
[OHMSBY Thread]: Kiryu Coco Released (09/15/24) (Read 7264831 times)

Started by OHMSBY, August 09, 2020, 05:26:17 am
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Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Faust Released (9/20/20)
#61  September 21, 2020, 09:00:14 am
  • ***
    • Italy
I can't wait for Shantae... and for more BCTB chars.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Faust Released (9/20/20)
#62  September 21, 2020, 06:20:03 pm
  • *
  • Self Taught Big Man
  • kanye west 2
    • USA
That's not a valid combo. The opponent can recover after the air grab well before Iori can grab them again:
Dauntless kinda jumped the gun; I tried posting here yesterday but I couldn't login for some reason.
For some reason, my Training never teched out of the loop.
However, I did decide to bruteforce this by booting up a mirror and hitting A in the air during it, and only occasionally would Iori tech out of it AND fall out of it.

I did some further digging and found what might be the issue:
The air grab hitbox is out for WAY too long. 20 frames, to be exact. For reference, Ryu's HP shoryuken in 3rd strike is active for 18.
Not only that, but the hitbox extends for some reason?
This could be an issue, especially for Saya who's very floaty and thus can get two of these out in a low neutral jump, and IMMEDIATELY catch a jumping opponent.
yall bes be movin along now
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Faust Released (9/20/20)
#63  September 21, 2020, 07:17:55 pm
  • **
  • MUGEN Game Maker/Editor Extraordinare (EN/ES)
    • USA
Why, of all your characters, does Faust get me so worked up with all your characters lol
But yea I went and did literally one thing (or nothing, you can count it that way) and I gave Faust an extra pair of "eyes" according to the -SIGN- Instant Kill variants on Ramlethal and Jack-O', and changed the random value for the Astral Heat accordingly.

For everyone else I'm currently making special poses (via the 5315 anim) for every character that OHMSBY has made that doesn't have said animation. (Oh yea also the k6666orochi chars are getting those as well)

P.S. Isaac, Kirby and Bowser are too fat thus making the eyes look small XD
"Your resolve lights the path ahead... more brightly than the rising sun."
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Faust Released (9/20/20)
#64  September 22, 2020, 01:13:12 am
  • ***
    • USA
So I tried putting Neptune's special anim for Faust's Astral and this happened

That is definitely something on Neptune's end. i believe she has a custom KO state that she automatically goes into upon losing all of her health, which allows her to transition into her lose pose.

For some reason, my Training never teched out of the loop.

All of my characters make use of custom fall states in order to bypass Mugen's fall.defenceup, and by default, Training does not recognize these states as recoverable states. This is actually detailed in the readme, and it can be fixed by pasting the following code into the bottom of training's config file:

[State 5050, 4] ;Recover near ground
type = SelfState
triggerall = stateno = 6050
triggerall = Vel Y > 0
triggerall = Pos Y >= -20
triggerall = alive
triggerall = CanRecover
trigger1 = Command = "recovery"
trigger2 = var(16) = 1
trigger2 = var(23)>=var(22)
value = 5200 ;HITFALL_RECOVER

[State -2]; Recover in mid air
type = selfState
triggerall = stateno = 6050
triggerall = Vel Y > -1
triggerall = alive
triggerall = CanRecover
trigger1 = Command = "recovery"
trigger2 = var(16) = 1
trigger2 = var(23)>=var(22)

I did some further digging and found what might be the issue:
The air grab hitbox is out for WAY too long. 20 frames, to be exact. For reference, Ryu's HP shoryuken in 3rd strike is active for 18.
Not only that, but the hitbox extends for some reason?
This could be an issue, especially for Saya who's very floaty and thus can get two of these out in a low neutral jump, and IMMEDIATELY catch a jumping opponent.

Yeah, that was an oversight on my part and will need to be fixed. I may have to look through my other characters as well to see if their air throw needs to be revised too. Here's what the air throw will be like next time he's updated:

Thanks for stopping by and bringing this to my attention.

Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#65  September 27, 2020, 03:41:55 am
  • ***
    • USA
Everyone has been updated with fixes to their air throws, a fix for a bug that involve the air dodge, and "This is... Me?" compatibility for those who didn't have it already. Some of the characters have also received a few more things in their updates. The character who has gotten the most substantial update is Mai, who has had her astral heat completely reworked:

Go ahead and redownload.

Mai Natsume
-Completely reworked Astral Heat to match the source material
-Reduced active frames and adjusted hitbox on air throw attempt
-Fixed an error where air dodge's remaining invul frames would linger upon landing
-Fixed an error where Mai may pass through the opponent during 2C
-Fixed an error where two ground bounce effects would show up during the custom state for the first hit of Sylvan Hurricane Assault
-Additional Effects and sounds for Suzuran Blaze, Sylvan Hurricane Assault, and Floral Blizzard Blossom
-Added Compatibility for Faust's "This Is... Me?"
-Japanese voice has also been updated for the improved Astral Heat

-Reduced Startup frames on Bomb Set
-Smash Kick is now airdash cancelable on hit
-All of Yo-yo's attacks are now jump/airdash cancelable on contact
-Ninja Kick is now jump/airdash cancelable on contact
-Kirby will now go into Ninja Kick's bounce back state on block
-Hammer Nail can now ground bounce the opponent on normal hit
-Hammer Nail is now dash cancelable on contact
-Adjusted Launch Trajectory on Hammer Flip
-Reduced active frames and adjusted hitbox on air throw attempt
-Fixed an error where air dodge's remaining invul frames would linger upon landing
-Additional effect for Ultra Sword
-Added compatibility for Faust's "This Is... Me?"
-Added Special Intro against Shantae

Samus Aran
-New 4th attack for the A auto combo series. 3rd attack is now cancelable on contact
-Damage Scaling Adjustments
-Reduced active frames and adjusted hitbox on air throw attempt
-Fixed an error where air dodge's remaining invul frames would linger upon landing
-Additional Effect for Shine Spark
-Added Compatibility for Faust's "This Is... Me?"

Ragna the Bloodedge
-Reduced active frames and adjusted hitbox on air throw attempt.
-Adjusted Launch Trajectory on Devoured By Darkness
-Adjusted Frame Data on 4A
-Fixed an error where air dodge's remaining invul frames would linger upon landing
-Added Compatability for Faust's "This Is... Me?"

-Reduced active frames and adjusted hitbox on air throw attempt.
-Increased height gain on air throw and adjusted launch trajectory. The opponent can also recover sooner from it.
-Fixed an error where air dodge's remaining invul frames would linger upon landing
-Made Iori's Eye's invisible on Sprite 5315 (This is... Me? Compatibility)

Azrael, Waldstein, Mikoto Misaka, and Es
-Reduced active frames and adjusted hitbox on air throw attempt
-Fixed an error where air dodge's remaining invul frames would linger upon landing
-Additional Effects and sounds for Distortion Drives
-Added Compatability for Faust's "This Is... Me?"

Everyone Else
-Reduced active frames and adjusted hitbox on air throw attempt
-Fixed an error where air dodge's remaining invul frames would linger upon landing
-Added "This Is... Me?" compatibility to those who didn't have it already
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#66  September 27, 2020, 04:01:00 am
  • ***
  • The Vo-Cool-oid
  • Do you want to listen to the waves?
    • USA
Everyone has been updated with fixes to their air throws, a fix for a bug that involve the air dodge, and "This is... Me?" compatibility for those who didn't have it already. Some of the characters have also received a few more things in their updates. The character who has gotten the most substantial update is Mai, who has had her astral heat completely reworked:

I wasn't expecting a change for her astral heat, I thought it was okay, but this is way better. Also LOTS OF REDOWNLOADING TO DO, HAHAHA. :P
He who is brave is free! - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#67  September 27, 2020, 05:47:04 pm
  • **
  • LetPlaySomeGames
    • USA
The inside of my head........

