
Lost Avenger's Character Blog (Read 97151 times)

Started by swipergod, October 25, 2010, 12:15:50 am
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Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#61  January 10, 2011, 07:39:15 pm
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I thought Swipergod didn't want Ryu in KOFE. ???
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#62  January 10, 2011, 08:37:31 pm
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Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#63  January 11, 2011, 06:36:42 am
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The Ryu base Im using was the one he originally had in one of the early Kofe rosters but was dropped. There is a video of the original Kofe Ryu in one of the first posts in the main blog. Granted he doesnt play like that anymore though.

And booster pack character have no teams, story, stage, music, etc. They are like hidden characters or whatever. Shiki wouldnt need too large of a patch to be playable in .9 so maybe we can get her back in as a booster. As of right now the .8 Shiki would disappear during certain moves(Clark comes to mind). The snaps could be done like Rock's and just be filler/placeholder.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#64  January 11, 2011, 06:44:49 am
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the booster pack idea is genius :sugoi: !  i look forward to these great developments LA.  have you ever considered Freemen from Mark of the wolves?
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#65  January 11, 2011, 06:51:27 am
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Its been on a "Create as I go" basis. There was going to be a poll originally, but I scrapped that since my free time kind of went away. So these are all low priority. Freeman would have problems with not having snaps. I'll consider it though. I need to ask Swiper about a couple of changes he made when he added Shermie and Clark.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#66  January 15, 2011, 02:49:31 am
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Just want to point out that Freeman isn't a KOF or NGBC character so the sprite will look out of place in KOFE.  Not that that really matters if standards are ignored.

Shermie, Mary and Clark modified head pos for all characters, new binding sprites for head and body pos, snaps and some character specific code that needs to be watched.  The glory of fullgame binding.  I plan on revisiting Vice's gorefest binds too.  You can PM me for more specifics.

Just to warn you for Shiki, her grab may not bind properly as a result of my modifications.  I planned on revisiting Shiki and Silver in the post 1.0 release.  All I really need from her would be arm and leg snaps.  I'd also need to change Zero's HSDM...  That's not a guarentee that I'd do anything with them aside from revisiting them.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#67  January 15, 2011, 10:07:32 am
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I didnt play MOTW that much. How much did Hotaru change? Aside from the stance moves.

Pm being sent.

I'll wait till you decide on what you're doing/till I find out some additional changed stuff. I plan on porting Silver's specials eventually. We could potentially team up on him later? I can cut down on the creation time a tad.

Gato stuff:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

HDSM can only be used up close and is unguardable. I forgot how I did it on Chris though so I'll need to double check the distance. The last 2 hits will hit no matter what(assuming the first hit hits anyway). I put a little more impact on the last hit and changed out the sound(Swiper can change it back if he wants. Its bighit3 to Swiper. Just seemed to fit imo)

Im having an issue with the head position binds for the neck snap DM(It hasnt shown up in his SDM yet). It currently works on most characters(though he binds a tad low). I might need to adjust the range possibly as a fix.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 02:53:16 pm by Lost_Avenger
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#68  January 21, 2011, 05:02:29 pm
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I started Eiji's specials and Im doing it without an actual movelist so anything I do might be redone. His projectile reflector can do some odd things(Like being able to reflect Rugal's projectile shield)

Im devoting most of today to Kofe. I need to add the new required sprites to Gato, Eiji, Silver, Malin, and Ryu. Among other things. Malin will get another throw, Silver will get his specials ported. That's the plan at least. I might revisit some stuff on Chris also(fixing my crappy projectiles lol).

Gato, Eiji, Malin all got the updated sprites. Havent gotten around to Ryu and Silver yet
Malin's specials and sff were fixed(I guess it didnt save last time). It took me a while though.

Eiji and Gato stuff today. Hopefully.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 02:52:06 pm by Lost_Avenger


Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#69  February 14, 2011, 06:44:58 am
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Just want to point out that Freeman isn't a KOF or NGBC character so the sprite will look out of place in KOFE.  Not that that really matters if standards are ignored.
Easily solvable problem with the use of a palette change. Or atleast it would blend in more.

