
Next Alpha Build (Read 81983 times)

Started by Lost_Avenger, June 22, 2015, 10:01:40 am
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Re: Next Alpha Build
#21  September 17, 2015, 06:03:27 pm
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The sff I downloaded is missing several of the edits. Mostly E.Ryu stuff. The sprites at the end still have palette problems too.

Still behind on the release. I was asked about my Hotaru and I can't seem to find the right one. I have like 8 Hotaru folders when I was moving her and sending for testing. I'm probably just going to release the alpha as is and fix the clsn next round. I'm having trouble making time for mugen these days. I want to do more, but I can't.

I took a break from Akuma to prep a couple things for the next round.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#22  September 17, 2015, 06:08:52 pm
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Re: Next Alpha Build
#23  September 19, 2015, 12:42:33 pm
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Nope, the one I dled was from Dropbox lol. I'll test it on my next off day. I may start trying to learn c on my off days for a while. Or c++. I'd like to do something with my main hobby and eventually make coding a career.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#24  October 16, 2015, 12:14:52 am
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So my father-in-law is dying and I've been away for a while. I've mostly just been checking in. So expect another delay. It's how my life goes these days.

I'm going to try adding Rose in the next release. Currently she has the new sprites of Felo, but I kind of want the old set. The new set is better, but still. It feels wrong to use the new set for Rose and not for Morrigan. I may just borrow Divine's sff and remake Morrigan. I'm not sure what to do

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#25  October 16, 2015, 12:22:01 am
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I'm really sorry to hear about the family stuff man. My prayers are with you.

Are you not wanting to use the new Morrigan sprites for aesthetic reasons? IE you prefer the original. Or do you fear the changes it could cause the character do to size differences?

I'd intended to use VS Morrigan's CLSN data with the new sprites and resize the new sprites as close to original as possible. Would you like me to aid you in this?
Re: Next Alpha Build
#26  October 16, 2015, 03:06:27 am
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I see it as a slippery slope type thing. Once I do one, I have to do them all when better sets come out and it will use time better spent elsewhere. Id rather use the time needed for an sff update building another character or doing updates or ai. It just seems pointless to me since no matter how many new sets I add, there will be clashing sprites. Im using resized SF3, CPS2, and mvc2 sprites anyway. So there wont be true consistency anyway. Just imo.

I have a similar reason for not using color separation that much. Ive seen templates changed a lot and that means having to redo palettes a lot and stuff. Keeping stuff simple would seem to make more sense?

I am using the clsn you made for Morrigan before, but slightly simplified(reducing the number of boxes in cases). So that would save some trouble. I dont think the new set is missing any moves from my Morrigan iirc. I think the hp soul fist was already created. If you want to do this, I dont mind adding it, but I dont really want to do it myself tbh. They look nice though. She needs some x.scale iirc. I dont remember what her height vs Ryu was supposed to be though.

Thanks. My wife took it a lot harder than me. I met him a few days ago and he cant even talk. He is really weak and he is all bones. He went off of dialysis for a while, but went back on. I think he has maybe a week at most. I just felt like he was about to die at any moment when I saw him. Its sad and I dont want to get old like that.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#27  October 16, 2015, 04:39:58 am
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I see it as a slippery slope type thing. Once I do one, I have to do them all when better sets come out and it will use time better spent elsewhere. Id rather use the time needed for an sff update building another character or doing updates or ai. It just seems pointless to me since no matter how many new sets I add, there will be clashing sprites. Im using resized SF3, CPS2, and mvc2 sprites anyway. So there wont be true consistency anyway. Just imo.

Let me say I get what you're saying. I just want to insert that once you apply something to your game you could just live with what you have instead of being inclined to upgrade sprites every time new ones release. Or ask others to upgrade your sff if they want them so badly and you'll make it official after the fact.
But as I said, I do get what you mean. What I said is how I'll deal with sprites for my works. I won't keep remaking the sff.

I am using the clsn you made for Morrigan before, but slightly simplified(reducing the number of boxes in cases). So that would save some trouble. I dont think the new set is missing any moves from my Morrigan iirc. I think the hp soul fist was already created. If you want to do this, I dont mind adding it, but I dont really want to do it myself tbh. They look nice though. She needs some x.scale iirc. I dont remember what her height vs Ryu was supposed to be though.
Yes she'll need to be shortened and thinned up I believe. Definitely shortened.