I'm glad you updated the characters though.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#68  September 27, 2020, 09:20:48 pm
  • **
  • Ragna the Goatedge
    • Indonesia
There gonna be a lot of redownloading to do since I didn't get to touch MUGEN for a few month
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#69  October 06, 2020, 11:27:06 pm
  • **
  • Ret-2-Go
    • USA
"Added Special Intro against Shantae"

Wait, wait, hold up... you're making a Shantae fighter!? YASSSSS!!!!
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#70  October 07, 2020, 05:59:51 am
  • **
  • Basic User
  • Harry 7 Mason From Silent Hill
    • Chile
Thank you very much. Your characters are awesome.

I'm from the old school mugen players, and I want to ask you if you include an option configuration to disable the power bars? In case it does not exist, do you think you could add that option in the next update version?
It is not my intention to offend, it is just that I like to watch the fights without seeing bars.

Thanks for your work!
Fortes Fortuna Juvat
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#71  October 07, 2020, 10:16:27 pm
  • ***
  • The Vo-Cool-oid
  • Do you want to listen to the waves?
    • USA
Thank you very much. Your characters are awesome.

I'm from the old school mugen players, and I want to ask you if you include an option configuration to disable the power bars? In case it does not exist, do you think you could add that option in the next update version?
It is not my intention to offend, it is just that I like to watch the fights without seeing bars.

Thanks for your work!

Thats part of the lifebars, not the characters. Just press Ctrl+L during gameplay to disable the lifebars (if you have debug keys on).
He who is brave is free! - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#72  October 07, 2020, 11:40:03 pm
  • **
  • Basic User
  • Harry 7 Mason From Silent Hill
    • Chile
Thanks for answer me. You're right, sorry. I don't mean to the life bar but "Burst" power bar.
Fortes Fortuna Juvat
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All Characters Updated (9/26/20)
#73  October 08, 2020, 10:01:11 am
  • ****
  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
I found a few issues with Susano'o, Samus and Tager on the latest update (Not sure if they were there before as I don't remember):

-The timing of the Liberation Dagger effect is not properly synced with his animation. This pic shows how off it is:

-The effects for Splintering Thrust and Liberation Dagger follows him when rapid cancelling (I also think Blade of Judgement does as well).

-EX Grappling Beam should be a normal ground shockwave sound effect for the wall bounce (The opponent doesn't stagger like Azrael and Heart attacks does).
-It's possible to rapid cancel both versions of Grappling Beam before it grabs the opponent, causing them to freeze until they get hit.
-Shooting Ice Beam again or Diffusion Missile right when the opponent breaks free causes the frozen effect not to appear properly (This requires precise timing as they have to be hit the moment they come out of the frozen state):

Hitting them before it will still be there and will break out immediately. The 2nd Ice Beam can't be part of the same combo.
-Ultra Burst expiration sound effect doesn't play when it's activated with full health (However, it will if she takes at least some damage).

-The first hit of EX Driver can be rapid cancelled, throwing them up in the air and landing on the ground with no damage (It's not possible with the normal Gigantic Tager Driver and also won't KO the opponent if you attempt that since it doesn't do damage in the source).
-The 2nd hit of the B command normals should be a strong ground shockwave instead of a normal one when the opponent hits the ground (Might as well point this out if you plan to fix the EX Driver as I realized there's less impact to it).

That should be it. Also since no one bothered asking, what's with certain characters such as Susano'o and Robo-Weiss have additional def files? I look at them and there doesn't seem to be any changes as they're just copies of each other. Are they for backup purposes?

