
Optional Animation Standards (Read 778311 times)

Started by Jmorphman, February 16, 2012, 03:40:11 am
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#21  February 22, 2012, 07:34:10 pm
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Alessi childification move.

Unfortunately, until someone else that isn't H" releases an Alessi (or patches his) it can't be a standard. The coding only only triggers for certain name AND authorname parameters (ie: warusaki3's Black Polnareff and bad darkness' Kahn)

I believe Warusaki's Dio has the same deal with his blood sucking move, it triggers from within Dio himself and with certain parameters for both fields unless I'm mistaken.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#22  February 22, 2012, 09:47:28 pm
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Thanks Cyb and Koop for the explanations ;) I've some other minor questions about these anims:
-How many characters used those anims as you know?? I can't tell you since I recently know about this
-For my character, I've only to add those anims to recognize my character or it needs to be code added??

Also, for MK Fatalities, for which characters are applied those anims?? I mean, I used Borghi and Juano13 states for Eric (and I hope for more of my chars) and I didn't use those anims. Also, someone could add those anims to the list
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#23  February 22, 2012, 10:22:27 pm
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I used them in NxC Ryu. I think POTS used them at some point in his characters too.
Dunno more.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#24  February 24, 2012, 03:45:55 am
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  • 5130,5131 - Collapse
    5130 (falling to knees)
    5131 (on knees and falling to ground)

    Also called Cheese Kill (Blocking an attack and dying from the chip damage), but certain mugen characters also trigger this animation (Notable examples include BBH's Baby Bonnie Hood and Orochi Herman's Shadow DIO). There is no fixed time on either animation, nor a sprite requirement, other than previously stated.
    Examples: Guard an attack in SvC Chaos, CvS, KoF, or a few other game series, and die from chipping damage. This is also called a 'Cheap Finish' in some games.
    Special Notes:
    1) SvC Chaos characters have the fighter fall forwards, instead of backwards...but rise from the ground facting upwards. With this in mind, it'd be best to use 5950 for the Cheese Kill anim (See index number 5950) for the character. Even if you do this, anims 5130 and 5131 can still be used as special hits, granted you can supply the appropriate sprites. (CvS Pro on the PS1 may be a good source for these). Disregard this if you've added in the respective anims to take the different lie down position into account.
    2) The following info on the state structure for these is provided by Orochi Herman, who primarily set up this standard:

    Here is the state below. 5130 AND 5131.

    ; Collapse
    [Statedef 5130]
    type = U
    movetype = H
    physics = S
    anim = 5130 + (2 * (selfanimexist(5132) && statetype = C))
    ctrl = 0

    [State haha]
    type = DefenceMulSet
    trigger1 = 1
    value = 1
    ignorehitpause = 1

    ; Insert bits of coding here, including hurt sound, or whatever

    [State haha]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = anim = 5130 || anim = 5132
    trigger1 = animtime = 0
    value = 5131

    ; Collapse (lying Down)
    [Statedef 5131]
    type = L
    movetype = H
    physics = C
    anim = anim + 1
    ctrl = 0

    [State haha]
    type = PosAdd
    trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
    x = 30 ; measure this from the original animation.
    ;If your character does not have a posadd in their collapse anim, you may remove this controller.

    [State haha]
    type = ChangeAnim
    ;trigger1 = !animexist(5130)
    ;trigger1 = !animexist(5131)
    trigger1 = anim = 5131 || anim = 5133
    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
    value = IfElse(SelfAnimExist(5111), 5111, 5110)

    [State haha]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = Anim = [5110,5111]
    value = 5110 + IfElse(Alive, 0, 40) ;;HIT_BOUNCE

  • 5132,5133 - Collapse while crouching
    5132 (falling to knees)
    5133 (on knees and falling to ground)

    Same as 5130-5131, only for crouching.

  • 5180,5181 - Stagger
    5180 (staggering)
    5181 (recovering)

    Used in many games such as GGXX, Inyuasha, Mortal Kombat, and others. The character staggers back, then recovers.
    5180 has no fixed time; in fact, it's recommended that it loops.  5181, however, should ideally last for 3 frames.  For both anims, all frames require collision boxes.

