, like having him walk into the screen or something. i suppose something better could be done for the taunt too but if it's not possible then i'd ditch taunting altogether. all of these issues bring down what could be a pretty fun character.

gator gets 6/10 i hope he's updated at some point in time!!!


i am now reviewing evil ryu by reu he is at although i figure there's a more official place to download him

i don't think i have anything to say about this character (or evil ken) that hasn't been said before. while this character probably inspired countless of horrible "evil" edits, he's a good character, although it was evil ken that made the bigger impact on mugen. these were two characters that pushed the limit on how far you could go in customizing an existing character. lots of moves, lots of supers, lots of good sprite edits. compared to regular street fighter characters he's far more powerful because of all his moves and criminally easy comboability, but he's fun to use. it really is too bad we'll never get to know what other ideas reu had for mugen characters, or anything that involved creativity really. rip

evil ryu 10/10


it is time to review kei by rikard she is at

this char... is the big time TURDS!! she is an edit from many snk characters which rikard evidently had NO permission to use. her voice is lifted from some other game with no permission or credit given.  the code theft on this one is also blatant - one needs to look no further than the .def file to find copypasting

name = "Kei Nanasawa"
displayname = "Kei"
author = "Rikard"

compare this to sunboy's rolento

name = "Rolento Schugerg"
displayname = "Rolento"
author = "[Iwearties]"

rikard is a shameful thief which is why his character gets 10/10, which is a bad thing, because this is like golf and a high score is a bad thing. i was surprised he was italian - i was expecting him to be brazilian, because only people from brazil steal code.

now for a current day review: kei is an edited character based on several kof characters. i recognized animations from athena and vanessa but there are probably several others. the animations flow seamlessly between eachother and her proportions aren't all over the place, so she looks good. she's got plenty of fun varied moves and supers. her effects are the transparent blurry stuff we're used to. they mostly look good but some of them seemed a bit overkill, like her qcb qcb punch super that created an effect that took up most of the screen, or the cliche wings that appear during her qcb punch on air. these are things that could've been done without. her punch throw was pretty underwhelming considering all of her other moves. qcb qcb kick looks like it should kill the opponent during the last hit, which it doesn't. these are obviously minor issues that don't ruin the enjoyment of this character.

kei is 9/10


it is now time to review cm punk by seanaltly (cool majestic) he is at

while most of my reviews are prefaced by how i don't really know the game or character, this is the complete opposite - i know this motherfucker. cm punk is one of my favorite professional wrestlers. seanaltly made an animated cm punk stance for a dumb contest i had and he turned it into a full character. his sprites are all very good although the hair positioning during the anaconda vise kind of makes it look like his eyes are an X. he's got all the moves cm punk should have, be them the go to sleep, anaconda vise, running knee into bulldozer. the gethits used for the go to sleep are the best that could be done with mugen's available sprites, but since he's also part of a full game i hope the fullgame version uses custom gethits for that move. if there's one aspect of cm punk missing here it's his promo ability. he's severely lacking in lines during intros and winposes. it's hard to find clear audio in these situations but i'm sure something more could've been done here. there ought to be enough videos of cm punk saying things on youtube. i really hope he's updated with more lines at some point because then he'd be almost perfect

cm punk is 9/10


i am now reviewing reika murasame by taruse updated by bbh she can be downloaded at

reika is an original character with original sprites. she was made by taruse but updated by bbh. i don't know what bbh updated and a readme that did a better job at explaining her system would've been nice. but anyway. reika uses a sword system in which her sword becomes worse as it connects with the enemy. any hits that connect or are blocked will deteriorate the sword. she can replace her sword with a new sword that needs to be picked up. this makes her play differently from most characters. other than some minor issues like some effects being overkill (one of her basics creates a full screen effect if it connects, the throw turns the stage black and white) and her running behind an opponent (when she runs near an opponent) not working consistently well if the opponent is large she's a fun character that you should try out

reika is 9/10
Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 07:35:12 am by Titiln
Re: titiln reviews characters
#205  March 29, 2012, 05:50:18 am
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Yeah, I probably should've made a movelist.txt for her.  The only new moves she has from the ye olde original version are two new level 2 supers done with F,D,DF+y and B,D,DB+y.

