
Rurouni Kenshin: Soul And Sword Full Game WIP (Read 1174246 times)

Started by Aoshi24, June 30, 2012, 11:45:58 pm
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Re: Rurouni Kenshin: Soul And Sword Full Game WIP
#101  August 14, 2014, 11:27:23 pm
    • USA
Hey, Aoshi! How long untill custom controller configs being saveable do ya think? I't not a real problem to reconfig every time, but It would be nice. And Damn, been playin with Kenshin and I loooove the combo possibilities. And the whole low health max kenki super moves. Very thought out, more games need this function!
Re: Rurouni Kenshin: Soul And Sword Full Game WIP
#102  August 15, 2014, 03:14:05 am
  • **
Thanks for the nice words! I'm glad that you are enjoying it!  I actually re-uploaded it in the original release thread so you may need to re-download it so you won't have anymore problems with the options.  Sorry about that!
Re: Rurouni Kenshin: Soul And Sword Full Game WIP
#103  August 15, 2014, 09:32:55 am
    • USA
Sweeeet, this weekend is party weekend so some extensive bug testing shall commence! Also, on Sanosuke's Winning rate being so much lower, what are your thoughts on that? AI? Balance issues? Because I'd love to give a good beatdown to Saito sometime. xD
Re: Rurouni Kenshin: Soul And Sword Full Game WIP
#104  August 15, 2014, 10:46:17 pm
  • **
It might just be due to the fact that Sano doesn't have a weapon by default (unless he has meter to pick up the zanbato) and so he has low attack priority. Although he has high attack power and higher than average defense, he has a very hard time hitting opponents with high speed (Battousai/Okita) or long range (Enishi/Saito). He does have an easier time fighting aggressively against characters with low damage output/ low defense such as Soujiro and Aoshi. Interestingly, Sano win % goes up to at least 50% whenever he uses the zanbato.

Saito is pretty easy to beat with Sano. Just fight defensively with counters when he is far and apply pressure when close. For a challenge, try beating Battousai or Okita with Sano! :D