  • 5250,5251 - Vertical spinning 
    5250 (going upwards)
    5251 (going downwards)

    When hit by certain attacks, the character flies through the air, spinning. Several mugen creations use these as special hits. If fact, 5251 can use the same sprites and amin timing as 5250, just with all the sprites flipped vertically. Very common.
    Standard setup:
    Requires collision boxes.
    (Timing is 2 ticks per frame)
    0: Facing left (opposite dirrection you'll commonly see the character face)
    1: Facing midway between left and towards the screen
    2: Facing midway between right and towards the screen (mirror of 1)
    3: Facing right (mirror of 0)
    4: Facing midway between right and away from the screen
    5: Facing midway between left and away from the screen (mirror of 4)
    Example: Saotome Cyclone from MvC
    Exactly the same and 5251, only V flag is applied to all

  • 5301 - 'Birdies'
    When hit by some of Hsien-Ko's weapons and knocked out, a trio of little chibi like sprites of the character encircles himself/herself.
    Example: Some of Hsien-Ko's (aka Lei-Lei's) hits cause this to appear.

  • 5330 - Super Slash Collapsing
    Found in SS (apparently...going from Roque's Nakoruru here). Very much like 5130 and 5131 rolled into one continuous animation.

  • 5900 - Wire Damage
    Simple, and straightforward. KoF related.

  • 5910,5911 - Guard Crush (Split)
    5910 (Guard has been crushed)
    5911 (recovering)

    If a character blocks too many attacks in a short period of time, the will be guard crushed, during which they'll stop blocking and be stunned, and very open to attack. Actually used more for special hits, the last anim sprite of the guard crush itself (before the recovery phase) has a time of -1. These two are really used primarily in special hits.
    Example: CvS, SvC, other games.

  • 5912 - Guard Crush
    5910 and 5911 in one continuous animation...for all intents and purposes, this is more than likely the anim you'll use for the character's guard crushing, setting up 5910 and 5911 for special hits.
    Example: CvS, SvC, other games.

  • 5915 - Guard Crush
    Just an alternate for 5912

  • 5920 - Guard Crush - Crouching
    Same purpose as 5912/5915, but specifically for when crouching. Also used after the character has been guard crushed in the air and lands.

  • 5930 - Guard Crush - Air
    Same purpose as 5912/5915, but specifically for when in the air.

  • 5940 - Tech Hit
    Tech hitting out of throws, basically. The character preforms a move to push away the opponent, and break out of a throw. No set length to time or sprite requirements.
    Example: SF III

  • 5945 - Throw has been Teched out of
    Opponent Tech Hits out of the character's throw attempt. Character  is pushed back a little, and slightly open for attack from the opponent. No set length to time or sprite requirements.
    Example: SF III?

  • 5950 - Collapse
    Basically the same anim as the other collapse anim, only with 5130 and 5131 combined. Used by some japanese creators, and useful if the Cheese Kill/Collapse anim has the character falling forward when they usually fall backwards on dying, so as to avoid complications with most chars that use an in-fight collapse anim special hit.

  • 5960 - Red Arremer Transformation
    After losing to Red Arremer, the character is transformed into a monster of sorts (usually). No set timing or sprite requirements.
    Example: SvC Chaos secret boss

  • 5965 - Athena Transformation
    After losing to (SvC) Athena, the character is transformed into an animal of sorts (usually). No set timing or sprite requirements.
    Example: SvC Chaos secret boss

  • 7008 - Spinning Horizontally Upwards
    The character is throwing horizontally into the air, spinning as they do so. The animation is set up as follows:
    0: Facing straight flat-out to the right. (90 degree angle if you reffer to straight facing up as 0 degrees, and go clockwise)
    1: Facing 135 degrees
    2: Facing 315 degrees

    The center should be about center for the sprite itself, so that it appears to spin fluidly.

    The AIR entry is also as follows:
    7008, 0, 0, 0, 2
    7008, 1, 0, 0, 3
    7008, 1, 0, 0, 3, H
    7008, 0, 0, 0, 3, H
    7008, 2, 0, 0, 3
    7008, 2, 0, 0, 3, H
    7008, 0, 0, 0, 3

    Examples: Anakaris' Gate to Hell attack.

  • 7591 - Choked grabbed by the neck
    Axis at the neck animation for character being grabbed by the neck or choked. Notably used by Queen Beryl's grab attack, but can have other purposes.

  • 7694 - Seppuku 
    The art of japanese ritualistic suicide with a sword, katana, or other weapon. Bishamon has an attack in NW and VS that will force the player to pull out a sword, then impale themselves with it. Found in BBH's Jedah and Baby Bonnie Hood. Overall time of anim cannot exceed 109 ticks.
    Examples: Bishamon's Hane Ha attack.

