
A little request for mugenguild staff (Read 16727 times)

Started by Nobun, April 06, 2024, 07:25:40 pm
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A little request for mugenguild staff
#1  April 06, 2024, 07:25:40 pm
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Hi. I'm Nobun.
I'd like to ask only a favour. I see that my nickname is still associated to mugenation (it links to that site), which is no more true since 2004-2005, more or less (don't remember when I quit from mugenation, for several reasons).
This is even more true now, that is a fake site.

If you want you can host directly all my creations, since all my creations are free-to-host to everyone (and also free-to-mod). You can also associate my nickname to mugenguild, if you like, and replace the link from mugenation to mugenguild. Or, simply remove the Nobun -> link to mugenation without replacement. Both solutions are fine for me, so you can choose the option you like more.

The most important thing, to me, is to see the removal of mugenation link from my nickname.
Thank you very much, in advance
All my creations (characters, stages, applications, etc) can be freely destributed and hosted anywhere without any limitation.

Developer of N.O.M.E.N. (Abandoned project).
Re: A little request for mugenguild staff
#2  April 06, 2024, 11:55:58 pm
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You should be able to change the url and your signature under your profile > modify profile > forum profile. Unless you're referring to your username than you can only change your display name under account settings
Re: A little request for mugenguild staff
#3  April 28, 2024, 07:22:48 pm
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Sorry, I had not expressed well my request. I am not talking about mugenguild forum, but mugenguild database. So it is something that I think I can not edit myself, but I assume it can be only edited by mugenguild administrator:

This place:

Here if you see a character I made, my nickname will link to mugenation, which is something I'd like will be removed forever.
As I sald THAT link could be replaced, if you want, with mugenguild site (if you want to host my creations) or removed completely without a replacement.

Both solution are fine for me, but my creations have not an official site anymore. So you can host them directly if you want (and if you have a copy of them... I probably don't have any backup of my mugen creations).

Thank for your time.
All my creations (characters, stages, applications, etc) can be freely destributed and hosted anywhere without any limitation.

Developer of N.O.M.E.N. (Abandoned project).
Last Edit: April 28, 2024, 07:26:02 pm by Nobun