
Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials (Read 666559 times)

Started by Messatsu, July 16, 2006, 05:06:15 pm
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Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#21  July 07, 2009, 09:15:33 pm
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English version of Mugen Window Config please?
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#22  June 17, 2010, 09:51:25 pm
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what tools do I need to make a logo, Intros, endings, credits, gameover, Story Boards for the chars intros and endings.
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#23  July 22, 2010, 08:38:37 pm
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I'd suggest you ad GIMP to the graphics tools, I think it's one of the best free editors out there.
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#24  August 19, 2010, 04:08:40 pm
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Where are the Fatality tutorials?? I mean ChonWang's the other one by Equinocio is obviously completely unclear and messy with that English (Omg..) and formatting.
Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 07:04:16 pm by Imtor
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#25  November 06, 2010, 02:23:12 am
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Hi, Imtor.

My fatality tutorial is based in Chon Wang's tuto. Then, the credits will go for him.
I removed the tutorial, for revision. ^^

Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 05:06:47 am by Equinocio
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#26  November 05, 2012, 08:38:24 pm
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This page desperately needs an update to replace dead links :(
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#27  November 08, 2013, 02:11:33 pm
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    • Sweden
I noticed there's also a couple of links to tricks/solutions that seem to have been made obsolete (possibly years ago) due to changes in more recent versions of MUGEN.

I'm trying to learn about MUGEN development these days, and this thread/subforum has already been a great help! But it does look like it's been neglected somewhat, so if more relevant info does exist out there somewhere, it would be awesome if this section could be kept more up to date. It's a great resource but some of the links are maybe a little questionable.
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#28  November 09, 2013, 08:49:57 pm
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There are a lot of links for tools that might not be relevant anymore, considering the current mugen builds most people are using right now: i left them here mainly for reference purpose...indeed, it does need a total revamp, so i might have to discuss this with the Gods & see how we could do that.

to be honest though, it doesn't seem like a huge priority so far (before i even edited the thread, it hadn't been touched for 5 years, with dead links galore) but i think you're right: it should be the place for anyone to find anything when it comes to mugen development/knowledge
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#29  December 08, 2015, 09:18:02 pm
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Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#30  December 25, 2015, 08:34:40 pm
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  • Thanks for all the help!
    • USA
I downloaded mee and now it won't delete the executable file, I was able to uninstall but it won't delete the .exe icon and it's bugging me.

it says it's still running in the system.

I've tried turning it on and off again.

Any idea what I can do?
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#31  July 19, 2016, 04:18:53 am
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#32  September 15, 2018, 10:53:20 pm
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MUGEN Edit Essemble doesn't work
Re: Helpful Mugen Tips, Tools, and Tutorials
#33  September 16, 2018, 08:38:34 pm
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    • Spain
Use fighter factory. Mugen editing ensemble has been discontinued for more than 10 years
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