> I've got another character edit for you all. This time, it's chibasin's Agent P (Perry The Platypus) from the TV series Phineas and Ferb, and is my first Disney character edit. It only took just over a week to finish, but I'm still proud of the outcome. As usual, here are the changes I made to the character in the form of a wall of text...> Extended height of portrait by one pixel so that it fits border (120 x 140 pixels).> Increased attack from 70 to 100.> Standing quick jab (200) now does 10 damage instead of 20.> Extended CLSN1 box of standing hard kick (205) forward by one pixel.> Quick kick (205) now does 15 damage instead of 19.> Quick kick (205) can no longer be comboed into from standing quick jab (200) or crouching quick jab (400).> Standing hard punch (210) now does 40 damage instead of 57.> Standing hard punch (210) can no longer be comboed into from crouching tail whip (405).> Back roundhouse kick (215) now does 50 damage instead of 60.> Back roundhouse kick (215) can no longer be comboed into from any of its original attacks except standing quick jab (200) and crouching quick jab (400).> Crouching quick jab (400) now does 10 damage instead of 23.> Extended CLSN1 box of crouching tail whip (405) forward by one pixel.> Crouching tail whip (405) now does 20 damage instead of 28.> The second frame of the crouching tail whip (405) is now 2 ticks long instead of 4.> Increased ground.hittime of crouching tail whip (405) from 10 to 15.> Retracted CLSN1 box of crouching hard jab (410) backward by two pixels.> Crouching hard jab (410) now does 30 damage instead of 60.> The third frame of the crouching hard jab (410) is now 4 ticks long instead of 3.> Crouching hard jab (410) can no longer be comboed into from crouching tail whip (405).> Sliding kick (415) now does 40 damage instead of 72.> Retracted CLSN1 box of aerial quick punch (600) backward by three pixels.> Aerial quick kick (605) now does 10 damage instead of 26.> Aerial hard punch (610) now does 50 damage instead of 72.> Aerial hard kick (615) now does 40 damage instead of 70.> Retracted CLSN1 box of grab attempt (800) backward by four pixels.> Subtracted one tick from each of the first five frames of Quick Tobidougu special (1000).> Quick Tobidougu special (1000) now does 20 damage instead of 80.> Quick Tobidougu special (1000) can no longer be comboed into from any of its original attacks except standing hard punch (210).> Hard Tobidougu special (1010) now does 40 damage instead of 90.> Hard Tobidougu special (1010) can no longer be comboed into from any attack.> Subtracted one tick from each of the first seven frames of Raijinken special (1100).> Raijinken special (1100) now does 40 damage instead of 100.> Quick Raijinken special (1100) can no longer be comboed into from any of its original attacks except quick kick (205).> Quick Raijinken special (1100) can now be comboed into from sliding kick (415).> Added HK version of Raijinken special (1110), which does 80 damage and propels Perry higher than the QK version.> Hard Raijinken special (1110) can no longer be comboed into from any attack.> Removed dust explods (3170) from Raijinken specials (1100 and 1110)> Added CLSN1 box to the second frame of quick Sipputuki animation (1150).> Added new HitDef to quick Sipputuki special (1150) so that Perry hits on the second frame.> Quick Sipputuki special (1150) now does up to 40 damage instead of 70.> Increased ground.hittime of first hit of quick Sipputuki special (1150) from 15 to 25.> Quick Sipputuki special (1150) can no longer be comboed into from any of its original attacks except standing hard punch (210).> Added CLSN1 box to the second frame of hard Sipputuki animation (1160).> Added new HitDef to hard Sipputuki special (1160) so that Perry hits on the second frame.> Increased ground.hittime of middle hits of hard Sipputuki special (1160) from 15 to 25.> Hard Sipputuki special (1160) can no longer be comboed into from any of its original attacks except standing hard punch (210).> Hiensenpu special (1170) now does 60 damage instead of 80.> Hiensenpu special (1170) can no longer be comboed into from Aerial quick kick (605) or Aerial hard kick (615).> Parable specials (1200, 1210, 1300) are now Level 1 supers.> Parable supers (1200, 1210, 1300) now hit ten times instead of one.> Parable supers (1200, 1210, 1300) now do 15 damage per hit, totaling up to 150 damage, instead of 80 damage in one hit.> Parable supers (1200, 1210, 1300) can no longer be comboed into from any attack.> Adjusted CLSN1 boxes of both Parable flame jet animations (3100 and 3110).> The third frame of the Ohaou animation (2000) is now 60 ticks long instead of 4.> Ohaou super (2000) now does 200 damage instead of 250.> Ohaou super (2000) can no longer be comboed into from any attack.> Added new CLSN1 box to cover front foot of ROBOperry animation (2110).> Sandantuki super (2100) now does 220 damage instead of 250.> Sandantuki super (2100) is now a Level 2 super.> Sandantuki super (2100) can no longer be comboed into from any attack.> Ranbu super (2200) now does 120 damage instead of 300.> Ranbu super (2200) can no longer be comboed into from any standard attack.> Ranbu super (2200) can now be comboed into from hard Sipputuki special (1160).> Subtracted one tick from each of the first seven frames of Ranbu super (2200).> Perry's AI now has a 5% chance of using standing horizontal Parable super (1200) when between 100 and 200 pixels away from the opponent, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 10% chance of using standing diagonal Parable super (1210) while standing on the ground, and opponent is airborne.