
KOFE v0.9 Feedback (Read 53816 times)

Started by swipergod, December 17, 2010, 02:25:57 am
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KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#1  December 17, 2010, 02:25:57 am
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Leave your feedback, glitch reports, comments, etc... here.

Here's what's getting fixed for the 0.9 chars update.

- Balanced Vice's Leap Grab DM and SDM
- Fixed Yuri's 5030, 20 + sprites.  They were numbered incorrectly.
- Fixed Goro's p throw spacing issue (choking air)
- Fixed glitch with Vice's HSDM KO Screen
- LA's stage shadow fixes on some stages.
- Rock arm snap glitch fixed
- Ralf glitch command for DM fixed
- Ralf bind in DM glitch fixed.

Need to:

- Ash and Adel's projectile attacks need more recovery time...
- Goro rungrab turn glitch
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Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 05:02:38 pm by swipergod
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#2  December 17, 2010, 05:23:10 am
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Awsomest version EVER !!!

5 Stars :D
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#3  December 17, 2010, 11:32:55 pm
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it'd be nice if the char download wasn't broken doesn't work for ME at least, I dunno.

But are there truly grown men in this world?!
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#4  December 18, 2010, 06:35:33 am
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Just downloaded the link:  Nothing's broken.  Try it again.  You might have had a download interference of some sort.  Let me know if you still have problems.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#5  December 18, 2010, 11:39:09 am
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I'm going to start recording fights in this game today, on short notice i've found the following glitches/bugs:

Mr'Karate's HSDM still doesn't fully connect if you land it after a Hien SHippukyaku
Krauser's SDM doesn't fully connect in a corner
Athena has a glitch that causes the Psycho ball fx to stay near the bottom right of her sprite, i don't know what causes it though
Ralf's mounted vulcan punch DM causes the target to be stuck in a custom state if it trades hits with another attack, it happened to me when fighting leona, not sure if this applies to other characters
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#6  December 18, 2010, 01:28:25 pm
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Perfect.  Great reporting Alpha.  I'll note them as things to correct.  I forgot about the Athena sword glitch.  Yeah, I need to investigate that.  For some reason I think it's an AI thing, because she's cancelling out of Psycho Sword when it shouldn't be possible to do so.  Ralf's glitch is an easy fix.  I'll look into the other 2.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#7  December 18, 2010, 02:47:48 pm
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after more testing, krauser's SDM definately needs a larger hitbox of the lightning punches - esque attack towards the end and the gyser finish. the former for the reason in my earlier post and the latter because it doesn't connect with some characters, such as elisabeth.
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#8  December 18, 2010, 04:17:54 pm
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Hey alpha.  I can't seem to duplicate this.  I'll need more concrete examples, including the stages it happens in.  Right now I used Krauser and fought the smaller characters like Liz, Yuri and Mai and didn't have a problem in Zero's stage and Nameless' stage.

Just making sure, but you are using KOFE stages and the KOFE system right. (You didn't port the characters to your Mugen).  Just checking since the KOFE I posted is the one I use personally and the one that should be tested.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#9  December 18, 2010, 04:54:15 pm
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ok the gyser not connecting seems to be just on elisabeths part, so long as it isn't in a corner. as for the lightning punches in a corner not working i've tested it on several characters and so far this applies to ash, vanessa, rock, and nameless. stage used doesn't seem to affect the glitch in any way. Also the sunset in the background in rock's stage doesn't move in synch with the rest of the background.

I really should give some positive feedback as well. I like the fact that you out the pumpkin in the fishtank in king's stage. Nice to see that little easter egg there. The AI is a nice provides a nice medium in terms of difficulty, moderately difficult but not brutal, apart from Chizuru and maybe Rock. Those two I have a lot more trouble with, and when I get my videos for KOFE done, I promise I won't cop out and f1 Chizuru this time.
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#10  December 18, 2010, 05:31:20 pm
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Hi there to all,
after a long time of absence, I just checked some news and developments in the MUGEN scene.
First of all I want to congratulate you for this great Fullgame KOFE.

Here two"bugs" I found:
- somenthing minor: Athenas music is called athena.mp3, but it is listed as athena2 in select and the stage.def. Please rename her music in the next update, so it will work.

- Athena can do an infinity against Li Xiangfei in the corner. You can infinitly chain forward lk if timed correctly. Doesnt work aigainst Jenet. Havn't tested it aigainst other opponents.

Please let me know, if this form of report suits you. And also correct me if I write uncorrect english, as i don't speak it well.

Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#11  December 18, 2010, 06:43:27 pm
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Good report Setsuna.  I'll look into the Athena infinite.  That' shouldn't happen because the juggle values should cut it out.

The athena2 thing was my bad.  I have two edits of Athena's theme (97 and XI).  The XI one is the official one.  Must have forgotten to change the name on my end.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#12  December 18, 2010, 11:25:16 pm
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maxima has an infinite with his qcfHP special if done repeatedly with good timing. 20 hits is enought to KO an opponent or, if you have the stock, 8 hits and then his HSDM will work to.
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#13  December 19, 2010, 09:11:03 am
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Two problems with Athena:  Doesn't kick the opponent far away enough and recovery was too quick.  I've corrected this.  Infinite removed.

Maxima's juggle values are ignored because of the custom state the high throw put the opponent in.  I've removed the ability for qcf +sp to connect when the opponent is in this state.  Infinite removed.

Still not able to duplicate the Elisabeth/Krauser issue. :S  I'll need to see a vid I guess.

Thanks for your feedback guys!
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#14  December 19, 2010, 11:28:30 am
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#15  December 19, 2010, 02:26:35 pm
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K, thanks Alpha.  I had it backwards, I thought she had to be in the corner.  I'll retest.  Should be an easy fix.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#16  December 19, 2010, 02:36:14 pm
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when Mary does her M.spider against rock he goes to the bottom of the stage and doesnt he doesnt move again
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#17  December 19, 2010, 04:29:43 pm
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Mmm, thought I fixed that...  Oh well, it's an easy fix.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#18  December 24, 2010, 07:31:46 am
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This may just be me, but--some characters seem to be able to do a recovery roll, whereas others can't. I'd list specific names, but then I'd have to check the whole roster for that. Again, maybe I'm just missing something here, but it doesn't seem like everyone can do a recovery roll.
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#19  December 24, 2010, 01:11:15 pm
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That is most likely a move specific thing.

For example a character can recover from Ryo's dp, but not Yuri's Sai Ha.  The balance of a character depends upon which moves are recoverable, since a knockdown is obviously better (more time to plan the next strategy).

If you're referring to the fact that not everyone is able to recover from Ryo's dp, I'll need to know names.  I find it unlikely because it's a code and state that is given to all character as part of the KOFE system, but anything's possible.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#20  December 24, 2010, 06:42:57 pm
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Um, false alarm. I did a comparison; both Terry and Elizabeth were able to recover from Jhun's Swallow Kick, which means they both have a Recovery Roll. I'm not sure; I just couldn't seem to do a RR at all when fighting Ralf using Terry. In other words, everything's fine, and I was mistaken.