  • 7695 - Massive Bee Stings 
    The aftermath of being swarmed and stung by bees or other such similar insects. Q-Bee has an attack that causes this effect. Found in BBH's Jedah and Baby Bonie Hood, as well Hsieh's Morrigan. Usually one frame.
    Example: Q-Bee's +B attack

  • 7696 - Electrocution
    Being struck by an electric attack, most commonly via Victor, Blanka, Donvoan, Dean, or Lord Raptor. The anim appears to be 2 sprites usually (see Notes). The first sprite is the character appearing as if hit with electricity (has a sparking aura around the character). The second sprite has the character's body in a sort of 'X-ray' appearance, with their skeleton (depending on character) showing, a la a cartoon. Order is standard, and timing is 2 ticks/frame
    Example: *Very* common
    Special Notes:
    1) Sometimes 3 sprites: some games cause an alteration to the palettee for the electrocution color, and the third frame is the 'being shocked' sprite with the yellow portion of the anim reverting to the previous palettee for the finish...Vampire games are common with this little fact.
    2) Street Fighter 3 also uses 3 sprites, but the second sprite is a negaitve of the 'x-rayish' sprite...also, there is no electricy aura.

  • 7697 - Burned
    Being struck by an explosive or fiery attack. Character usually appears scorched, hair disheveled, and clothes trashed. Usually only one sprite. Felicia's Please Help Me attack also uses this hit.
    Example: Vampire game series, Pocket Fighter also

  • 7780 - Bloated Up
    Character bloats up like a balloon until they burst. Axis is placed on the characters head, and the total time for the anim is 138 ticks.
    Example: Jedah's trademark grab, Sange = Pasaare

  • 9000-9007 - Gloomy Puppet Show
    Each of these animations releates to a specific animation for the gloomy puppet show move:
    -9000: WP
    -9001: MP
    -9002: HP
    -9003: WK
    -9004: MK
    -9005: HK
    -9006: Standing
    -9007: Ending (no loop)

  • 9010 - Electrocution - Axis at Feet
    Exactly the same as 7696, but with one major difference: the first sprite must be numbered 9010,0, and the second 9010,1...this is because they're commonly used with ChangeAnim2.:( Also, you should have a duplicate of 9010 in your SFF as 9010,10, for the ChangeAnim2 reason.;)

  • 9011 - Electrocution - Axis at Waist
    Just like 9010, only the axis is at the waist for both sprites, and the numbers are 9011,0 and 9011,1, and the doubled sprite being 9011,10.;)

  • 9012 - Electrocution - Axis at Head
    Just like 9010, only the axis is at the head for both sprites, and the numbers are 9012,0 and 9012,1, and the doubled sprite being 9012,10.;)

  • 9015 - Burned
    Alternate for the normal burned anim.

  • 9016 - Frozen
    Simple. Character is frozen.

  • 9020 - SVC Version of Demitri's Midnight Bliss.
    Uses the exact standard seen below
    Standard setup:
    (Each entry is 1 tick)
    0 - Standing, Axis at feet.
    1-4 - Draining, Axis at neck (or whatever Demitri holds them up by)
    5 - Drained, Axis at neck (or whatever Demitri holds them up by)
    Example: Demitri's Midnight Bliss in SvC

  • 9021 - CFJ Version of Demitri's Midnight Bliss.
    Pretty straightforward: single animation, just a stance of the character turned female or sexy :P

    Use sound 9021, 0 for the moaning sound when the bliss is over.

  • 9022 - CFJ Version of Demitri's Midnight Bliss (secondary).
    A secondary one some characters use.

  • 9999 - An alternate for Electrocution (Index number 7696)

  • 12000 - An alternate for the SvC version of Demitri's Midnight Bliss.
    Solely the standing animation, with no timing limits or sprite requirements, but typically one anim (to avoid special hit problems, it might be best to leave the first sprite in whatever anim you want here 12000,0, and use other numbers for the subsequent animations, such as 12002, etc). Used in conjunction with index number 12000.

