
SF4 NES Character Remake; Final Announcement... Sorta (Read 657663 times)

Started by D, The Red Cloak, January 15, 2014, 11:38:49 pm
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Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#21  January 28, 2014, 08:50:31 pm
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Well, I could try and possibly make some stages, if you want.
I only need map rips of the original stages as a reference.
The rest, like finding fitting sprites and coding the stage, I can do myself.
Who knows, maybe I will also try to make lifebars, which would then have the needed Street Fighter 4 (not the NES one) feel to it.

Look up Cenobite 53 site, it has all the SF4 stages in the NES section.
If you want to make the lifebars, go for it. :)
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#22  January 29, 2014, 03:34:09 am
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the second and 4th one are my favorites...
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Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#23  January 29, 2014, 03:44:34 am
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Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#24  January 29, 2014, 04:03:40 am
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I only need map rips of the original stages as a reference.
don't mind me, just putting my sprite sheet right here:
This seems like a pretty cool project. I like how you even decided to do the unused Ranboo Chun-Li clone from AVGF. :P (I still remember finding that by complete accident and putting it up on BootlegGames Wiki afterwards)

That is kind of you, I should of thought about that sheet first. And are you really found the one who put up the Ranboo Chunli info? I'm impressed.
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#25  January 29, 2014, 04:06:36 am
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yeah he's been pretty prevalent in bootleg stuff, musashi wouldn't have been made if it weren't for him

also regarding the ranboo thing, i do think making his leftover data from AVGF is brilliant but ranboo himself deserves a little more than just being a palette-swap of, well, rambo. or at least give him his long hair. somethin' different from that rambo y'know
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#26  January 29, 2014, 09:01:49 am
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Well, I could try and possibly make some stages, if you want.
I only need map rips of the original stages as a reference.
The rest, like finding fitting sprites and coding the stage, I can do myself.
Who knows, maybe I will also try to make lifebars, which would then have the needed Street Fighter 4 (not the NES one) feel to it.

Look up Cenobite 53 site, it has all the SF4 stages in the NES section.
If you want to make the lifebars, go for it. :)
Oh, well, I actually meant remaking the SF4NES stages so they aren't 8-bit anymore.
Eitherway, KingPepe already redirected me to the SF4NES sprite rips, so I guess here are some plans:
-Bunny Tracy's Stage: I guess I will pull and Ryouchi there and take sprites from various Casino stages, and who knows, maybe I will be also able to touch up the CIRCUS sign...
-Goho Li's Stage: Again, I will search for sprites, out of which I can build this stage
-Rober Pasta's Stage: I guess I will just take sprites from various facility stages there and place the parts in the same way like the original game.
-John Ramboo's Stage: This one looks like a real mess...I guess I have to watch videos of that stage then, so I can get an better idea of how it looks like.
-Chun Fu Moon's Stage: Uhm...let's say I try to come up with something
-Musashi's Stage: Same like with Chun Fu Moon
-Amy Ramboo: She's not from the original SF4NES, so I would like to have suggestions on how her stage should look like...
Eitherway, I guess I will start with Bunny Tracy's stage then, since you already released her. To the Request thread I go.
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Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#27  January 29, 2014, 01:14:34 pm
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I only need map rips of the original stages as a reference.
don't mind me, just putting my sprite sheet right here:
This seems like a pretty cool project. I like how you even decided to do the unused Ranboo Chun-Li clone from AVGF. :P (I still remember finding that by complete accident and putting it up on BootlegGames Wiki afterwards)

That is kind of you, I should of thought about that sheet first. And are you really found the one who put up the Ranboo Chunli info? I'm impressed.