Also, Don Drago made some sprites of Ryu's Donkey Kick, or that one kick that bounces you off the wall if you use the EX version for those who don't know what i'm talking about. Perhaps those might be useful.
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#70  February 14, 2011, 06:49:28 am
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No one calls it one specific name, but that is the side kick I was referring to(where he kicks you in the side lol). Are the sprites still around?

Also: Ive been taking a short break from kofe since Swiper is probably busy. I'll be resuming sooner or later.

And that pallet blends a little better, but the pants seem a tad to bright maybe? I'll look into it later. Ive been kind of busy

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!


Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#71  February 14, 2011, 07:17:13 am
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Yup. He used them for his Ryu:

Freeman's pants are white, but I can see where you get that from. I'll fix it a bit later.
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#72  April 21, 2011, 07:57:47 am
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Has it really been a month since I posted here? Wow. Well I had a lot of personal issues the last few days or so, but they seem to be more or less under control. Its not perfect by any means and I might not post as frequently as I did before(which might by music to some people's ears  --; ).

Where I am at:
-I havent touched my kofe wips in almost a month. Swiper hasnt come back from his break yet so it should be ok.
-Im ripping/paletting Ryu's side kick.
-Im changing Ryu's fireball back to blue cause I personally think the purple one is ugly. I'll leave the sprites and animation in there(renumbered) in the event people want the only one back.
-Im going to allow his fireball to hit up close/the corner. It didnt for some stupid reason in SVC(at least from what I have seen)
-Tatsu wont juggle
-shoryuken coding has been changed from the alpha because... I didnt like how it was done.

Since Swiper said he wanted to revisit Shiki and Silver, Im going to port Silver's specials/supers and leave him alone till I get word on it.

I havent touched the others yet. I wont be able to post as many pics for a while. My break is now over.

Alrighty so I finally got a chance to look at svc clsn boxes and... they are pretty ugly so I might just stick with what I have on Ryu(what was in the alpha that was sent to me).

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I redid quite a few things. Apparently the Alpha was pretty old. Most of it was reorganization/clean up. The air fireball is blue now, but can be turned purple again if people want it that way(I prefer blue since he isnt exactly Evil Ryu). I counted air tatsu and air fireball as alternate versions of their ground moves so that he would still be within the 5 special limit.

Im leaning toward this as his super movelist:
DM1: Shinkuu Hadouken
DM2: Shinkuu Tatsu or Akuma's rising tatsu from Third Strike
SDM: Metsu Hadouken
HDSM: Shin Shoryuken

He's not Evil Ryu so SGS would look kind of odd imo. His pretty much insta kill super in CVS2(as Evil Ryu) would fall into the same category. Im not really sure which shin shoryuken to go with atm. Im also not sure if his SF4 Metsu(Japanese voice) would fit with his SVC/CVS2 voice.  Anyway, that's all for now. Im going to wait a bit before doing his DMs just in case. I might even add a poll or something

Edit(as of 4:40pm):
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

To-do list for the rest of today:
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For whatever reason, his AI randomly gets an error in state 121. I saw it in beta testing before so if you come back on Swiper, can you tell me how to fix it? Id rather not mess with the actual AI just yet.

Also... Rugal badly needs clsn fixes. I dont know what base was used, but the clsn are ugly. His cd has around 12 boxes when it could easily get away with 3. Its been a long day so far

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 11:02:21 pm by Lost_Avenger
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#73  April 22, 2011, 04:57:45 am
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Alright so I ran into a fairly large problem. His voice changed dramatically from CVS2 to SF4.
-I either drop the move completely.
-let the sounds clash and just make him sound pissed
-use his SF4 Japanese voice(for everything)
-or just not make him say metsu and go with a roar sound

I cant add a poll cause Swiper made the topic(unless I missed something).

Shin shoryuken is done in the meantime.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#74  April 22, 2011, 05:25:43 am
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Can't you at least ask someone in the community to try to get Ryu's CvS/SvC voice for "metsu"?
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#75  April 22, 2011, 06:04:02 am
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The only metsu I found for Ryu was his evil voice. Im using a mix of cvs sounds atm and it fits it fairly well. Im leaving the move in for now.