  • 12001 - An alternate for the SvC version of Demitri's Midnight Bliss.
    The draining animation itself. Used in conjunction with index number 12000. Axis is at the character's neck (or whatever Demitri holds them up by).
    Standard setup (Sprite Numbers are correct):
    12000, 1: 18 Ticks
    12000, 2: 8 Ticks
    12000, 3: 8 Ticks
    12000, 4: 27 Ticks
    12000, 5: 27 Ticks

  • 13000 - Alternate entry for Athena Transformation (Index number 5965)

  • 14000 - Alternate entry for Red Arremer Transformation (Index number 5960)

  • 15312 - Blinded
    Character is blinded from something, and is open to attack. Pretty much just like Dizzy.

  • 66660 - Alternate SvC version of the MB *again*, standing animation. (Part 1 of 3)
    (Ex-Infernis' Demitri). No sprite requirements, standing animation has a time of -1. Axis at feet.

  • 66661 - Alternate SvC version of the MB, draining, specificially the first sprite of it (Part 2 of 3).
    Even though it uses only the first sprite of the drain, it uses it three times in the animation, with the first entry being normal with a timing of 10, and the next two looping, the first entry of the loop adding 2 to the axis' value, and the second being normal. Axis at the neck (or whatever). Both use a time of 5 ticks. So if the sprite was 9020,1, you'd do this as follows:
     9020, 1, 0, 0, 10
     9020, 1, 2, 0, 5
     9020, 1, 0, 0, 5

  • 66662 - Alternate SvC version of the MB, the rest of the drain (The last 4 sprites). (Part 3 of 3)
    Each have a specific time of 5 save the last, which has a time of -1. Axis at the neck (or whatever).

  • 29989-29999 - Mortal Kombat Fatalities (by Obreck)
    29990: Sub-Zero's spine ripper, when he holds the opponent's head like a trophy. As the last sentence implies, this sprite is the characters head. One sprite animation, numbered 29990, 0

    29991: Character's severed head spinning, like in Johnny Cage's decap uppercut. Can have as many animation frames as you want and the squence should be allowed to loop. Number the most upright frame 29991,0

    29992: Charater's inanimate head lying on the ground. 1 frame in the anim, numbered 29992,0.

    29993: Character's headless body keeling over. The body should start standing and end up lying on the ground. Can have as many frames as you want as want, but should be under 70 ticks. The last frame should have -1 on its animation time. Number 1st frame 29993,0
    and the last 29994,0

    29994: Inanimate headless body, lying on the ground. Should look indentical to the last frame in animation 29993. No other requirements.

    29995: Severed lower half of charater's body. The animation is handled the same way as animation 29993. Number 1st frame 29995,0 and the last 29996,0. Make a duplicate frame for 29996,0 if you only used 1 frame for this squence.

    29996: Inanimate severed lower half of body, lying on the ground. Should look indentical to the last frame in animation 29995. No other requirements.

    29997: Severed lower half of charater's body. The animation is handled the same way as animation 29993. Number 1st frame 29997,0 and the last 29998,0. The appearance of the animations sprites should start upright and end with the torso on it's stomach.

    29998: Inanimate severed upper half of body, lying on the ground. Should look indentical to the last frame in animation 29997. No other requirements.

    29999: Exactly like 29997, only the torso should be missing its head. Number 1st frame 29999,0 and the last 29989,0 (not a typo) in this case.

    29989: Inanimate severed and headless upper half of body, lying on the ground. Should look indentical to the last frame in animation 29999. No other requirements.

  • 91230-91232 , 912320-912321 , 9123000 - Compatibility with Peketo (by Borghi)
    You can add compatibility with peketo's fatality, by looking at this tutorial.
  • 8055000-8055999: Character trait identifiers
    By Messatsu. This is a simple, painless method that can be added into any character to make interactions function better. For instance, CvS Vega's intro vs. beautiful women, or ugly people; then there's blood color or hit sounds (should a robot bleed?). Simply add these as air entries into your character (sprite refference or animation info is totally unimportant, just as long as the animation entry is present and valid).
    (Not finished just yet...will be all up in a bit)

    8055000,8055999 - Standard Detection:
    These two anims need to both be present in your character for detection purposes, to make sure he/she/it complies with these trait identifiers.

