
Progress (Read 809970 times)

Started by Neocide, January 23, 2011, 06:31:53 pm
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#1  January 23, 2011, 06:31:53 pm
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thought I make a thread with just progress of where I am at day to day week to week etc



cut the roster to 12;

SSJ2 Gohan

I'll add more characters in the release after I get the initial game out, like boo saga and later sayajin saga characters, and eventually to movie characters. about  8 sheets of the 12 here, are either fully done or no less than 40% and the sheets left to do fully are ginyu rickum and cell.

I'm taking a small break from spriting 17 to create the base, and get some videos and screens up for everyone to see. I'll be using vegeta as the base, so expect some screenshots later today with a video sometime later in the week.

Re: Progress
#2  January 23, 2011, 08:55:06 pm
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Good deal! Looking forward to hearing and seeing all the dirty details!  8)

And starting with a smaller roster and adding to it later is a good idea, it's the best way to do a full game IMO.


Re: Progress
#3  January 23, 2011, 10:15:59 pm
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sounds nice :)

teh lifebar is also on its way ;)
Re: Progress(screenshots added 1-24-11)
#4  January 24, 2011, 08:00:39 pm
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ok I started some work on the base, sadly I chose goku(who was already sff'd) who's frame count atm isnt complete (he needs more unique attacks for the Z system) this isnt the goku in the game, this is just one version of him that is sff'd the one in the game will be with his orange gi and no belt (basically how he looked during the cell saga)


I did normal zanzoken like kof's roll system, might add a roll link during physical hits like in kof2k2 (and possibly some other kof's but I cant remember)

Melee Attack:

ok I changed the system up some to cater to conventional fighters. the normal system is like my older characters
basics were (see my teen gohan or majin vegeta) with the unconventional (z system) being used with a direction
ie: A would be a light kick, while fwd + a would be a power attack. this works for all 4 offensive buttons. here goku's melee attack, he starts with a rising kick(fwd X) that sends the opponent in the air with him, then followed  up by a spinning kick (fwd x) then finally a two handed smash down (fwd x again) for the final hit.

each z system combo will consist of 3 hits total, but can link with the basic fight system.

Ki Attack

for the moment his ki attack consists of three ki shots you can do one after the other by pressing fwd + y
z combos (all the fwd + button moves) will link with one another and create different types of attacks then you'd normally get by pressing said command, thus I kept normal ki shots to the basic ki attack combo

I havent done the power or agilty(teleport) attacks but I did start on his defense button and finished this

Ki destroyer

this is basically done with c, any normal type of projectiles will be destroyed if you hit c at the right time, it'll also cost about 15 power to do.

well thats it for now But, I wanted to ask people opinions on if I should make the Z system moves cost power to do.
Re: Progress
#5  January 24, 2011, 08:49:57 pm
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I think it would be too restrictive to make the Z system use power. I rather see it like sort of Command moves leading to easy to perform combos.
Just make sure they aren't too spam firendly and deal too much damage, and I'm sure it will be fine.
Re: Progress
#6  January 24, 2011, 11:13:09 pm
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  • Smooches
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oh the damage is under control for sure, his melee does 49 max, (2 14's and the last hit doing 21) and right now the free flow between the regular system and the Z system is pretty smooth. if you have time, I could send you what I have now, I need some feedback on the conventional system right now, see if its tight enough and whatnot.

and cyanide wont check anyone unless they are not a sayajin    :P
Re: Progress
#7  January 25, 2011, 12:34:08 pm
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Awesome spritework and game project you have there my friend. Are you planning to add cutscenes aswell? And how will the color seperation work? Your Vegeta is based on Cell Saga but, with color seperation he could also have a Buu Saga pallete. You're doing great man. :)
Re: Progress
#8  January 25, 2011, 12:58:29 pm
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if you have time, I could send you what I have now, I need some feedback on the conventional system right now, see if its tight enough and whatnot.
No problem. Send whenever you want. ;)

and cyanide wont check anyone unless they are not a sayajin    :P
LOL. I know he doesn't really like DBZ, but he did code Gotenks (who's a DOUBLE saiyajin) as one of his 1st chars, and he did code Kid Buu for you...
Re: Progress
#9  January 27, 2011, 12:01:55 am
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I still owe him raven for kid boo  ;P yay my topics back!


Almost done swapping in vegeta, fall states are left. just to reiterate I'm swapping out goku for vegeta as he's more complete and has frame work coming to me on a daily basis (I got my spriter back for him) so I'll be using him for the base completely. Cybaster I'll send him over hopefully by next monday.
Re: Progress
#10  February 08, 2011, 12:38:18 pm
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Where's mah Goku !? :haw:
Re: Progress
#11  February 08, 2011, 04:18:32 pm
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sorry cy, I forgot to update this because of the sudden problems on the forum as of late, I switched over to working on the screenpack with cyanide,  I am going to show a shot of the final look on the character select later today, I changed it from the original design significantly.