Edit: Shinkuu and Metsu are done.
Changes(cause Im bored and thought Id post it):
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I went with a different projectile that the purple version of shinkuu. It might not fit, but I'll use it for now. If I get enough complaints I will switch it to the larger purple version of shinkuu
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 01:38:29 am by Lost_Avenger
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#76  April 24, 2011, 12:55:29 am
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Sometime in the next few days my internet is getting shut off and will likely be off for around 2 weeks. We've had financial issues for a while now and we almost had everything cleared up, but we're fairly close. I wont be able to post any updates during that time, but I will be working on the kofe stuff I have on me in the meantime.

As for Ryu, I added some invincibility on start up for his side kick(it has low priority atm, but I might adjust that). His teleport is pretty overpowered(even though it shouldnt be... I might make him vulnerable sooner or add more recovery. Meh.). I shall return as soon as possible.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 01:35:40 am by Lost_Avenger


Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#77  April 24, 2011, 11:18:15 am
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Haoh Sho Ko Ken FX looks meh.

Also, did you edit the new sprites for Ryu's Joudan Sokutou Geri, which is he offical name BTW, yourself or did you just randomly happen in find them on the internet somewhere?
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#78  April 24, 2011, 02:19:19 pm
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Im thinking about switching it over to the bigger purple shinkuu. -shrug- someone pointed out that the outline looked terrible on it and now I cant look at it without staring at the outline forever. Meh.

I went with shinkuu tatsu since Akuma's rising tatsu doesnt quite fit kof vels. It would lose half of the hits(or I could make a rising version of Ryu's shinkuu tatsu, but I said screw it and went with the ground version)

I found them in another Ryu(by complete accident since I was looking for the blue shinkuu since the Alpha didnt have it). I cant sprite at all. They came from zsabre's Ryu(and based on the readme, I guess they came from Pots and Tmasta.) And side kick is just what I call it to save typing time. Just like I generally call moves by general things(fireball/projectile, anti air, etc)

Edit: Wow, the sprite order in the original alpha is freaking horrible. He already had the blue hadouken and air hadouken, but they were in random places(all together at least). So I went through the hassle of finding and adding/adjust(for the air hadouken) for nothing. For whatever reason the purple shinkuu is missing(I could have sworn it was there before). I also need to repalette his side kick and his charge sprite for the metsu because they only work with his main palette. I guess the cream color wasnt the same in the other sprites. Its a quick fix though.

Also I fixed/adjusted some of his juggle points. Now metsu can still still be juggled with shinkuu(as a follow up if you time it right). You can also follow up shin shoryuken with a regular shoryuken. He's been moved from Alpha status to beta for now since he now has all of his moves done. He needs snap fillers and some bug testing. Also, I added a bit more priority to most of his normals and to his side kick. Now it functions like a poor man's anti air in some instances.

Edit: Fixed Hotaru's slide state sounds, throws, and removed the majority of her clsn standards(green boxes) so that the last few frames didnt have like 14 green boxes. Fixed and explod issue and a linked sprite I messed up. Ive done everything I was supposed to do on her as far as I remember. I'll just unlink her last couple of linked sprites and send her off.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 09:15:32 pm by Lost_Avenger
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#79  April 28, 2011, 09:08:22 am
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Hotaru has been sent. Now I just need to actually get back to Ryu's sprite fixes and the binds for his shin shoryuken(had to fix a p2 aerial problem).

After that Im going to revisit Gato and Eiji. Then I will work on Malin and the other booster pack wips.

Ryu's sprites and binds fixed. As well as a couple of other small things. All that is left is his unique move(his hop kick) and his snaps. As well as bug fixes and some other things.

Im not sure how the hell I missed that, but I forgot to add the new sprites when I sent Ryu. Also, I changed his 5040.20 sprite(as well as the corresponding 5041 and 5042.20 sprites). It should make landing on Clark's shoulders look better. The bounce away part looks a tad odd though(so do most Clark related things so its not that surprising). I did no testing with Mary or Clark so I guess that was why I missed it.

Eiji update:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 02:04:35 pm by Lost_Avenger
Re: Lost Avenger's Character Blog
#80  May 03, 2011, 10:53:23 pm
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Haven't posted here in a while have I?

Anyway, Eiji looks great!