
CvS Nakoruru Color Separation RELEASED (Read 9173 times)

Started by Scramble, June 19, 2024, 03:38:43 pm
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CvS Nakoruru Color Separation RELEASED
#1  June 19, 2024, 03:38:43 pm
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    • USA
Heyo MFGers! It's been ages since I've released a CS for you all. This Happy Camper I've cooked up is the Ainu Priestess herself, Nakoruru; from the successful fighting game "Samurai Shodown" (As you all already know). I wanted to do this because I had a phase of redoing CSing from scratch, as I did with Mai; whom is coming later down the line. I wanted to apply gratitude and appreciation for certain creators like KarmaChamelon for Hi-resing CvS2 FXs, POTS for cooking with the other half of Nakoruru FXs, even some custom sprites; and VioFitz for bring more variety with sprites for the priestess. This Sprite File IS NOT COMPATABLE with other creator's version of Nakoruru, so she is in your care <3. My overall purpose for this is visually emulate how she plays in modern games she's in (KOFXV+SamSho20219), so I switch out pyrotechnic FXs with Sparkly Aura based FXs. Another reason is because I always had a personal gripe with weapon based characters sharing slash FXs with Ki based or elemental attacks, so Nakoruru's and Mamahaha's FXs will be shared one color as it was in modern games. ENOUGH ranting, I'll show you guys what I cooked up!




DISCLAIMER: There are only 2 palettes in the sff. Color Separation and Default

Grab these sprites down below and remember to protect Nature!
Re: CvS Nakoruru Color Separation RELEASED
#2  June 22, 2024, 08:50:42 pm
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Hell, I just saw this CS!! You did an awesome work! Congratulations, Scramble!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: CvS Nakoruru Color Separation RELEASED
#3  June 22, 2024, 09:12:54 pm
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    • USA
Thank you very much! I couldn’t have done it without the people and resources before me! <3
Re: CvS Nakoruru Color Separation RELEASED
#4  June 22, 2024, 09:51:01 pm
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  • Let's Raise Hell
  • Working for God
What about Chun-Li? :mlol:
The Devil took Emerie's life and ruin it just to make it better :devil:
Re: CvS Nakoruru Color Separation RELEASED
#5  June 23, 2024, 03:00:22 pm
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