Wait wait wait, what about my issue? I can't get the specific arcade order and stages to work in conjunction.
; - 1, 2, (...)
; IKEMEN feature: paramname points to the match number in
; arcade mode. paramvalue overwrites character that you would
; face following normal 'order'. paramvalue should match exactly
; the charname text typed after "Insert your characters below"
; line, so it can be either full DEF path or just folder name.
; This functionality introduces simple solution for implementing
; story like arcade mode similar to the one in Street Fighter
; Alpha 3 where characters always face their rivals along the way.
; If you're playing in Team mode than paramvalue character becomes
; opposite team leader, other characters follow normal order.
This has nothing to do with stages. So this syntax that you have posted:
Ryu, stages/Suzaku2014.def, order=3, 1=Alex, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def, 2=Terry stages/Shiyo/west2014.def, 3=Sakura stages/Shiyo/home2014.def, 4=Ryo stages/Shiyo/home2014.def, 5=kfma4a, 6=Kyo stages/Shiyo/neogeoland2014.def, 7=Sagat stages/Shiyo/ayutaya2014.def, 8=Ken stages/Shiyo/wall2014.def,9=M.Bison stages/Shiyo/drive2014.def, 10=Akuma stages/Shiyo/shrine2014.def
is wrong and currently not supported. Here is correct syntax:
kfm, stages/mybg1.def, 3=SuaveDude, 5=ShinGouki
SuaveDude, stages/mybg2.def, stages/mybg3.def, 3=kfm
ShinGouki, stages/mybg4.def
In this example KFM will always face SuaveDude in 3rd match and that SuaveDude will randomly use mybg2 or mybg3 stage. On 5th match he will face ShinGouki on mybg4 stage. Other matches will follow the normal order. Selecting SuaveDude would result normal arcade run with exception of 3rd fight which would be against KFM on mybg1 stage. In other words it works the same way as mugen but with optional additional parameters explained in select.def.
btw. you can't skip commas in the syntax. That's how parser distinguishes between different parameters. Using space doesn't make sense when file names can contain space in them.
It has been already requested to extend "1, 2, (...)" parameter feature to take into account additional parameters like music and stages, but this will require changes in the current code and the syntax will need to be different in order to parse such monstrosity. Probably in future, once it's supported, syntax will look like this:
num={charname, stages/stagename.def, music=musicname}
using your example:
Ryu, stages/Suzaku2014.def, order=3, 1={Alex, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def}, 2={Terry, stages/Shiyo/west2014.def}, 3={Sakura, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 4={Ryo, stages/Shiyo/home2014.def}, 5={kfma4a}, 6={Kyo, stages/Shiyo/neogeoland2014.def}, 7={Sagat, stages/Shiyo/ayutaya2014.def}, 8={Ken, stages/Shiyo/wall2014.def},9={M.Bison, stages/Shiyo/drive2014.def}, 10={Akuma, stages/Shiyo/shrine2014.def}