
Win quote ideas/suggestions thread? (Read 155790 times)

Started by Duos.act, September 11, 2012, 01:22:56 am
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Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#61  September 30, 2012, 01:06:00 am
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Here is some for one of my favourite SF character!!! Gouken!

Ryu: I've trained you well Ryu, But even so! I am still the greatest...
Ken: You have really gotten far in your training Ken, keep that up...
Chun-Li: I don't know what an Interpool Police officer would want me for...
Alex: Your brute strenght will not get you to victory, you need techniques...
Viper: Tools like that does not belong in a fight...
Morrigan: I got no use for you, be gone...
Jedah: King of Hell? Your not even stronger then Akuma...
Charlie: You look more like a pilot then a fighter...
Arthur: I see you have a lot of courage, but too bad that is not going to help in a fight...
Wesker: Your fighting techniques are too rushed and not figured out. There was no way you would have won...
Mr.X: You don't get hurt easly huh? Well glad I manage to beat you anyways...
Leo: Your brave I can see that, but fighting alone with such power will get you no where...
Hinata: I hope you are alright, But a tournoment is a tournoment...
Mega Man: Your not quiet what I imagine when I hear ''Mega'' Man...
Frank West: Sorry I don't take pothographs with people who doesn't earn it...
Bison: So this is what the mighty Bison had to offer? your patethic...
Mike Haggar: I see your built up by strenght, but strenght alone does not fit...
Skullomania: I don't see why you brough that silly get-up to a fight...

Mirror Match: What is this? an imposter...Not to bad, but I am the original...

Axel: Punks like you are a shame to the world of fighting, show some respect...
Blaze: I don't think girls should focus too much on fighting, better get back to the kitchen...
Scorpion: I admire the power you posses, but still there is no match for me...
Sub-Zero: Atleast you got your own technique, but too bad it is not good...
CM Punk: Why do I even bother to beat up kids like you?
Rorschach: You don't talk much, I like that about you...
Squall Leonhart: Your magic does not entertain me, get a job...
K': Are you just going to complain about your past? get over it...
Sonic: I've fought some useless people in my days, but you must be the worse...
Terry: How do you fight in such useless cloths? that is respecless...
Tizoc: What are you supose to be? a fighter? or a bird?
Captain America: Sorry I don't know to much about your history, I am from Japan...
Goku: Kamehameha? Have you improved the Hadou? You must teach me this secret technique...
Jin: Whatever you do! don't let it posses you, or else you might end up like my brother...
Snake: I'm not such fan of bringing tools into a fight, you should feel ashamed of yourself...
Koopa Troopa: I'm glad I met you, Turtle is a good menu where I am from...
Dr.Doom: You have great powers, but if you use them in wrong terms you will never win...
Lynn: I'm impressed, maybe if you train more I can make you a pupil...
Superman: The man of steel? You were no match for me, what a dissepointment...
Det.Laurel: Don't you got work to do?
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#62  September 30, 2012, 02:16:34 am
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Ryu vs Goku
"Kamehameha? Is this an forbidden version of the Hadoken? Please! Teach me your secret!"

Goku vs Sub Zero
"Sub Zero? .....Are you related to Frieza by any chance?"

Scorpion vs Ryu
"Your pitiful road of the warrior ends here."

Goku vs Bad guys (Bison, Wesker, etc)
"Give up your evil ways, or someday we'll meet again."

Scorpion vs Superman
"We meet again Kryptonian warrior! But this time I will have your head!"

Goku vs Superman
"That was a close one buddy, I thought you had me there! Lets go get a bite to eat!"
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

General Squall win quote:

Goku vs Skullomania
"Continue on and fight for justice and peace! .....Just dont pose like Gohan did."

Frank vs Jedah
"What the hell's wrong with you man?! I just cleaned this jacket!"