Yup, one day I decided to test some Game Genie codes that I had left in the emulator on other bootleg games and I think a few of them for AVGF caused the selection screen cursor to act strange. It kept pointing to random glitch characters several times and I was trying them all out until I found the green Chun-Li named Ranboo. (recently I found out you can also access her if you go to address 00B0 (or 00B1 for 2P), and change the value to 0A (hex) or 10 (decimal))

-Amy Ramboo: She's not from the original SF4NES, so I would like to have suggestions on how her stage should look like...
...maybe use Chun-Li's stage from AVGF? If you need me to, I can do a quick rip of that stage.
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Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 02:47:36 pm by KingPepe2010
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#28  January 30, 2014, 06:38:16 pm
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-Amy Ramboo: She's not from the original SF4NES, so I would like to have suggestions on how her stage should look like...
...maybe use Chun-Li's stage from AVGF? If you need me to, I can do a quick rip of that stage.
I would be glad, if you could do that.
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Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#29  January 30, 2014, 11:51:41 pm
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All right, here it is:
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Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#30  January 31, 2014, 06:26:26 pm
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Welp, looks like I will have a hard time with finding good base sprites...
In other news, I need help:

I got most of the messages done already, but I have no idea, what graphics I could use for the lifebars and powerbars...any suggestions?
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Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#31  January 31, 2014, 07:34:10 pm
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How about a mix between the NES version and the official SF4 version?
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#32  January 31, 2014, 07:38:29 pm
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Sounds like a plan. Does someone know of good border sprites I could use for the lifebars? Thanks in advance!
EDIT1: I also have changed the hair color of Bunny Tracy's default pallette to be more accurate to the original game.
EDIT2: Well, looks like I have another problem. There are no useful sprite rips of the Street Fighter 4 lifebars...what should I do now?
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Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 07:58:17 pm by Trinitronity
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#33  January 31, 2014, 08:33:26 pm
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How about doing a 16-Bit version of the Lifebar with the box from the NES game surrounding it.
Also I have updated the first post.
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#34  January 31, 2014, 11:01:30 pm
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Hmm, that sounds very good, though the bars itself still have to be from Capcom's SF4.
Also, I have checked the first post, and, to say the least: I had slitghly different plans.
I think I will make a list with my ideas:
1. Goho Li: The only thing I would have changed is that her gi isn't Cliff's anymore, but her actual white gi from the original. And the reason is mentioned below.
2. Cliff: I actually would like it, if Cliff would be playable as well. I even think that Cliff can be evolved to a character, which is not just a spriteswap of Goho Li.
Goho Li's projectiles could be just the old-school Hadouken styled ones, while Cliff's projectiles could be more close-ranged like Ryo's Ko'oh Ken in the KOF games.
Goho Li's anti-air attack could be just a classical Shoryuken like attack, while Cliff's anti-air attack is more like an Tiger Uppercut.
Goho Li's kick special could be just the regular spin kick with the QCB motion, while Cliff's kick special could be more like Zen's kick special from Rumble Fish with a QCF special. Cliff also would be slower then Goho Li and also have different supers then Goho Li.
3. Bunny Tracy: The only change I would do is changing the hair color to brown like in the original, and I also would gave her back some of her other original moves.
4. Chun Fo Moon: Yours is perfect from the first glance. I would base his gameplay of the original game.
5. Rober Pasta: Yours is perfect from the first glance. I would base his gameplay of the original game.
6. John Ramboo: Yours is perfect from the first glance. I would base his gameplay of the original game.
7. Amy Ramboo: Yours is perfect from the first glance.
8. Musashi: Yours is perfect from the first glance. I would make him in terms of the story line an M. Bison styled villian (for those, who don't get it, Street Fighter Alpha 3 had got many references, that pointed out, that M. Bison isn't like a normal human and basically cannot be killed period, his psycho drive can find a new host). I could make Musashi such kind of a villian then, which would then be even more fitting for his role as the final boss.
9. Conbon: Kind of like how Oboro Bishamon was an human version of Bishmon in Vampire Savior, Conbon also could be an human version of Musashi. Because of that, Conbon's specials could have different properites then Musashi's specials, and Conbon even could get his own supers.
10. Stalong: Although he was original a Ramboo pallette swap, I actually had the idea of making him a completely fresh character. He would then use attack based around on weapons. He could use guns, knifes anf flame throwers as specials and use other artillery as supers. Heck, I could even imagine a LVL3 super, where Stalong jumps into a tank and then rushes down his opponents.
11. Yaein: My favorite bootleg clone. He is basically Laurence Blood in a pinkish/redish attire. However, I'm not 100% sure, if he could fit into this game...
12. ???: Yeah, the 12th character is the only one, where I have no idea, who could it be... :P
Well, I would like to know, what you think of my character ideas.
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Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#35  January 31, 2014, 11:58:13 pm
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Here's some of the ideas I'm going for.
-Goho Li: I was thinking of making her somewhat similar to Dan with a bit of Fei Long. And we already have enough White Gi's in Mugen.

