
KOFE Tag System (Read 42586 times)

Started by swipergod, February 29, 2012, 06:54:04 pm
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Re: KOFE Tag System
#21  September 22, 2012, 02:02:45 pm
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Thanks for the PM.  I'll look into the tag system.  If you've moved onto another project, no worries. It's definitely hard for me to find time to finish this sucker off. For me, I've gotta complete the characters first, so I'll have to sit on the tag a little while longer.
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Re: KOFE Tag System
#22  September 26, 2012, 09:02:49 pm
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If it makes you feel better, I have only finished 11.5 characters while you were away : p. I didnt have internet to actually help you much. I won't have it for much longer tbh. 1 week - maybe 3 at best.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE Tag System
#23  October 08, 2012, 03:14:12 am
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lol. No worries man.  That's just how life is sometimes.  A shame we didn't hook up sooner when I was still unemployed and girlfriend-less.  I had so much more time back then.  And either way, you've already done a huge amount of contributions to the project.  If I can get the last bit of spriting out of the way, I should be good to finish off the rest of the basic cast minus Ryuhaku and Hwa within the next few months.  Once that's done I'll pump forward and try to clean up the sprites and sounds and implement tag.  Then I'll throw in some storyboards and that'll wrap it up.
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Re: KOFE Tag System
#24  October 08, 2012, 03:45:32 am
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Im still going to be doing boosters from time to time. Ive been trying to help out here and there with various projects(feedback mostly).

The biggest issue on the tag itself is just figuring out who all gets what. I need to go back and do some more tag testing one of these days lol

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE Tag System
#25  October 25, 2015, 06:16:43 am
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So tag mode functionality has been completed. The idea was to give it that NGBC/KOF XI feel. Here's what t looks like so far:

- XI style intro where the partner poses for a moment and then leaps away.
- Current tag motion is down and start.
- You can only tag in if you are on the ground in a controllable state.
- Tagging makes the character retreating invincible
- Tagging makes the entering character attack with a leap in attack. They are not invincible.
- When characters are ko'd their partner hops in in a controllable falling state. They are invincible to prevent "free damage"
- Both players can initiate a tag.
- Only the onscreen character has a victory pose a la KOF XI
- Tagging takes no meter, but you are open if your opponent blocks you.
- You gain life when you are on the sidelines

There is currently no "Super Team Up" or  "Tag Counter". Just giving characters a basic tag function for now. Need to still code the AI to learn how to use it. Feel free to let me know what you think. Hopefully I'll get a video going when characters are all converted.
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Re: KOFE Tag System
#26  November 13, 2015, 12:08:06 am
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Here's the tag mode code for the AI (first cut). I made it just so I could make the video, but I haven't implemented it yet. It's pretty bad. Trigger 4 doesn't work. I think I'll need to create a variable to tell the AI how much time it's spent in pre-tag state so it doesn't do too much spamming. Then again, KOFE's AI really needs an overhaul...

[State -1]
type = changestate
value = 297
triggerall = Var(9) = 1
triggerall = life > 300
triggerall = stateno = 296
triggerall = partner, ctrl = 1 && partner, statetype != A
trigger1 = partner, life <= 300 && randome <=300
trigger2 = partner, prevstateno = 140 || partner, prevstateno = 141
trigger2 = random <= 300
trigger3 = enemy,movetype = H && random <= 300
trigger4 = time > 300 && random <= 300

Anyway, if someone thinks they can improve this terrible piece of coding, please let me know. Otherwise I'll tackle this later on.
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