Mega Man vs Jin
"Im sorry! I thought your mech was one of Dr. Wily's!"
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#63  October 07, 2012, 03:09:06 am
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I don't think anyone's done a full CM Punk, so here we go

Ryu: Kung Fu Naki is better than you! And who the hell is Shen Long?
Ken: You're just second best!
Alex: Nice Tats, by the way.
Charlie: Go back to flying planes, you nerd!
Mr. X: I stopped being afraid of you when I was ten
Jill: Master of Unlocking? I'm the best in the world!
Megaman: You know, I'm on the cover of a videogame this year. I don't really see you being on the cover of anything anymore
M. Bison: Yknow, If you want to keep screaming yes, I know just the guy you should meet...
Jin Saotome: Nice scarf, you homo!
Arthur: You're shorter than Rey Mysterio! And talk much more annoying
Crimson Viper: You knbw, I got a thing for crazy chicks....
Albert Wesker: God, I've been waiting to do that ever since MvC3 came out! You win more matches than John Cena
Haggar: Tell you what, go eat some more steroid burgers and come back (or John Cena wrestles better than you)
Skullomania: Hey, La Par.....wait, who the hell are you?

K': My little sister just texted me your name. Or maybe she got my text that I was booked against you tonight. I don't know
Captain America: Living Legend my ass! Rick Flair could run circles around you
Tizoc: I love the bird mask, by the way. Sure beats some of the things they wear on Raw
Solid Snake: You'll be spending a lot more time in that cardboard box, old man
Rorschach: Stop talking in riddles and show me some respect!
CM Punk: Finally! someone who might actually give me a challange...and it's me!
Goku: Wipe that smile off your face. You're worse than John Cena
Sub-Zero: Observe as I make snow angels...
Garret Laurel: Am I gonna be on Cops for this?
Koopa Troopa: I coulda just jumped on you, but this is so much more fun
Dr. Doom: You run an entire country? I'm the best in the world! or Here's a classic you might recognize...It's clobbering time!
Scorpion: GET OVER HERE! Sorry, always wanted to say that one
Superman: I'm more of a Batman guy myself...
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#64  October 09, 2012, 06:49:50 pm
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  • MUGEN IS MY LIFE /I promise from not to derail.
Sean add  those lines for CM Punk
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#65  October 10, 2012, 01:18:35 am
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Goku vs Skullomania
"Continue on and fight for justice and peace! .....Just dont pose like Gohan did."
This is a nice start, although I think something like
"And I thought Gohan's getup was weird..." would work better as it's shorter and more to the point, but that's just me
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#66  October 17, 2012, 10:31:11 am
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  • MUGEN IS MY LIFE /I promise from not to derail.
Gouken vs Ryu and Ken
Well done my sons but you have to train more to prove yourself
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#67  August 09, 2013, 09:23:14 pm
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Since this topic's been a bit quiet, I'm adding a few new Dr. Doom quotes to accomodate the new character additions.

Vs. Strider Hiryu: Bah! Your pathetic ninja skills and cheap toys are hardly worth my notice!
Vs. Fou-Lou: You have incurred Doom's wrath! Begone lest I decide to personally execute you!

Vs. Soul Badguy: Mercenaries like you are a plague on Latveria! Were they have gone, you shall follow!
Vs. Yoko: For goodness sake, woman! Put something decent on when you stand before Doom!

Are there any I've missed? I apologize if this seems like an unnecesary Necro post, but I felt I had to make a few adjustments due to the roster changes.
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#68  August 09, 2013, 09:36:33 pm
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No problem, I still check this topic when adding win quotes to people. I did it a lot recently in preparation for the update.

