
Dead or Alive 6 revealed (Read 166157 times)

Started by GTOAkira, June 08, 2018, 04:29:45 pm
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Re: Dead or Alive 6 revealed
#221  March 31, 2020, 09:47:32 pm
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It could've been a much better game if it wasn't for bad choices that Shimbori made.
This is fate.
Re: Dead or Alive 6 revealed
#222  March 31, 2020, 09:55:04 pm
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Don't think...obey
Re: Dead or Alive 6 revealed
#223  April 01, 2020, 09:53:17 pm
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Re: Dead or Alive 6 revealed
#224  April 02, 2020, 01:02:51 am
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The director of DoA6. The dude has a history of being quite the divided person. In interviews, he said he wanted to make DoA6 more eSport friendly... yet, in other interviews he was all for the sex appeal. He was the same way when it came to any characters from the Xtreme series: He said that no one from there would be in the core game... yet we have Tamaki in the game as DLC.

It also doesn't help that the game has a massive truckload of DLC that is obscenely expensive. The Season Passes are for a combined total of $345! Who the fuck has that kind of money?!?!
Re: Dead or Alive 6 revealed
#225  April 02, 2020, 07:46:46 am
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And with the last update, KT stops supporting this game starting mid-April.
What a stupid ride we had.
Huge high prices Season Passes, unnecessary censors here and there, this f***ing story...
Seriously! What kind of mess is this?
Its just Koei showing how greedy they are, and suffering the deserved consequences.

A mess that potentially killed the Dead or Alive series.

Maybe that's the best for some of us, I don't's a shame that the sixth game eventually killed the whole series entirely.
Lets not go too far, darling, even Koei would not stupid enough to go as far as killing a franchise for one failed game. Dead Or Alive is too easy to milk money from, remember, despite them being apparently aware that DoA6 went too far, they still got away with the bullshit in DoA5, which was a LOT.


The director of DoA6. The dude has a history of being quite the divided person. In interviews, he said he wanted to make DoA6 more eSport friendly... yet, in other interviews he was all for the sex appeal. He was the same way when it came to any characters from the Xtreme series: He said that no one from there would be in the core game... yet we have Tamaki in the game as DLC.

It also doesn't help that the game has a massive truckload of DLC that is obscenely expensive. The Season Passes are for a combined total of $345! Who the fuck has that kind of money?!?!
Unless Shimbori is responsible for all the Warriors series as well, I don't think the DLC excess is his fault, not entirely, its more like Koei themselves. Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors (not sure if Warriors Orochi too) all have some pretty ridiculous DLC practices as well, the most notable one being the excess, followed closely by recycled content.
Re: Dead or Alive 6 revealed
#226  April 02, 2020, 09:56:40 am
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The DLC nonsense was obviously Koei Tecmo. They kept pushing how far they could milk their fans and went over the edge with the hair color nonsense.

I don't know who (between Team Ninja, KT, and the western competitive community who was in their ear) was responsible for this mess, so I'll just say they all have blame to share as to why the game failed.

They want to make an e-sports game, but you can't play with friends at launch because no lobbies? Who seriously thought that was acceptable? Any chance the game might have had was finished right there.

Apparently no Tag Mode was because of the graphical improvements, mentioned months after they confirmed it wouldn't be present. I wish they would've been more transparent about that from the beginning, rather than let people speculate as to why it went missing.

You finally give basic customization features, but you pay for custom features that other games let you do for free... huh?

Not helped by weird changes (lol meter) that did nothing to fix gameplay issues that competitive players really have with the game. Or off-tone additions like blood filled, FPS styled screen effects.

Then there's Kasumi and her awful redesign, important since it's the main character. In a desperate attempt to show e-sports people that "we're more mature" or whatever, I wonder how many of those people actually bought/played the game (I'll guess a total of 5, for about a week).

Can't say I'd care much about any future games if this is the best they can do. But if they do get a chance at a new game, hopefully it'll be better planned out than this.
Re: Dead or Alive 6 revealed
#227  April 03, 2020, 09:33:36 am
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Re: Dead or Alive 6 revealed
#228  April 03, 2020, 04:49:50 pm
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This is a huge mess.. the problem? I highly doubt Koei Tecmo is going to learn their lesson when it comes to the DLC prices.

That makes money for them. That $345 goes to probably something else they have cooking or whatever. I don't know how that works.

To me, DoA holds a soft spot since DoA2 Hardcore was one of my first PS2 games. It was fun to play, the tag team mechanic was awesome, the arcade mode was simple fun and just the right amount of cheesy. The characters looked great at the time and it was worth it.

Now? Well, the series does maintain the look of the Hollywood Starlet that I always considered to be: Beautiful to look at, but not the brightest apple on the tree... if you know what I mean.