-Cliff: I don't have an Idea who I would use without just head swapping Ryu. If I would have to, I would try to mix all the Street Fighter Shotoclones moves into him.

-Rober Pasta: Has basic Shotocone moves with a hint of Heihachi Mishima.

-John Ranboo: I was thinking of having his original moves, along with Guile's Flash Kick, Alex SF3's Flash Chop, and Sawada's Kamakazi Banzai.

-Amy Ranboo: Has three of John's moves along with Chun Li's Kiyoken & Wall Jump, Sawada's Hyakuretu Izungiri & Kamakazi Banzai and a SF2 Rainbow Edition Shoryuken for a hyper. In an alternate mode I call Bloodlust Mode, she will have Sawada's Harakiri and a much more powerful version of it to replace the Rainbow Shoryuken.

-Musashi: Story-wise, He's an unusual but well meaning fighting enthusiast who organized a tournament for not only for his own personal amusement, but also to give obscure fighters a chance to shine on world wide television. Gameplay wise, he has a mix between Sodom and Soul Calibur 3's Yoshimitsu & Revenant moves.

-Conbon: Story-wise, he is the jealous twin brother of Musashi who takes over Musashi's tournament. He too will have Sodom's & Yoshimitsu's moves but also has Rolento's moves such as the Mine Sweeper, Patriot Circle and Take No Prisoners.

-Stalong: In the story I made for this, Stalong is the middle name of John Ranboo. If I was to make a character, I don't know who to use. I could just do what Battle K-Road did and just make another Guile headswap. But I'm thinking that would make me look lazy.
I figured something out, maybe I can use your ideas for Stalong.

-Yaein: I was thinking of having Sophia have moves based on Vega (Claw) and Lawrence, but uses her own hands, roses and a hidden cape instead of a rapier.

-Bella: She would have her moves, but also adding moves from T.Hawk and MVC3 Phoenix (No Dark Phoenix obviously).

-Riggs: His moveset will be updated with new moves based on Alice from Asura Blade & it's sequel and Alice from Rage of the Dragons.

That's what I got so far in terms of planning.
Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 07:17:37 am by D, The Red Cloak
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#36  February 01, 2014, 01:03:34 am
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Ok, I do like the fact you added someone from a Vast Fame game in. :D
If you want to use anymore characters from other games, the only ones I can think of is Asder's Fighting Hero games (Fighting Hero 1 and Fighting Hero 3) and Sachen's Street Heroes. Maybe it would be possible to include another AVGF edit (to be more specific, one of the Ranma or Sailor Moon edits) as well?

EDIT: Sorry if it'll be a pain to do a stage like that Trinitronity.
...also I could just rip Hummer Team's Street Fighter IV lifebars if needed. If you need help ripping anything from the NES games, just ask me.
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Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 01:24:24 am by KingPepe2010
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#37  February 01, 2014, 08:35:19 am
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Here's some of the ideas I'm going for.
-Goho Li: I was thinking of making her somewhat similar to Dan with a bit of Fei Long. And we already have enough White Gi's in Mugen.

-Cliff: I don't have an Idea who I would use without just head swapping Ryu. If I would have to, I would try to mix all the Street Fighter Shotoclones moves into him.

-Rober Pasta: Has basic Shotocone moves with a hint of Heihachi Mishima.

-John Ranboo: I was thinking of having his original moves, along with Guile's Flash Kick, Alex SF3's Flash Chop, and Sawada's Kamakazi Banzai.

-Amy Ranboo: Has three of John's moves along with Chun Li's Kiyoken & Wall Jump, Sawada's Hyakuretu Izungiri & Kamakazi Banzai and a SF2 Rainbow Edition Shoryuken for a hyper. In an alternate mode I call Bloodlust Mode, she will have Sawada's Harakiri and a much more powerful version of it to replace the Rainbow Shoryuken.