    8055001 - Male
    8055002 - Female
    8055003 - Neither

    Age he/she/it appears to be:
    8055010 - Baby
    8055011 - Child
    8055012 - Teenager
    8055013 - Young Adult
    8055014 - Middle Aged
    8055015 - Old
    8055016 - Ancient
    8055017 - Timeless

    8055020 - Human
    8055021 - Robot
    8055022 - Animal
    8055023 - Monster
    8055024 - Ghost
    8055025 - Mech
    8055026 - Mythological Creature
    8055027 - Alien
    8055028 - God
    8055029 - Object

    Blood Color:
    8055030 - Red
    8055031 - Green
    8055032 - Blue
    8055033 - Yellow
    8055034 - Purple
    8055035 - Orange
    8055036 - Black
    8055037 - White
    8055038 - Grey
    8055039 - Does not bleed

    Armor Type / Body Composition (i.e. For hitsounds):
    8055040 - None
    8055041 - Metal
    8055042 - Stone
    8055043 - Wood
    8055044 - Flame
    8055045 - Ice
    8055046 - Force

    Blocking Armor Type (Think shields, for example):
    8055047 - None
    8055048 - Metal
    8055049 - Stone
    8055050 - Wood
    8055051 - Flame
    8055052 - Ice
    8055053 - Force

    8055054 - Unarmed
    8055055 - Bladed
    8055056 - Piercing
    8055057 - Blunt
    8055058 - Magic
    8055059 - Projectile (guns, etc)

    8055060 - God Awful
    8055061 - Ugly
    8055062 - Average
    8055063 - Hot
    8055064 - Cute/Dead Sexy

    8055065 - Really Dorky
    8055066 - A Little Dorky
    8055067 - Normal
    8055068 - Cool
    8055069 - Very Cool

    8055070 - Evil
    8055071 - Mean
    8055072 - Neutral
    8055073 - Good Natured
    8055074 - Absolutely Moral (?!)

    8055080 - No Cognition
    8055081 - Stupid
    8055082 - Average
    8055083 - Smart
    8055084 - Genius
    8055085 - Winane (^_-)

    Artificial Inteligence:
    8055090 - Is a Joke
    8055091 - Easy to Beat
    8055092 - Average
    8055093 - Difficult to beat
    8055094 - Boss
    8055095 - Uber Cheap

    8055100 - Tiny
    8055101 - Midget
    8055102 - Short
    8055103 - Average Height
    8055104 - Tall
    8055105 - Towering

    Physical Build:
    8055110 - Ghastly Thin
    8055111 - Slender
    8055112 - Average
    8055113 - Buff
    8055114 - Massive
    8055115 - Chubby
    8055116 - Fat

    Fighting Styles:
    -  Aikido
    8055121 - Boxing
    8055122 - Capoeira
    8055123 - Choy Li Fut
    8055124 - Dim Mak
    8055125 - Gojukai Karate
    8055126 - Goju Ryu Karate
    8055127 - Hapkido
    8055128 - Hsing
    8055129 - Iaido
    8055130 - Jeet Kune Do
    8055131 - Judo
    8055132 - Jujutsu
    8055133 - Ju Jitsu
    8055134 - Kali
    8055135 - Karate
    8055136 - Kendo
    8055137 - Kenpo Karate
    8055138 - Kickboxing
    8055139 - Krav Maga
    8055140 - Kung Fu
    8055141 - Kyokushinkai
    8055142 - Muay Thai
    8055143 - Ninjutsu
    8055144 - Pentjak Silat
    8055145 - Pa Kua
    8055146 - Sambo
    8055147 - Savate
    8055148 - Shito Ryu Karate
    8055149 - Shorin Ryu
    8055150 - Shorinji Kempo
    8055151 - Shotokan Karate
    8055152 - Shukokai
    8055153 - Sumo
    8055154 - Taekwondo
    8055155 - Tai Chi Chuan
    8055156 - Tang Soo Do
    8055157 - Uechi Ryu
    8055158 - Wado Ryu Karate
    8055159 - Wing Chun Kung Fu
    8055160 - Yoseikan
    8055161 - Ansatsukan
    8055162 - Wrestling
    8055163 - Drunken Boxing
    8055164 - Ankoku Karate
    8055165 - Koppo
    8055166 - KOBUJUTSU
    8055168 - WU SHU
    8055169 - Unknown fighting style
    8055170 - KITANTAN-RYUU
    8055172 - Kenka Sappou
    8055173 - Hizoku
    8055174 - Vale Tudo
    8055175 - Saikyo-ryuu
    8055176 - Bushin-ryuu

    Blood Types: Just for SF2 fun :D  Use both A and B for AB:
    - A
    8055191 - B
    8055192 - O
    8055193 - +
    8055194 - -