Thanks for answer me. You're right, sorry. I don't mean to the life bar but "Burst" power bar.
You can't, the "Burst" icon serves as an indicator whether they used them or not. Certain characters not just his have their own unique special meters, so they can't simply be disabled as they are hard coded into the character.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 10:33:10 am by SolidZone 26
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Samus, Tager, and Susanoo Updated (10/08/20)
#74  October 08, 2020, 09:46:39 pm
  • ***
    • USA
Thank you Solidzone, they have been updated now.

Samus Aran
-Fixed an error where Either Version of Grapple Beam could be rapid canceled on the first frame upon grabbing the opponent
-Fixed an error where the frozen effect would now show up after freezing the opponent immediately after they break free
-Fixed an error where Ultra Burst's expire sound would not play under certain conditions
-Changed the wall bounce sound for EX Grapple Beam

Iron Tager
-Changed shockwave effect for 5BB
-Fixed an error where Tager Could rapid cancel the first hit of EX Gigantic Tager

-Fixed an error where Liberation Dagger's effect wasn't synced properly
-Fixed an error where the effects for Splintering Thrust, Blade of Judgement, and Liberation Dagger would follow Susanoo after Rapid Canceling

Also since no one bothered asking, what's with certain characters such as Susano'o and Robo-Weiss have additional def files? I look at them and there doesn't seem to be any changes as they're just copies of each other. Are they for backup purposes?

The extra def files are part of an experiment involving IKEMEN Plus' arcade configuration which allowed for the characters to appear in different stages and have different themes depending on the arcade route, they were left in by mistake and are not meant to be a part of the releases. All the characters who had these extra def files have been reuploaded without them.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Samus, Tager, and Susanoo Updated (10/08/20)
#75  October 11, 2020, 06:23:07 am
  • ****
  • Five Dynasties of Water
    • Mexico
    • Skype - alchemistofatlas
I'm nowhere as active as I used to be in MUGEN, however, and because I'm the type of person who prefers japanese voices, I'm here with my own small contribution to your work in the shape of Yang's JP voice (I still don't know why i picked her, but well). Kept it as accurate as possible to the english voice, but hope this alternative voicepatch works.
PotS said:
That they don't just restrict themselves to my style.

Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Shantae Released (10/11/20)
#76  October 11, 2020, 10:56:20 pm
  • ***
    • USA
Shantae has been released.

I had to get a little more creative than usual since her sprites weren't designed for fighting games, I like to think I was able to make things work.

Spoiler: More Screen Shots (click to see content)

Direct Link for Shantae:

Spoiler: And my next character is... (click to see content)

Have fun.

I'm nowhere as active as I used to be in MUGEN, however, and because I'm the type of person who prefers japanese voices, I'm here with my own small contribution to your work in the shape of Yang's JP voice (I still don't know why i picked her, but well). Kept it as accurate as possible to the english voice, but hope this alternative voicepatch works.

Thanks for your contribution. If I ever do an update that involves any changes to her snd, I'll be sure to keep you in the loop.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Shantae Released (10/11/20)
#77  October 11, 2020, 11:14:47 pm
  • **
  • Ret-2-Go
    • USA
WHOO!!! YES!!! Imma try her out now!
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Shantae Released (10/11/20)
#78  October 12, 2020, 01:47:55 am
  • ****
    • Brazil
Shantae, you stae... yes, I said it again, kill me.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Shantae Released (10/11/20)
#79  October 12, 2020, 01:53:46 am
  • *
  • blue cat
    • USA
damn ohmsby, your content never fails to impress me :D
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Shantae Released (10/11/20)
#80  October 12, 2020, 01:57:38 am
  • ****
  • Five Dynasties of Water
    • Mexico
    • Skype - alchemistofatlas
Thanks for your contribution. If I ever do an update that involves any changes to her snd, I'll be sure to keep you in the loop.

Anytime. If you need to find me I'm on Discord or you can ask Nep Heart of my whereabouts in case we're not in a same channel. I'm also known for beta testing when necessary.
PotS said:
That they don't just restrict themselves to my style.
