
Basara's WIP thread (There's not just CF this 2025) (Read 1875735 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, October 12, 2010, 08:33:06 pm
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Re: Basara's WIP thread (new chars, info & shots added!!)
#21  November 09, 2010, 10:09:29 pm
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No Sho? Damn, and I liked Eric quite a bit :<
Re: Basara's WIP thread (new chars, info & shots added!!)
#22  November 09, 2010, 10:12:45 pm
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I lost inspiration for him u_u also, don't want the "hey, change that Ryu's head" discussion again :(
Re: Basara's WIP thread (new chars, info & shots added!!)
#23  November 16, 2010, 06:16:24 pm
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More :necro: ;D This time for the Capcom's Blue Bomber
Just to advice that the 2 weapons I was working (Burnerman's in MM&B mode and Searchman's in MM8 mode) are finished. Well I've to make some fixes to the last one (in the part of anims especifically). Now to adjust and search more sounds for weapons and voices for Megaman partners in general...

It's definitive: Megaman will be my next release ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (new chars, info & shots added!!)
#24  November 21, 2010, 09:45:30 pm
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Re: Basara's WIP thread (new chars, info & shots added!!)
#25  November 22, 2010, 10:10:48 pm
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Leonhalt still needs a lot of fixes, and Megaman is almost finished and it's a project I wanted to release since I started it (he's before Jim, indeed). That's why I prefered Megaman first ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Megaman released, working on more!!)
#26  December 28, 2010, 02:10:03 pm
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OK, guys, Megaman has been at last released, now back to work in all my other projects, focusing in A-k9999, Jim and a secret and LOL project almost released along Megaman, but I didn't have time to finish it at time :P

So, get to Megaman thread in Old Releases subforum and feedback me now!! >:(
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#27  January 19, 2011, 02:24:12 pm
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After a lot of petitions, resources and new ideas in my mind, I'm now updating some old stuff of my collection. Especifically I'm going to fix and update Kassha and Dean. This is the list I wanted to do for them:

-Lowing the damage in general on her
-Fixing all the bugs were already reported in her topic and made in YouTube videos (thx OG), especially the hardness of making the supers
-Adding some of specials and supers I planned for her but didn't make for the version I released
-Spriting the ball super you should have seen in SFF :P
-Now she was released at last, a special intro vs Blaque >:D (and maybe against another KY chars in MUGEN)

-Adding 7996/Shock compatibility to all his electric moves
-Now thanks to Enscripture, Dean will have grabs & throws, as well his signature super in Final Fight 3
-With all FF3 chars released recently, now Dean will have special intros against them... and maybe against another FF chars from 1 and 2 (dunno if add vs SFA/edited FF chars)
-It was in my planning but I didn't incluide them in the version... now will be: adding a new special (Blanka-esk Lightning Attack (rapid punch)) and adding a new super with the maze (his signature weapon in FF3), electrified by Dean
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#28  January 20, 2011, 12:19:16 pm
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I see you're pretty busy with wips too. Any plans for other Final Fight characters and also other Megaman characters? Btw, do you have time for testing other users wips?
-Toshio Tenma
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#29  January 20, 2011, 01:55:55 pm
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Well, I've some plans about them, but nothing concrete yet: I disagree with every Lucia version for MUGEN (hate OCariocaNildo's shit and don't like FF gameplay of recent versions) and also I want to make Bass in the same way than Megaman... but for now I'm seeing the actual stuff I'm making now :)

About testing... yes, I've time for that, I'm open as betatester ;)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#30  January 20, 2011, 05:16:27 pm
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That's cool, I have added you on MSN. Btw, you only have interest into making characters based in comercial games?
-Toshio Tenma
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#31  January 20, 2011, 06:58:14 pm
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Not necessarily, just chars I liked/wanted to do. I've preference for classic fighting games chars don't converted to MUGEN yet :P
Kassa's new super: Great Energy Ball!! (finished)
#32  January 21, 2011, 06:21:28 pm
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Imagine MVC Chun-Li's Kikosho with less time and range and you'll get the idea ;)

Also, like 80-90% of bugs reported in her release topic (way back to 2009 :P) and the YouTube videos about her were fixed, especially those 2: easier commands (added time in CMD) and reduced general damage (mianly in Data, changed 100 to 80). But I don't want to update Kassha just with fix stuff... she wasn't complete when I released her for limitation of code knowledge. Now th thing is different and I can complete with some of these stuff:
-A new special and new supers (like this one, all for 2-3 power levels)
-Changes in palettes, especially FX stuff
-New special intros against XCB's Blaque and another Kakuge Yaro chars
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#33  January 21, 2011, 08:09:00 pm
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very nice work!  :)
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#34  March 28, 2011, 11:39:44 pm
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Hi again, added a "new" WIP to my workground:

I'm actually working in MC2's Kula Diamond, basically adapting her to WinMugen, but I don't want a simple adaptation, these are the stuff I actually made on her:
-Totally adaptation with WinM version, deleted/unabled all exclusive 1.0 stuff
-All the stuff MC2 made for her are actually intact (moves, specials, supers)
-Fixing some weird stuff on her coding and added clsn2 to her AIR (no more infinite priority)
-Made 12 new palettes for her, based in Kula's friends (apart of K') and NESTS guys, as well some of Kula clones for MUGEN
-Fixing bugs that came with the adaptation (like a little unvoluntary jump she made in standing)

Also, some stuff I want to add:
-Kula voices from KOF:MI2/2006
-Maybe a new special o super, based in past KOF appearances (obviously)

And still working on Jim (see in the other topic), Kassha (adding new specials and supers) and still ensembling Another k9999, Larry Light and Saizo Hattori. And a secret character you didn't expect from me (unless you guessed in screenshot thread)

That's all for now, soon more news!! ;D
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#35  March 29, 2011, 01:01:01 am
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Now that's what's up man. Please finish her up, I would love to see her in action on the win.
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#36  March 29, 2011, 01:03:06 am
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I can't wait for it :D
Keep it up!
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#37  March 29, 2011, 05:40:44 am
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Thanks guys ;D

Also, where I could get KOF:MI2 voices?? I knew some people posted them in the past, but I can't find them anymore in the forum :(
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#38  March 29, 2011, 05:49:21 am
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Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#39  March 29, 2011, 05:49:37 am
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At least make it somehow different so us 1.0 users don't feel like we're downloading the same thing with less things.

A direct port or just a voice change wouldn't really be enough to differentiate it, IMO.
Re: Basara's WIP thread (Updating old stuff, stay tuned!!)
#40  March 29, 2011, 05:53:31 am
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I would remade MC2's Kula, but Basura is currently doint that, so it's ok.

I would say to fix the helpers sprites (Diana? I don't know the name of that woman).

I would I would I would