
Assist-Type Characters? (Read 4277 times)

Started by Dai-Manji, December 29, 2024, 08:25:14 am
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Assist-Type Characters?
#1  December 29, 2024, 08:25:14 am
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    • USA
So, a small curiosity has caught my attention, and that is the idea of "assist" characters.

For those not familiar, an "assist" character in MUGEN is essentially a character that does not fight in any match when paired up with another character, or even at all for that matter. Instead  an "assist" character provides additional data or functionality to the ally they are paired up with.

The currently known ones that I have collected are:

—CopyAssist (winMUGEN only)
This character attempts to force its partner to have all the same moves and functionality as the opponent (although this will cause a TON of bugs, errors, and jank to happen).

—AI Assist (1.1 only)
This character gives the partner a basic rudimentary AI. Slightly better than the default AI, but not by much.

—Funny Assist (1.0 & 1.1)
Similar to Sad Assist, in that it causes all sorts of janky weirdness to happen, such as random cloning, afterimage, projectile spam, etc. Think of it as a character randomizer.

—Sad Assist (1.0 & 1.1)
An assist variant of the SadClaps code, causes all sorts of insanity to happen, such as messing with a characters stats, size, colors, animations, sounds, and so on and so forth.

—Doping Monster SuperZ (1.0 only)
This character makes the partner invincible to all attacks (except OHKOs and similar cheap stuff), have super armor, and infinite super meter.

So, with all this in mind... am I missing any others?

I'm kind of shocked something like a Parry Assist (i.e. a character that gives the partner the ability to SF3 Parry) doesn't exist or even something as simple as a Dash assist.
Re: Assist-Type Characters?
#2  December 29, 2024, 07:45:13 pm
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    • Portugal
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