    Race: (pick multiple) uses US census list.  don't complain about how limited it is until you, I or Messatsu can find a comprehensive list (this proves rather difficult):
    - White
    8055201 - African
    8055202 - Chinese
    8055203 - American Indian
    8055204 - Japanese
    8055205 - Filipino
    8055206 - Indian
    8055207 - Korean
    8055208 - Hawaiian
    8055209 - Vietnamese
    8055210 - Guamanian
    8055211 - Samoan
    8055212 - Latino
So you can THANK HIM for being kind enough to go through and see if he still had this...
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#25  February 24, 2012, 06:47:30 pm
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  • reach for the lowest one you can.
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So you can THANK HIM for being kind enough to go through and see if he still had this...
Haha no. Thank him for what? Throwing a hissy fit and deleting a bunch of stuff that served as a valuable resource for the community?

I don't think so.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#26  April 05, 2012, 10:43:51 pm
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5888 - Stuck In Ground
A general 'stuck in ground' state. Used for Deathmask's (by DrKelexo) Hammer Throw move, but could probably be used by something else in the future most likely. Pretty much just one sprite with a tick of 1.

edit: character now publicly released
Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 07:57:51 am by MelvanaInChains
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#27  April 05, 2012, 10:56:01 pm
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I really think this should be used alot more in general, not many characters use it but it could be used as a "just in case" kind of deal
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#28  April 06, 2012, 02:31:34 am
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i think the problem is most people overlook this section a lot, including me. and also there's another matter of 'what are the chances of my character getting stuck in the ground waist-down' or 'when the hell is my character going to be hit with a babality' and such

and yes, there is a babality state floating around somewhere thanks to juano. i forgot what it is animation-number-wise but i know the_none's jesse also uses it
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#29  April 06, 2012, 04:17:43 am
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double post because this section is hardly used but...does anyone still have access to juano's dismemberment state tutorials? they're offline and he has like 658 anims to trudge through with the mk2 one alone, so i wanna see if the man himself made it any clearer
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#30  November 18, 2012, 10:13:25 pm
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Yes, I'm adding this here, simply because there's probably a crapload of things here that's not on this list. Thought it'd be useful for anyone that may want to make things even more compatible or something...*shrugs*
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#31  December 01, 2012, 03:19:52 pm
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is everyone using this as a form to standardize certain things such as shocks and stuff?
cause my current WIP has shock sprites, and i wanna implement it correctly.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#32  December 01, 2012, 04:32:57 pm
  • ******
  • If you’re gonna reach for a star...
  • reach for the lowest one you can.
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is everyone using this as a form to standardize certain things such as shocks and stuff?
cause my current WIP has shock sprites, and i wanna implement it correctly.
Yes. Use 7696 and 9010; I've never seen anyone use 9011 and 9012 but it's up to you if you want to add them.

I've been criminally negligent to this thread, and I apologize. I'm going to start working on fixing everything up this week.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#33  December 01, 2012, 11:04:39 pm
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Oh lookie~ I got Jmorphman to actually get unlazy~ How bout that!
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#34  June 05, 2013, 12:24:13 am
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    • Skype - koopakootmugen
Jmorphman, when you are ready, see if there are any characters that make use of this get hit:

Re: Optional Animation Standards
#35  June 05, 2013, 12:49:15 am
  • ****
  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • USA
    • Skype -
Wait what? That actually existed in SVC? That's news to me. o_O

Also, the 6 month old link I have has more things added to it, so maybe that'll be useful in something? ^^;
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#36  June 05, 2013, 04:11:05 am
  • ******
  • If you’re gonna reach for a star...
  • reach for the lowest one you can.
    • USA
What 6-month-old link?
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#37  June 05, 2013, 04:32:53 am
  • ****
  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • USA
    • Skype -
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#38  June 25, 2013, 10:11:01 am
  • ******
  • If you’re gonna reach for a star...
  • reach for the lowest one you can.
    • USA
Self-reminder to standardize an Apple for You animation.

... it is a unique animation, right? I can't check now.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#39  June 25, 2013, 10:19:08 am
  • ****
  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • USA
    • Skype -
I'd say it is. I can't think of anyone other than B.B. Hood ever using it so...although nobody seems to ever make anything for it in their characters (but then again, they don't do 3/4 of these special animations so...).
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#40  June 25, 2013, 11:05:00 am
  • ******
  • If you’re gonna reach for a star...
  • reach for the lowest one you can.
    • USA
Well, who'd of thunk that someone would use Anakaris's Pharaoh's Curse animation? I mean, might as well come up with a standard and stuff...