> Perry's AI now has a 5% chance of using aerial Parable super (1300) when between 100 and 200 pixels away from the opponent while airborne, and nearly level with opponent.> Perry's AI now has a 5% chance of using Ohaou super (2000) when between 150 and 200 pixels away from the opponent, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 50% chance of using Sandantuki super (2100) when between 100 and 200 pixels away from the opponent.> Perry's AI now has a 5% chance of using Ranbu super (2200) when between 100 and 150 pixels away from the opponent, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of canceling Sipputuki specials (1150 and 1160) into Ranbu super (2200).> Perry's AI now has a 10% chance of using quick Tobidougu special (1000) when between 100 and 150 pixels away from the opponent, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing standing hard punch (210) into quick Tobidougu special (1000).> Perry's AI now has a 10% chance of using hard Tobidougu special (1010) when 150 pixels away from the opponent or further, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using quick Raijinken special (1100) when 20 pixels away from the opponent or closer, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing standing quick kick (205) into quick Raijinken special (1100).> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing sliding kick (415) into quick Raijinken special (1100).> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of using hard Raijinken special (1110) when 30 pixels away from the opponent or closer, and opponent is airborne.> Perry's AI now has a 30% chance of using Sipputuki specials (1150 and 1160) when between 20 and 40 pixels away from the opponent, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing standing hard punch (210) into Sipputuki specials (1150 and 1160).> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using Hiensenpu special (1170) when 100 pixels away from the opponent or closer while airborne, and opponent is 50 pixels below Perry or lower.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing aerial punches (600 and 610) into Hiensenpu special (1170).> Perry's AI now has a 30% chance of using standing quick jab (200) when 15 pixels away from the opponent or closer, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 30% chance of using standing quick kick (205) when 12 pixels away from the opponent or closer, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 30% chance of using standing hard punch (210) when between 5 and 15 pixels away from the opponent, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing standing quick jab (200) into standing hard punch (210).> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing standing quick kick (205) into standing hard punch (210).> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing crouching quick jab (400) into standing hard punch (210).> Perry's AI now has a 30% chance of using back roundhouse kick (215) when between 5 and 15 pixels away from the opponent, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing standing quick jab (200) into back roundhouse kick (215).> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing crouching quick jab (400) into back roundhouse kick (215).> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using crouching quick jab (400) when 12 pixels away from the opponent or closer while crouching, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using crouching tail whip (405) when 20 pixels away from the opponent or closer while crouching, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing crouching quick jab (400) into crouching tail whip (405).> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using crouching hard jab (410) when 15 pixels away from the opponent or closer while crouching, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing crouching quick jab (400) into crouching hard jab (410).> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using sliding kick (415) when 30 pixels away from the opponent or closer while crouching, and opponent is on the ground.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing crouching quick jab (400) into sliding kick (415).> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing crouching tail whip (405) into sliding kick (415).> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing crouching hard jab (410) into sliding kick (415).> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using aerial quick punch (600) when 10 pixels away from the opponent or closer while airborne, and nearly level with opponent.> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using aerial quick kick (605) when 20 pixels away from the opponent or closer while airborne, and nearly level with opponent.> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using aerial hard punch (610) when 12 pixels away from the opponent or closer while airborne, and nearly level with opponent.> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using aerial hard kick (615) when 20 pixels away from the opponent or closer while airborne, and nearly level with opponent.> Perry's AI now has a 90% chance of comboing aerial quick punch (600) into aerial hard kick (615).> Perry's AI now has a 60% chance of using grab attempt (800) when 5 pixels away from the opponent or closer, and opponent is on the ground.http://creamyg.jdluke.com/Games/MUGEN/Characters/Edits/Agent_P(CGX01).zip