
The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!) (Read 275405 times)

Started by Sean Altly, July 26, 2011, 10:53:27 pm
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Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#101  August 13, 2011, 11:33:44 am
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I know we've been over Dante before, but The Arlequin on CVG is spriting him (as is Nestor actually), perhaps you could get permission to use them?  I know you said you weren't very familiar with Devil May Cry, but a couple of folks who are (myself included) would surely be happy to help you out.  Plus he's an iconic Capcom character.


Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#102  August 13, 2011, 11:41:56 am
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I have the strangest feeling that the sub-boss is Bluestreak. :P

For the other spot, i'd suggest CapCom or Hayato unless you don't want it to be a lolcockfest.

Dante could also work, but The Arlequin's sprites still look way too much like Cody and Nestor is using his DMC2 appearance, and we all know how people feel about that game. :P (Not me, I liked it.)
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#103  August 13, 2011, 11:44:06 am
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Were the sprites made by Capcom or someone else for the final boss?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#104  August 13, 2011, 11:52:48 am
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Actually MDD, I think Nestor's sprites would be great for this project.  For starter's it's actually his DMC1 look, and it would give Sean the opportunity to be creative with Dante's arsenal by using his DMC1 weapons instead of DMC3 like Capcom did for MVC3.

As for the sub boss, it's obviously Kung Fu Man.


Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#105  August 13, 2011, 11:56:08 am
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Oh yeah, you're right. It's DMC1. Haven't played the PS2 games in so long.

Oh, and i'm not doubting Nestor's sprites. I actually would love to see them in except for that walk animation that I can tell is still from Rock. I'm just saying that people might go "IT'S NOT DMC3 DANTE. WAYYYYYY."

I could also make a nice Vergil palette for him to fill that gap up in my heart.
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#106  August 13, 2011, 11:57:10 am
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Another advantage of using DMC1 Dante is that he has a few weapons that are similar to his DMC3 ones (Ifrit=Beowulf for instance) so Sean could, if necessary, take a bit of inspiration from MVC3 in that regard.  Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

And about your second query....DMC1 Dante was using as his look in the anime and for his guest appearance in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, so I think people will be fine with it.


Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#107  August 13, 2011, 11:59:37 am
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Ultimately, it's up to Sean. I really don't want to see him make a character that he doesn't want. Hell, he's technically already being forced to make Jedah because of the polls.

Also, Dante would mean no Poison. That's winning.[size=1pt]sorry[/size]
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#108  August 13, 2011, 12:01:14 pm
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If he really doesn't want to make Dante he doesn't have to, I'm only offering suggestions and to help him since he said he wasn't familiar with Devil May Cry.  I just feel like Dante is an iconic Capcom character that deserves at least some attention in a Capcom related crossover.
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#109  August 13, 2011, 12:40:16 pm
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It really depends on how Arlequin's animations turn out. He made that Spawn, and while the sprites were okay, the animations were very choppy.

Also, not to shit talk CVG because it might not be their fault, but I'm a little weary about going to their site right now. After Dante was mentioned earlier I went to CVG to check him out to see his progress, and about 5 seconds after CVG loaded my browser crashed and I spent the better part of the last hour restoring my system to an earlier date to remove a virus that was causing all of my programs to crash immediately (IE wouldn't open, Firefox wouldn't open, I couldn't run anything on control panel, literally nothing worked but restarting the computer). Seriously, every few seconds I was getting a new message that something.exe was not responding because it had been infected by the blaster worm or some shit. I was panicking pretty good because I was worried I'd just lost a ton of work, but restoring to an earlier date seems to have worked. Now I'm super paranoid. Anyone else having any problems with CVG? Also, any suggestions for a cheap, good anti-virus program? This was pretty scarya nd made me realize that the default anti-virus isn't fucking cutting it, apparently.

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Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#110  August 13, 2011, 12:58:56 pm
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I have Norton and CVG works fine in a PC. I don't know why how weird your computer was that got a virus after visiting CVG. It's pretty weird. Also, I have TrendMicro in my laptop and it works fine too to go there. I understand how you feel like not visiting there. I don't blame 'em but there must be a problem. For the "cheap program," I don't know.
Titiln said:
focus more and stop thinking about things like the internet or titties

Whatever happened to sex, drugs, and Rock. Nowadays, it's whores, AIDS, and Hip-Hop.
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#111  August 13, 2011, 01:14:06 pm
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I have never been to the site, but I picked up something from a pop up on a mugen site once. It had similar symptoms. It was in my firefox temporary downloads folder. It downloaded on its own so meh.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#112  August 13, 2011, 02:15:50 pm
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I'm using Avast Antivirus; the free version. It updates pretty much daily, sometimes more then once a day, and has stopped/blocked stuff on several occasions, including a Trojan Horse about two times. I can recommend it. About Dante, well I can't say much about him since I only played DMC1 for maybe 15 minutes, so whatever I say it should have little meaning :P
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#113  August 13, 2011, 08:36:31 pm
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first thing i've heard about our site ever doing anything like that, so i can't really comment other than no one else has mentioned it before. we have a forum issues section that its not been brought up about.


regarding dante, sean already knows he can use arlequin dante if he wanted :) i've thrown a few ideas here and there to him on msn, but everything ultimately his decision.

and for the record, the cfas dante began by etg. i think he passed off the sprites for another cfas member to finish and for nestor to code. its probably a good chunk further along than arlequin WIP due to that being 3rd in line for him and he has a very busy irl.


Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#114  August 13, 2011, 08:39:29 pm
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If you were to use Dante, use Nestor's. Arlequin's still looks way too much like Cody and a even a CvS palette wouldn't help it blend in.
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#115  August 13, 2011, 08:57:54 pm
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Sean can use Dante if he'd like to, considering he's not using Leon anymore (the main users spriting him approved this BTW). In fact, he can use both if he'd like to. Although both can take some time to be finished. Anyway, he knows he can use them.
Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 09:05:24 pm by Nestor
Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#116  August 14, 2011, 12:04:53 am
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Avast si very good and it's free, go for it!

Antimalaware removal is good too!

Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#117  August 15, 2011, 09:49:39 pm
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Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#118  August 16, 2011, 04:03:40 am
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Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#119  August 16, 2011, 06:48:36 am
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Feel free to guess, I said above if anyone guessed I'd confirm it (not for the sub-boss though).

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Re: The Roster Thread (UPDATED August 13th w/Changes and Additions!)
#120  August 16, 2011, 06:58:50 am
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Oooh, mysterious.
Spriting is hard.