
Helper Ignores Cooldown During A Combo (Read 11210 times)

Started by BugsyBoy1938, November 26, 2024, 10:03:42 pm
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Helper Ignores Cooldown During A Combo
#1  November 26, 2024, 10:03:42 pm
  • *
  • "Babies don't do laundry!"
    • Serbia
So i've got a problem where, whenever i summon an assist character during a combo it'll come out even if the move is still in a cooldown window. I know  why  it happens but i wanna know how to stop it from happening
- The Little Man from the Draft Board
Re: Helper Ignores Cooldown During A Combo
#2  November 27, 2024, 02:26:39 am
  • ****
  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
A common way is to set up a variable as a timer for the cooldown. In the beginning of the state where you summon the assist, set the variable to, say, 300. Then in a negative state, use varadd to decrease it by 1 every tick, with a condition that it must be > 0. When it reaches 0, it stops. Then, in the cmd, add "triggerall = var(x) = 0" to the assist summon command.

Hope this makes sense, tell me if you need a more in depth explanation.
Re: Helper Ignores Cooldown During A Combo
#3  November 27, 2024, 04:01:44 pm
  • *
  • "Babies don't do laundry!"
    • Serbia
Alright, i'll try ir as soon as i get home
- The Little Man from the Draft Board