
Snowy's Moveset Ideas (Read 6678 times)

Started by snowy997, October 22, 2024, 08:23:25 pm
Snowy's Moveset Ideas
#1  October 22, 2024, 08:23:25 pm
  • ***
    • Brazil
This will be my thread for when i want to make some moveset ideas.

Henry Stickmin (Henry Stickmin Series)

The Henrys in Mugen have a very generic moveset with few stuff from the games, so i decided to make this one :

QCF + P - Earthbending
Henry uses his Earthbending skill to push a rock to the opponent, like in FFTC.

DP + P - Ultra Jump
Another skill from FFTC, Henry uses a SMB2-esque charged jump to uppercut the foe.

QCB + P - Swapper
Henry uses the Swapper made by Gadget Gabe to swap places with the opponent.

QCF + K - Scooter
Henry rams into the oponnent with his motorized scooter.

QCB + K - Falcon Kick
Henry tries to use the Falcon Kick, but burns himself, doing damage to those nearby.

QCF+PP - Rifle
Henry uses a rifle that was used in StD, but unlike in that game he hits every shot.

Henry uses Cpt. Falcon's legendary forward air to knock the oponnent outta stage. When using this move to finish someone, the oponnent is knocked off the stage and "explodes" in sparks like in Smash.

QCB+PP - The Greatest Plan
Charlie shows up to help Henry by using his "greatest plan", which is of course, crashing his helicopter right at the oponnent.

HCF+PP - 360 NoScope
Henry does a fricking 360 NoScope, complete with MLG effects if he defeats the opponent.

HCB+PP - Metalbending (Level 2)
Henry uses his metalbending skills, by making the Toppat Airship land rather roughly at the foe.

QCB, QCF + KK - Wombo Combo (Level 3)
Henry, with the help of Ellie, perform the infamous Wombo Combo.

Start - Distraction Dance
Because of course it would have it :p

And that's my first moveset idea. If you have any feedback, i would be appreciated.
Re: Snowy's Moveset Ideas
#2  January 26, 2025, 03:51:03 pm
  • ***
    • Brazil
Miraitowa (2020 Tokyo Olympics Mascot)

He is the mascot of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as stated above. I'm quite a fan of this mascot so it would be fun to see him in MUGEN.

Baseball - QCF+P
Hits a Baseball at the opponent.
Since the Tokyo Olympics had the return of Baseball, of course he would have a baseball move.

Volleyball Spike - (Air) QCF+P
A move similar to Natsu's Jumping Serve

Karate Counter - QCB+P
A move referencing one of the new sports in the 2020, Tokyo Olympics, he does a counter stance and strikes with a karate punch if attacked.

Skateboarding - DP+K
Another new sport in the 2020 Olympics, Miraitowa does a cool skateboarding trick.

Judo Throw - 360°+P
He does a Judo throw similar to Goro Daimon.

Teleport - Down, Up
One of his special powers, functioning similar to Raiden's teleport.

Surfing - QCF+PP
Another one of the new sports in the 2020 Olympics, Miraitowa rides a wive that crashes into the opponent.

Football (Drive Shot) - QCF+KK
Referencing Captain Tsubasa, Miraitowa performs Tsubasa's classic Drive Shot.

Gymnastics - QCB+KK
Miraitowa does a combo of various Gymnastic moves

Level 3 Super
Olympic Ring Beam (feat. Someity) - QCF+PPP
Miraitowa joins forces with Someity to fire a five-colored beam to represent the Olympic Rings.