
How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer? (Read 5538 times)

Started by Xman321, July 04, 2015, 06:13:59 pm
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How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer?
#1  July 04, 2015, 06:13:59 pm
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Ok, the title might be a bit confusing, but I'll try and explain what I mean.

Let's say I finished setting up a MUGEN Game. I have the characters I want, the menu's I want, the music I want, etc. Then, I come up with another game I want to make using MUGEN. However, I don't want to just abandon everything I used to make the previous one, just in case I want to play that one again. So, my question is, is it possible to have one MUGEN Game, say, a recreation of MVC2, and another MUGEN game, like a recreation of Mortal Kombat 3. Can I do that, and if so, how?

If I can't do that, could someone explain to me a simple way to at least keep my current stuff, but change it to have new characters, stages, etc, without having to completely Delete it (So, I just have to go into the documents and change a few things to get it back to my previous game). Any Help would be appreciated.


Re: How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer?
#2  July 04, 2015, 06:38:53 pm
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You can change the screenpack (by opening the mugen.cfg file in the data folder) you are using to alter the layout and available characters/stages/lifebars and not have to remove anything.
Yeah Titiln, in fact, You Made Him
Re: How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer?
#3  July 05, 2015, 06:07:39 pm
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...or... you can download another mugen give it it's own things, and keep both of them.
no need to keep changing the mugen.cfg everytime you want to play a specific mugen.
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Re: How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer?
#4  July 06, 2015, 07:10:15 am
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Ok, the title might be a bit confusing, but I'll try and explain what I mean.

Let's say I finished setting up a MUGEN Game. I have the characters I want, the menu's I want, the music I want, etc. Then, I come up with another game I want to make using MUGEN. However, I don't want to just abandon everything I used to make the previous one, just in case I want to play that one again. So, my question is, is it possible to have one MUGEN Game, say, a recreation of MVC2, and another MUGEN game, like a recreation of Mortal Kombat 3. Can I do that, and if so, how?

If I can't do that, could someone explain to me a simple way to at least keep my current stuff, but change it to have new characters, stages, etc, without having to completely Delete it (So, I just have to go into the documents and change a few things to get it back to my previous game). Any Help would be appreciated.

just make a copy of the mugen folder in another folder and mess with it there. P.S this might sound stupid but how do make a forum?
"If you can't slam with the best then go jam with the rest."
Re: How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer?
#5  July 06, 2015, 04:37:46 pm
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  • For the Murder!
.bat files is the answer

inside your data folder create a new folder
inside that new folder unpack your screenpack, lifebars, select, system, etc
in the main mugen folder create bat file that forces mugen to read that new folder as your main data folder instead
that way you cam have multiple mugen games without duplicating the chars nor stage folders
(my chars folder alone is about 50 GB, having a duplicate isn't viable)

inside the data folder create a folder named CVS2
unpack a cvs2 screenpack inside that folder
open the cvs2 select.def, add chars normally and save.
open notepad and write:
@echo off
echo =========== Capcom VS SNK 2 ===============
mugen -r cvs2
select 'save as...' to save it as CVS2.bat extension inside your main mugen folder (where mugen.exe is located)
running mugen.exe and CVS2.bat should run two different mugen 'games'
repeat as many time as you want with different screenpacks

line 2 in the code is optional, it only displays the "Capcom VS SNK 2" text in the popup window when running the bat file
you can change 'Capcom VS SNK 2' for any other text you want

You do not have another mugen, you are running the same mugen but with a different screenpack and different select file
Lord Noble Eye of Dezeroff; High Commander of the Reconnaissance Division, Airborne Corps; Fifth Seat in the Murder's Council; and Duke of Corvus
Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 04:56:44 pm by Duke of Corvus
Re: How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer?
#6  July 08, 2015, 08:24:34 pm
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I actually use a combination of different screenpacks and VSelect. Just open VSelect, then go to Open Motif and select the Screenpack you want to work with. When you hit Launch MUGEN, it will load the currently active screenpack. Make sure each screenpack has it's own select.def though if you want to have different rosters for each distribution or else it will just use the one in mugen/data.
Re: How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer?
#7  July 08, 2015, 09:38:24 pm
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Vselect doesn't work with mugen 1.1 though.

Batch files are the way to go. After a while you won't even want to launch mugen.exe; you'll set up the characters, stage, number of rounds and just play, skipping the main title, select and versus screens.
Re: How can I have 2 different MUGEN Games on the same computer?
#8  July 08, 2015, 10:32:37 pm
  • *
  • Dat Minecraftin' Gmodder on them internetz.
    • USA
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Vselect doesn't work with mugen 1.1 though.

Batch files are the way to go. After a while you won't even want to launch mugen.exe; you'll set up the characters, stage, number of rounds and just play, skipping the main title, select and versus screens.

oh it works with 1.1. I've tried it.