Also, love those screenshots :yes:

Edit: Here, have a movelist.txt:
x - punch
y - strike
z - unused
a - kick
b - slash
c - katana

s - taunt

x -> a -> F+a -> D,DB,B+b
a -> F+a or D+a -> D,DB,B+b
j.x -> j.F+a -> D,DB,B+b

Joudan Keri - F+a
Ura Senpuu - D,DB,B+b (at end of combo)

Dodge - x+a
Dodge Attack - x or a or b (during Dodge) -> y
Dodge Cancel - y (during Dodge)
Guard Cancel - y (1000 power, while blocking)

Katana Summon - y+b or c (weapon gauge < 50%)
Katana Pickup - y+b or c (near katana)

Juumonji Kiri - F+b or B+b (near enemy)
Ura Juumonji - F+y or B+y (near enemy)

Zanba - D,DF,F+x
Seioudan - x (after Zanba)
Daichizan - b (after Zanba)

Hitenkyaku - D,DB,B+a
Double Hitenkyaku - D,DB,B,D,DB,B+a

Senpuuken - D,DF,F+b
Tsubamegaeshi - automatic (when Senpuuken hits a projectile)

Zero Sutorasshu - F,DF,D,DB,B+b

Shin Jinga - D,DF,F+y (1000 power)
Guren Daizan  - D,DB,B+y (1000 power)
Zangeki - F,D,DF+y (2000 power)
Raigeki - B,D,DB+y (2000 power)
14-ren Murasame Burasutaa - F,DF,D,DB,B,F+y (3000 power, weapon gauge > 50%)
Totally Not Ripping Off Rasetsumaru - D,DF,F+y+b (weapon gauge = 100%)
Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 06:50:19 am by Baby Bonnie Hood
Re: titiln reviews characters
#206  March 29, 2012, 06:01:57 am
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I actually scoured Youtube pretty thoroughly, almost everything is accompanied by tons of crowd noise or music. I got some lines from one of the Smackdown games where he had his own Road to Wrestlemania thing, but those were very low volume and quality.

Download Last Bout now!
Re: titiln reviews characters
#207  March 29, 2012, 06:05:49 am
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Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 01:19:06 pm by Purple
Re: titiln reviews characters
#208  March 29, 2012, 06:52:21 am
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Re: titiln reviews characters
#209  March 29, 2012, 06:57:10 am
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What games do you know well?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: titiln reviews characters
#210  March 29, 2012, 07:31:00 am
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i don't play fighting games enough to say i know them well but the ones i played the most are capcom
Re: titiln reviews characters
#211  March 29, 2012, 06:35:24 pm
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 :( you lost your touch on sarcastic reviewz i was expecting a gazillion brazillie points. Also thank you.
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Re: titiln reviews characters
#212  March 29, 2012, 06:44:37 pm
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I actually scoured Youtube pretty thoroughly, almost everything is accompanied by tons of crowd noise or music. I got some lines from one of the Smackdown games where he had his own Road to Wrestlemania thing, but those were very low volume and quality.
that sucks, man. maybe something from his latest promos (nothing referring to being best in the world though) could be used, since he's been talking a lot more now than before. if this fire burns plays during his winpose then the crowd noise might not be as noticeable when he talks


it is now time to review football len by k2r she is at good luck downloading her because sendspace is the worst

don't let this len's name fool you, she's playing soccer, not football. that's what she does. she can kick the ball around. her gameplay mostly consists of keeping control of the ball by kicking it around or doing special moves that affect the ball. without the ball she's basically useless. this makes her radically different from most characters i've played and she's actually really fun to get used to and play. she's kind of a chore to play against because the hitstun in her ball moves is huge. she's got a lot of different moves under different conditions and after spending several minutes messing around with her i still couldn't figure out some of them. the only aspect in soccer not represented here is that len does not roll on the ground for 2 minutes after being hit with a basic. she's definitely worth checking out if you're into novelty characters