-Musashi: Story-wise, He's an unusual but well meaning fighting enthusiast who organized a tournament for not only for his own personal amusement, but also to give obscure fighters a chance to shine on world wide television. Gameplay wise, he has a mix between Sodom and Soul Calibur 3's Yoshimitsu & Revenant moves.

-Conbon: Story-wise, he is the jealous twin brother of Musashi who takes over Musashi's tournament. He too will have Sodom's & Yoshimitsu's moves but also has Rolento's moves such as the Mine Sweeper, Patriot Circle and Take No Prisoners.

-Stalong: In the story I made for this, Stalong is the middle name of John Ranboo. If I was to make a character, I don't know who to use. I could just do what Battle K-Road did and just make another Guile headswap. But I'm thinking that would make me look lazy.
I figured something out, maybe I can use your ideas for Stalong.

-Yaein: I was thinking of having Sophia have moves based on Vega (Claw) and Lawrence, but uses her own hands, roses and a hidden cape instead of a rapier.

-Bella: She would have her moves, but also adding moves from T.Hawk and MVC3 Phoenix (No Dark Phoenix obviously).

-Riggs: His moveset will be updated with new moves based on Alice from Asura Blade & it's sequel and Alice from Rage of the Dragons.

That's what I got so far in terms of planning.
-Goho Li: I'm not sure if that works...maybe I have to see that in action somehow
-Cliff: I wouldn't use Ryu as a base, but actually Dan. Especially Dan's head with an additional beard could be very fitting for Clint.
-Rober Pasta: Please make sure that his Hadouken and Tatsumaki uses a wavy pattern lik in the original.
-the Ranboos: Okay, I guess this is where you're FG knowldge becomes useful, since I have never played "Street Fighter 2 The Movie The Game" (if that is even the correct name)...
-Musashi and Conbon: I'm already liking you're idea.
-Stalong: Well, feel free to use them. And nice idea to also add a bit Car into the mix.
-Yaein/Sophia: So that means no Yaein? Then please give Sophia that Psycho Crusher rip-off, which Lawrence/Yaein has. That was one of the reasons, why I thought that Yaein would fit, since there is currently nobody with a Psycho Crusher styled attack.
-Bella: Okay, I have counted your ideas, and I got 11 slots. Is this game going to have more then 12 characters now or not? I just hope that Bunny Tracy and Chun Fo Moon will stay in the roster. They were perfect additions.
-Riggs: Same like above, but I got more of a problem with him because he is not a bootleg character, while everyone else is one. That way, Riggs feel kinda...uhm...out of place...
I have also never played Shadow War of Succession, so I don't know, what moves actually fit him...
EDIT: Sorry if it'll be a pain to do a stage like that Trinitronity.
...also I could just rip Hummer Team's Street Fighter IV lifebars if needed. If you need help ripping anything from the NES games, just ask me.
Well, the Hummer Team's SF4 lifebars aren't the problem I have (BootlegGames Wiki have got HQ screenshots, so I can just nab the lifebars from there). I'm more concerned about Capcom's SF4 lifebars.
I've just got an idea now:

I thought about using Capcom's SF4 lifebars, but with triangles at both ends, just like Hummer Team's SF4 lifebars. However, that would not only require sprite rips of Capcom's SF4, but also someone, who could edit these lifebars to actually have these triangles...
There is also the problem with the font: I actually have one, but it was made for 1280x720 ratio, and thus, they are way to big.
I could resize the sprite-based fight messages, but I have no idea how to resize fonts ingame. And I really don't want to resize them manually, since then they end up being shit.
Nevermind, I'm stupid. I just found out that you can scale lifebar fonts ingame. Thats good for me.
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Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 12:16:44 pm by Trinitronity
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#38  February 01, 2014, 04:46:01 pm
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-Goho Li: I'm not sure if that works...maybe I have to see that in action somehow
-Cliff: I wouldn't use Ryu as a base, but actually Dan. Especially Dan's head with an additional beard could be very fitting for Clint.
-Rober Pasta: Please make sure that his Hadouken and Tatsumaki uses a wavy pattern lik in the original.
-the Ranboos: Okay, I guess this is where you're FG knowldge becomes useful, since I have never played "Street Fighter 2 The Movie The Game" (if that is even the correct name)...
-Musashi and Conbon: I'm already liking you're idea.
-Stalong: Well, feel free to use them. And nice idea to also add a bit Car into the mix.
-Yaein/Sophia: So that means no Yaein? Then please give Sophia that Psycho Crusher rip-off, which Lawrence/Yaein has. That was one of the reasons, why I thought that Yaein would fit, since there is currently nobody with a Psycho Crusher styled attack.
-Bella: Okay, I have counted your ideas, and I got 11 slots. Is this game going to have more then 12 characters now or not? I just hope that Bunny Tracy and Chun Fo Moon will stay in the roster. They were perfect additions.
-Riggs: Same like above, but I got more of a problem with him because he is not a bootleg character, while everyone else is one. That way, Riggs feel kinda...uhm...out of place...
I have also never played Shadow War of Succession, so I don't know, what moves actually fit him...