 I also want to change some of the fight system a little bit more, Instead of using foward + button for the Z system, I'm going to give it its own mode, you'll switch to it with tapping "z" twice just a sound and on screen sign or something to show the mode switch, I dont know if I want to do stances for that, but I might.

also to switch between modes (basic to Z mode only) during combos I'm still flux on the idea atm, but so far I have it to where in the middle of a combo you tap z once and go into the z system and you'd start the combo from the said button you hit before tapping "z"

ie you did -  x,x,y,z, the z button would do the first hit of the ki attack which is used with y in z mode 

linking like that should take more skill and less congested than with pressing forward.  I also thought of doing it sorta like dmc3 when you'd switch modes to string certain attacks together, but I thought that would be too hard for the player (I could do custom falls for each diff link setup already have a cool spiny custom state to work with as a  base)

I need to use a diff base than this goku I have right now he's limited,and I'm not going to edit this one since he's not even in the game lol. so I'm gonna use vegeta just waiting on my spriter on him to finish a few more frames for the Z system, Then I'll send it on over. ^_^
Re: Progress
#12  February 08, 2011, 04:24:06 pm
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Okay. :)

I like this new system, a sort of "technical button smasher", where a beginner will be able to smash buttons to get some combos, but a player would really have to be good to get the correct strings and deal maximum damage.

Good luck.
Re: Progress
#13  February 08, 2011, 04:29:44 pm
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That sounds interesting and i want to see more about it.
Re: Progress
#14  February 11, 2011, 03:03:11 am
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Finished the select screen today, didnt go with the initial design I showed due to the fact I'd have to wait on someone to make it, so I decided to make it myself, was inspired by KOF XIII's select screen.

(actual size is 1280X720)

I forgot about sffv2 being able to add png files without ruining the anti alias and whatnot so the big portraits you see here will look better in the actual game. Also I'd like to add a filter or something just to make them all fit better or whatever.

also side note- I took out recoome and added kid boo I cant find a full sheet of him anywhere and I dont want to rip I have someone already started on kid boo
Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 03:10:23 am by Neocide
Re: Progress
#15  February 13, 2011, 12:06:39 am
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    • Netherlands
Wauw this select screen looks pretty sweet ;)
You're not gonna put the small portraits together?
I see how you seperated saiyans/other/villains, somewhat :P
I think it will look nice if you have all of them in the middle :)
Re: Progress
#16  February 13, 2011, 12:09:46 am
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I spread them out to show how much space can be used for other characters. in game they'll all be in the middle, my real grouping was going to be by story arcs (ssj3 goku with kid boo etc) but I dont have enough to do that right now so ya. lol

I've also decided to drop the roster to 10 from 12, cut out kurrin and 17. I want to get the initial game out at a good time, plus I have other frames to do for a few of the finished sheets, so I can start coding quicker, I'm going to finish up vegeta's extra frames needed as well as add all the extra frames to his ussj form (phew...)

need to get him done as priority so I can finish making my entire base with both systems to get tested for insight fixs etc..

Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 01:22:28 am by Neocide
Re: Progress
#17  February 18, 2011, 10:27:24 am
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That select screen looks awesome. Having 10-12 Characters for a full game is always better imo since you can make it larger and add more when you feel so. Also, you can focus better on bugfixing and adding style to the game.
Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 10:32:52 am by DJ Track
Re: Progress
#18  February 26, 2011, 05:40:21 am
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spriting vegeta's extras, just finished finalizing the conventional system, which will be alot like the mvc2 system:
here's some notes on it

Dragonball Kai Allstars : Conventional system

consists of:

Standard Jump attacks

Standard Standing Attacks

Standard Crouching Attacks

X- light Punch   

Y - Hard Punch

A- Light Kick

B- Hard Kick

Z - Power Up \ Switch Styles


light attacks can go into anything, hard attacks can go into hard crouching attacks or a launcher




all lights and hards will cancel into specials and supers, specials can also cancel into a super.



Z Cancels

Z cancels  will let you cancel your combo in conventional fight mode into a z system combo, by pressing z during a combo you will immediately go into a Z attack depending on what button you used before Z will determine what attack combo you start in.I might change this command to qcf\qcb z if it becomes too easy to do. You Cannot Z cancel from a special or combo.


LP,DLK,Z(becomes power attack as A = power attack in Z mode)

Air Launcher -

varies from character to character, command either Hp,HK,BHK,DHP

hope to have all his extras done by tomorrow or sunday and get started on working on the base fully.

Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 05:50:18 am by Neocide
Re: Progress
#19  March 04, 2011, 09:17:52 pm
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almost done with all of vegeta's armor which is a pain in the ass and boring (easy to do just time consuming due to redrawing so much) once that is done everything else should go by in a breeze, then I can completely do the full base and possibly do the trans base too since ussj is being done alongside ssj sprite wise.

so I'll show some more screens then, and cybaster if you read this, possibly a beta for ya by the end of next week or the beginning of the week after (I will be busy next week with work.Stupid inventory.)

Re: Progress
#20  March 04, 2011, 09:32:51 pm
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Okay, gotcha. :D