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Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#69  August 10, 2013, 07:59:54 am
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actually I'd like to get some input on quotes from Ermac if you guys can muster some. :D
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#70  August 10, 2013, 08:13:39 am
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I can!

vs Ryu = We are unimpressed by this Wave Energy of yours.
vs Ken = Your overconfidence has spelt your end. We anticipated this.
vs Chun-Li = A simple jail cell shan't contain us. You are as foolish as the rest.
vs Morrigan = Pitiful. Your seduction has brought you low.
vs Wesker = If this is what human alterations can do then we have nothing to fear.
vs Mega Man = We are a composition of souls and you are a composition of weapons. However, you are not a powerful composition.
vs Mr. X = A being of raw strength? Is that all? Are you mocking us?!
vs Crimson Viper = Dismal toys. We can read your every move.
vs Jedah = We shall drain you of your blood, no matter how long it takes.
vs Arthur = We will render that armour of yours into your casket.
vs Frank West = That's the first photo anyone's ever taken of us. And it is YOUR last.
vs Leo: Animal! Go on your knees to us!
vs Gouken = Against an infinite number of souls such as us, one master might as well be one termite.
vs Bison = Psycho Power you say? Psycho Power is dross. Join us and regret your insolence.
vs Haggar = Kings must be as powerful as expected from kings.

vs Mirror Match = Is this all Shao Kahn can muster now? A pitiful copy of us?

vs Sub-Zero = We have no reason to fear the Lin Kuei. Why should we start now?
vs Scorpion = It would be in your best interest if you joined us.
vs Goku = We are legion. Sooner or later even you shall fall.
vs Captain America = So, what drives you to keep up this futile fight?
vs Snake = The supposed "psychic" you know is a disgrace to the concept, especially if you're just as weak.
vs Snake 2 = Go ahead. Change controller ports. We'll change the rules in return!
vs Superman = Ahhh, the Lin Kuei warned us about you, Kryptonian.
vs CM Punk = Be silent. We aren't asking, we're telling you.
vs Sonic = Even your speed has its limits. You've faced many but you've not faced us until now.
vs Jin = Fear not the devil. Instead, fear us.
vs Paul = ....please, for all the realms, be silent. Forever if possible.
vs Laurel = The only laws we follow are our own.
vs Terry = A joke like you saddens us, especially if its you that Southtown's put its faith in.
vs Mario = What is the meaning of this...
vs Koopa = Boisterous fool! Return to the seas and never give us a headache again!
vs Rorschach = We are trapped in here with you? No. You are now trapped in the Netherrealm with 1000 hungry Oni for company.
vs Squall = Perhaps we've made you more miserable than are you. We'll put you out of it right now!
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 08:29:46 am by MightyKombat
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#71  August 10, 2013, 10:20:56 am
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Very helpful thread MC2

Anyway I can get some quotes for Yamazaki?
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#72  August 10, 2013, 10:22:38 am
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This thread is for suggesting winquotes for characters in Capcom vs. The World. Yamazaki isn't in Capcom vs. The World. If you personally want MC2's help coming up with winquotes for your project, just PM him.

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Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#73  August 10, 2013, 10:23:32 am
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Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#74  August 10, 2013, 10:30:39 am
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This thread is for suggesting winquotes for characters in Capcom vs. The World. Yamazaki isn't in Capcom vs. The World. If you personally want MC2's help coming up with winquotes for your project, just PM him.
Oh crap i didnt bother to check out what category this belonged too, My bad
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#75  August 10, 2013, 10:32:09 am
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It's cool, MC2 gave you some stuff anyway, just as long as the thread doesn't derail too much.

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Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#76  August 10, 2013, 07:42:05 pm
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Goku vs Cyber Sub-Zero (if someone makes him)

Goku: are you one of Dr.Wheelo's creations?
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#77  August 11, 2013, 03:11:22 am
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Goku vs Cyber Sub-Zero (if someone makes him)

Goku: are you one of Dr.Wheelo's creations?

My man, cyber subby ain't being made, baby.  Contribute quotes for existing characters on the roster, ya dig?
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#78  August 11, 2013, 03:14:45 am
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Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#79  August 11, 2013, 03:37:28 am
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Re: Win quote ideas/suggestions thread?
#80  August 11, 2013, 05:43:11 am
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