-Guess we will see.
-That sounds like a good idea. Also how about I mix Dan with Sean?
-Don't worry, I intend to do.
-Thank you. :)
-There are videos of the SFTM game on Youtube and Sawada is a character in Mugen. Try looking those up.
-I will, you won't be disappointed.
-I had no idea that Yaein had the Psycho Crusher. That would make things interesting. Since you liked him so much, how about I have him as a Helper that can attack during some of Sophia's moves like a tag team attack.
-I'm trying to get to twelve characters like in the original game, and Bunny Tracy and Chun Fo will stay in the roster.
-Well you got to have one oddball out of the bunch in your fighting game. Besides like I said, for an "Official" game, War of Succession plays a lot like a low grade bootleg. Riggs in that game is a lieutenant for a crime boss that apparently sold his soul to the Devil for power. His catchphrase was Shang Tsung's "Your Soul is Mine!"

If you have an idea for the last character, please share it. I'm trying to balance the gender ratio, so it has to be a girl.
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#39  February 01, 2014, 05:02:54 pm
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Okay, I will now count both of our character ideas:
1. Goho Li (would still like to see her in a white gi, but that's me being nitpicky)
2. Cliff (do you mean mixing Dan and Sean sprite-wise or gameplay-wise)
3. Rober Pasta (I'm glad you didn't forgot about the wavyness)
4. John Ramboo
5. Amy Ramboo
6. Chun Fo Moon
7. Bunny Tracy (I might try to also update her gameplay-wise to be more accurate to the original)
8. Stalong
9. Sophia/Yaein
10. Musashi
11. Conbon
12. Bella/Riggs/another character idea I have to think up
Well, this is what I get, so if we put in the 9 original SF4NES characters, Amy Ramboo and also either your Sophia or my Yaein, then there is only one spot left, which would be then either Bella, Riggs, or another idea I could come up with. Hmm...
Also, your idea of combining Sophia and Yaein sounds interesting, though I guess we will have to change either Sophia's or Yaein's sprites around, so they both blend in better as a tag team (a knight and a spanish bull fighter (I forgot the technical term for that) sounds like a rather odd team up, to say the least).

EDIT: I have now wathed a video of SF2TM, and my first impression was "LOL, it's just an hack of SSF2T with some additions". I mean, the game even had got the same effects like SSF2T at some places. The burn sprites? Looks like completely ported from SSF2T. The Super Combo Finish BG? Also looks like completely ported from SSF2T. But that's no the point now.
After a while, the player had to fight Sawada. First of I saw, that he had got Sol's Bandit Revolver and Kim's Hienzan. And then I saw him changing into a squad position and pulling something up, and then a red crescent appeared over him all of the sudden, which damaged the player, and then I was all like "WTF is going on here?!"...I'm not sure whenever that is a good sign or not...
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Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 05:28:54 pm by Trinitronity
Re: SF4 NES Character Remake
#40  February 01, 2014, 05:23:41 pm
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For Cliff, I was thinking of having moves of both Dan and Sean
For Musashi and Conbon, I wanted to have them both in the same character. What I mean is that Musashi will have 3 palettes, and Conbon will be playable when you select one of the other three palettes.

I still want to add Riggs, Bella, and the other character. I guess I can make a 14 character roster to add them up.

Also the term your looking for is Matador. and how would you design Sophia and/or Yaein?
Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 06:35:50 pm by D, The Red Cloak