Thanks. My wife took it a lot harder than me. I met him a few days ago and he cant even talk. He is really weak and he is all bones. He went off of dialysis for a while, but went back on. I think he has maybe a week at most. I just felt like he was about to die at any moment when I saw him. Its sad and I dont want to get old like that.
I got to go through the same thing with my father. I watched him shrivel up into a skeleton and pass away due to cancer. It was horrible. If I ever get fatal cancer I will be going to a state that allows assisted suicide for those diseases. I hope for a quicker and painless death for your father-in-law. Or a miraculous recovery if possible!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#28  October 16, 2015, 04:56:57 am
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Ill swap the sff if you make the updated sff and air :). DW already made a Morrigan with the new set.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#29  October 18, 2015, 12:12:56 am
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I promised someone that I'd make Rose with the new sprites so I'll make the exception. She has her own sparks and sounds and will be playable outside of CFJ2, but her reflect will just be a generic projectile outside of CFJ2

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#30  October 18, 2015, 04:30:45 pm
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Hey LA. I figured I'd invade your project for a change. :)

I am also sorry to hear about your father-in-law and wish your family all the strength in world as you navigate these difficult waters.

So I'm a bit out of date with all my Capcom mugen updates (still trying to catch up on the SNK stuff). I do remember Felo's Morrigan though. From videos she seems to be SF III sized? So just a question, since I don't actually have this Morrigan. How does this Morrigan look with the in game Mugen resize you can do with the def file? Depending on the values, the loss in quality is negligible. I use it in my game for a few characters like Kasumi and Hotaru. I agree with you that a the resizing of the actual sprite is killer. I know, I did it with Raiden. Anyway, I hope you solve the issue. Felo's sprites are so much nicer than the official character's though, so it's a shame.

Which new Rose sprites are you referring to?
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Re: Next Alpha Build
#31  October 18, 2015, 10:08:27 pm
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Felo made Rose :p. Li_kun made Morrigan iirc(I'm bad with names). He also made Hinata and Tiffany and was working on others iirc.

Morrigan always has size issues. Since Capcom used the same set for over a decade, the new sprites made her look smaller than she actually is proportionate to say Ryu. When he made the Morrigan set, he made her taller and a bit wide(she scales nicely like the alpha sprites with .8333333 for her x.scale, but she was also a tax tall(I don't remember the y scale for alpha. I usually don't yscale since it tends to look bad).

It's not that I don't like the sprites or can't add them. I'd just prefer sticking to classic sets. I'm not doing that with Rose since DW already made me an sff and saved me the trouble.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#32  October 18, 2015, 10:10:37 pm
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Felo made Rose :p. Li_kun made Morrigan iirc(I'm bad with names). He also made Hinata and Tiffany and was working on others iirc.

Yeah you got it right.

Sorry to hear about your father-in-law. My prayers are to him.

Good luck with CFJ2 man, can't wait to see what you come up with.

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Re: Next Alpha Build
#33  October 18, 2015, 11:02:24 pm
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Ah ok. All cleared up. Totally respect preference. ;)
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Re: Next Alpha Build
#34  October 29, 2015, 09:37:09 am
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My father-in-law did pass yesterday morning so I'll probably be heading to New York again in a few days. Work has been rough as well. We have a tiny crew and we are getting the bigger holiday trucks in. I was so exhausted that I slept for my two off days. I did get to do a small bit of coding, but not much. I'm considering reviving the old SF project

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#35  October 29, 2015, 01:00:10 pm
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My deepest condolences. Be careful.
Re: Next Alpha Build
#36  October 29, 2015, 01:59:08 pm
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Thanks. For the record, if I ever end up in such a state, I want to be put down

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#37  November 01, 2015, 07:10:12 am
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Sorry for your loss LA. Well wishes to your family. Come back when you're ready.
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Re: Next Alpha Build
#38  December 04, 2015, 11:30:13 am
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My wife is going to be switching to being a stay at home mom so I'll be able to start using my off days for coding a bit more in a couple weeks. I may not resume till close to New years though. Sorry for the delay. It's been rough working retail and trying to juggle family life

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha Build
#39  December 06, 2015, 10:09:08 am
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No need to worry for us! Good luck and take care!

Re: Next Alpha Build
#40  December 23, 2015, 11:50:11 pm
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I finally got a brief chance to code today and I'm still warn out. I'll give an update, but things aren't looking good.

As far as characters go, I'm in great shape. This system is easy to port just about any cps2/3 character too(with rare exceptions) and the planned roster isn't far from finished. If I can get a little free time, I can probably crank out the last few and move on.

The issue is the rest of it. The game has borrowed everything else. I have no screenpack, stages, lifebars, etc. I could probably code these if I had an already made sff with a lot of trial and error(I've never made them before, but its mugen so it can't be too hard, right?). If I'm unable to get someone to do this part, I may opt for cancelling the project and just going back to releasing characters under this system.

I may do a poll, but this project seems to be heading toward its doom. That spark just isn't there anymore. I want to code, but when I get the time to sit down and do it, my drive is totally gone.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!