len is 9/10


i am now reviewing abe by some guy that worked on nijikaku he is available at

this is a character originally made for a 2chan full game mugen project, based on a character from a gay manga that became popular among 2chan users and i guess he also gained notoriety in other imageboards like 4chan. he was adapted to regular mugen and i guess some things like winposes got lost in the process. i think this character predates molesting characters like slime and kuromaru. it apparently took this character for people to realize "hey you can make a mugen character that rapes people". the gameplay here is normal all things considered. his taunt in which some dude slams abe's dick with a practice sword (i dont know the japanese name shut the fuck up) damages abe but gives him powerbar in exchange. the level 3 in which abe takes the opponent to a public bathroom is hilarious. this is a funny character that i hope someone else updates at some point in time. stuff like winposes and maybe making him a 4 button character would make him better i think

abe is 8/10


it is now time to review deadpool by the unlimited he is at

this is an edited vs style deadpool made in 2007, way before mvc3 was even a thing. barring a handful of choppy animations the sprite work here is great. the voice samples found here get old fast, a problem also present in mvc3, but i suppose that's because deadpool is a zany idiot. like alucard's batman, the gameplay and coding is where this character falls apart, although it's not as bad here as it is with batman. several animations are sluggish, some intros and winposes take forever, and the way some animations are timed looks off. the sound mixing is poor, some sound effects are too loud, this is especially noticeable in the cable super which seemed redundant to begin with. ideally someone would restart this one from scratch using his mvc3 voice and maybe implementing some of his moves from that.

deadpool is 7/10


it is now time to review torao onigawara by nhk he is at

torao comes from daraku tenshi which i did not play. torao is one tough mother fucker. he is so busy kicking ass that he doesn't shower and is followed by flies. you can actually edit these flies by pressing start and change them into things like morrigan's bats, which is a purely aesthetic feature but still funny. his gameplay seems to be accurate to the source game. lots of heavy hitting strikes that cause a lot of damage. i suppose he works as he should and i don't know what else to say

torao gets a 9/10 because he apparently works as he should but he's not very fun
Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 11:45:13 pm by Titiln
Re: titiln reviews characters
#213  March 30, 2012, 03:55:33 am
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abe by man

Just so you know, Nijikaku uses authorname to determine gender.  Which is why everyone there is made by "man" or "woman".
Re: titiln reviews characters
#214  March 30, 2012, 04:25:52 am
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I must say I found your reviews and loose prose inspirational enough that I have done a couple of my own reviews at a different forum.
Re: titiln reviews characters
#215  March 30, 2012, 04:30:41 am
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Re: titiln reviews characters
#216  March 30, 2012, 05:03:48 am
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Well they are not reviews of MUGEN characters but just short video game reviews. I shamelessly copped the "hello x today i am reviewing x" because i think it's an amazing way to start reviews, lmao.

I'd link you but it's a non-MUGEN forum and stuff and idk, it's a small community I wouldn't really want under scrutiny, unless you'd like me to message you the thread in question. Of course it's not that big a deal
Re: titiln reviews characters
#217  March 30, 2012, 05:05:07 am
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but i'd like to see 'em too tho!!
Re: titiln reviews characters
#218  March 30, 2012, 05:12:50 am
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hm, maybe, i'll just message em to you guys

but getting back on topic, you forgot to include torao's entry in your table of contents on the OP
Re: titiln reviews characters
#219  March 30, 2012, 05:57:42 am
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I request Dark Eternal Champion by SuperMystery (keeping in mind he's a boss character)
Re: titiln reviews characters
#220  March 30, 2012, 06:10:59 am
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please post a link :dadadadaa: