
blazblue tag battle (Read 451833 times)

Started by c001357, July 16, 2017, 10:08:47 pm
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Re: blazblue tag battle
#21  July 16, 2017, 11:11:34 pm
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Re: blazblue tag battle
#22  July 16, 2017, 11:15:10 pm
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Btw the title is Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.

I am quite interested how Yu is going to balanced since I see he retains his Ultimax playstyle involving Izanagi.

I normally do not do wishlists, but I really can't help it.

For the Blazblue side, I foresee Noel (why not), Hazama, Tager, Platinum, Bang, Rachel, Taokaka, and Kokonoe.  Maybe a time-infected Hakumen as a sub-boss battle.  I can't picture anyone else tbh without taking in the story involvement of their source, but that's just me.  If there is a story, I expect Sector Seven to fix everyone's problems.

Crossover predictions are tricky.  Either this is literally "Blazblue vs The World" or "Blazblue and Persona vs The World of what Arcsys can afford".  Regardless of which, Persona is going to take up more.  Aigis is locked in.  I predict Chie, Labrys, Rise, TEDDIE (IT MAKES SENSE),  Kanji or Yosuke for hilarious interactions vs the Blazblue cast, SHO Minazuki to rep the anti-hero and because of his non-Persona summon gameplay and even have a fateful battle-esque scene with Ruby Rose.

I can see Orie to match up with the Persona cast as well as Linne for Under Night rep, maybe Waldstein or Vatista.  Haven't played too much of the source to get the lore for the cast to see who has more chances of getting it.  Eltnum might be a lock because Noel. 

For RWBY, pretty much the obvious if it is only 4 series, although it would be great to see Roman Torchwick rep the villain side (even better if their is some sort of story to go along).  Maybe Ren will be added as a tribute to the late Monty and be this game's Chipp/Bang.

If there is more possibilities for additional series, Skullgirls rep is also a lock, namely Filia.  I can see Arcsys adding Akatsuki from Akatsuki Blitzkampf to save up time; just refix his moveset from Under-Night.  Blazblue had a guest artist from Arcana Heart to do a fanart of Mu-12 in their gallery so Heart Aino is a possibility and my dream of a Ruby Rose and Heart team-up can finally come true.  Finally, Golden Fantasia likely possible with Battler.

I am so excited for this game.
Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 11:18:38 pm by Kirishima
Re: blazblue tag battle
#23  July 16, 2017, 11:16:54 pm
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Re: blazblue tag battle
#24  July 16, 2017, 11:20:45 pm
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I'm not much familiar with Arc-System and all it has done or not, but, what is the possibility of the inclusion of a Melty Blood character? Those seem like they could translate well to a game like this.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#25  July 16, 2017, 11:22:18 pm
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If Noel is in (and she will be), Eltnum is a guarantee.  Can't picture anyone else, but we will see.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#26  July 16, 2017, 11:27:15 pm
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Eltnum is the only one that would require no work so she is the only one that is likely
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: blazblue tag battle
#27  July 16, 2017, 11:50:50 pm
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I'll wait on further news before hyping up the potential for any additional characters outside of the 4 franchises to get in.  (Except maybe Eltnum and Akatsuki)

I'm guessing that the major main characters will get in for sure.  So Noel, Rachael, and Linne are probably in.
Hazama, Yosuke, and Vatista are the ones I'm hoping for.
Platinum, Kanji, and Eltnum would be pretty cool also.  Maybe Es too since they're basing the Blazblue cast off Central Fiction.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#28  July 17, 2017, 12:41:40 am
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I'll wait on further news before hyping up the potential for any additional characters outside of the 4 franchises to get in.  (Except maybe Eltnum and Akatsuki)
Replace Akatsuki with Aigis.

Kanji would fit well as the oddball of the roster.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#29  July 17, 2017, 09:19:24 am
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Are we theorycrafting the roster? Allow me to join.
First, the "safe" choices

BB = Noel
P4A = Aigis, Labrys
Uniel = Linne, Orie

As for my other guesses

BB = Rachel, Taokaka, Bang, Hakumen, Nu, Azrael, Terumi
For the most part, I feel the first set of characters ended up being more memorable than the later cast except for a few. I don't consider Rachel a "safe" choice as while she's the closest to a 4th protagonist, she doesn't have the same star power as the sibling trio. That said, while I do think any of these have a good chance, I would put more weight toward Rachel, Terumi and then Nu.

P4A = P4 Investigation team, Mitsuru, Akihiko, Adachi, Elizabeth
The rest of Yu's crew all have good chances to join in, although I don't think they might actually add all of them, at most the first four members(Up to Yukiko). Since I listed Aigis as a safe choice, she could easily be accompanied by another P3 character which I lean toward Mitsuru or Akihiko(And of these two, I would bet on Mitsuru).. Adachi could work out as the oddball badguy choice and I do feel Liz has the popularity to crash this "competition".

Uniel = Waldstein, Vatista, Gordeu, Yuzuriha, Hilda
Ok, let me first point out that with the inclusion of BB and P4A, I think it's safe to say that we're going to have airdasher mechanics similar to those games. While Uniel had air dashes as well, they were "weaker" and overall not a very good mobility option due to the crazy range and anti-air options most of the cast had. Traditional Arcsys airdashes are faster and I believe this change will affect Uniel characters the most as the characters that used their range the most might not have it as easy when everyone can suddenly close the distance much easier.
SO, let's get to my choices. While I don't consider Waldstein with the same chances as Linne and Orie, I do believe he has the best chance of the ones I mention here plus of the big guy grapplers(Tager and Kanji being the other ones) I think he would fit the best. Vatista is one I consider with a good chance due to her gameplay as she's one of the few charge characters among all these series(also Japan and their loli fetish). Gordeu is another I see appearing and he would fit in nicely as a complement to Ruby. I pick Yuzuriha because waifu reasons and Hilda as the obligatory villain pick. Since Eltnum and Akatsuki are already guest characters in Uniel, I don't see any chance of them appearing at all.

RWBY = The rest of Team RWBY
"Now hold the fuck up", you might be saying. "Why didn't you just list them as safe guesses as well?". Because I think it's a little early to say that. Yes, Ruby is in the game, but I don't think one can say for certain how much representation the series will have(Compared to P4A and Uniel). Will Ruby be the only guest or will her friends come over as well? If Mori will add more series representative, you can bet the first choices would be among Ruby's own team.

GG = Sol, Ky
But wait, there wasn't a mention of GG series appearing. Right, this was just a teaser after all. They haven't shown us the full roster. There's no mention of GG not appearing though. Plus, everyone wanted the BB x GG cross over, you wanted that cross over, Arcsys damn well knows everyone wants that cross over. It stands to reason that we could see some GG representation coming up. Now X2's spriters are not in Hd like the other sprites and Xrd uses models, so they would have to make new sprites for them. Well, they're already doing Ruby's sprites and most of the work for Xrd Sol and Ky is already done so....

Battle Fantasia =
Pfft, good one.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#30  July 17, 2017, 09:35:27 am
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They're probably gonna run with simplistic characters (so nothing like Carl, yay) so that the game isn't too complex for it's own good.

Makoto is easily the most popular waifu outside of Noel, I'd be surprised if she wasn't in.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#31  July 17, 2017, 01:12:13 pm
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Since it's clear this is Arcsys' "Asset Dump Game" like MvC2 was, I want them to go full MvC2 and just include EVERYONE.

Sure, the game will be more broken then Hokuto no Ken, but who cares.
- lulz, NeoGeoPocketColor Adel.
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Re: blazblue tag battle
#32  July 17, 2017, 04:36:16 pm
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looks interesting, not sure if we are able to see so many sequels to it or would it be just only this title like Guilty Gear Isuka  :P Sol and Ky would make cool addition if they are confirmed :truestory: crossover battle seems to be getting more and more popular  :mlol:

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Re: blazblue tag battle
#33  July 17, 2017, 06:08:29 pm
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I'm actually interested in Blazblue's game engine. Would like to know what features each team will have, as well as whether the player will be able to control two fighters at once.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#34  July 18, 2017, 05:29:10 am
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BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle will feature a “dream-team of characters that have never before been gathered in a single 2D fighting game,” including Ragna the Bloodedge and Jin Kisaragi from BlazBlue, Yu from Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Hyde from Under Night In-Birth, and Ruby Rose from the 3D animated series RWBY. More character announcements will be made in the future.
So it really is a Mugen full game.

Spoiler: Hyde (click to see content)

Spoiler: Ragna The Bloodedge (click to see content)

Spoiler: Yu Narukami (click to see content)

Spoiler: Ruby Rose (click to see content)
Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 05:33:48 am by Kirishima
Re: blazblue tag battle
#35  July 18, 2017, 03:53:17 pm
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I can easily see them including characters from other games like Arcana Heart and Chaos Code.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#36  July 18, 2017, 04:17:21 pm
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Since it's clear this is Arcsys' "Asset Dump Game" like MvC2 was, I want them to go full MvC2 and just include EVERYONE.

Sure, the game will be more broken then Hokuto no Ken, but who cares.

Yo, just get the rights and throw Hokuto No Ken into this. Also Arcsys now owns River City and Double Dragon, so they could make some new sprites and *BAM*. I get Guilty Gear and Dragonball aren't going to be in here (one for graphics, two for rights in the latter's case), but maybe they could update some of GG's  sprites for the game. I just want EVERYONE in this mess.
Re: blazblue tag battle
#37  July 18, 2017, 04:41:25 pm
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I'm hoping a lot more than just team RWBY will be in it I'm expecting Qrow (I'm maining him day 1 if so) and Pyrrha as for Hokuto No Ken I think Koei Techmo currently hold the rights to it but in this day and age where Geese Howard can be in Tekken anything is possible lol would be lit to see Kenshiro and Rei vs Ragna and Jin also they could just touch up and update the Guilty Gear sprites if they truly wanted them in the game people have wanted Sol and Ragna to fight for years (the closest thing we got was Death Battle)
Re: blazblue tag battle
#38  July 18, 2017, 06:32:50 pm
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Assuming that ArcSys is going for a universal sprite style, we can rest assured that Guilty Gear and HnK characters will not make an appearance. Which is good. It would be crazy to assume that they'd remake those character sprites for an "Asset dump" game, regardless of if they're making the RWBY characters specifically for this game.
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Re: blazblue tag battle
#39  July 18, 2017, 07:12:50 pm
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Assuming that ArcSys is going for a universal sprite style, we can rest assured that Guilty Gear and HnK characters will not make an appearance. Which is good. It would be crazy to assume that they'd remake those character sprites for an "Asset dump" game, regardless of if they're making the RWBY characters specifically for this game.
That makes no sense whatsoever. If this game was to be just a random crossover of characters they already have, they wouldn't make any new character, just put in the ones they already have from the first three games. And I assure you that, if they will make an universal sprite style, they're more likely to add Guilty Gear characters than adding RWBY, because Guilty Gear is more popular, not to mention that they can do something about the Ragna VS Sol fan rivalry.
Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 07:16:23 pm by Lord M
Re: blazblue tag battle
#40  July 18, 2017, 07:33:10 pm
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They are more then likely making a RWBY game or were doing so and decided the market was too saturated so went for this instead to have more chars and hype.