
Knuckle Fighter Alpha - Hitomi Stage (with sunset alt) (Read 3660 times)

Started by Meldo, May 08, 2022, 10:50:55 pm
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Knuckle Fighter Alpha - Hitomi Stage (with sunset alt)
#1  May 08, 2022, 10:50:55 pm
  • ****
  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
    • UK

after allowing this thing to sit in my hard drive for 5 years, I finally went "fuck it" and released it to the public. this was my real first attempt at coding a stage and my first attempt at converting one from Knuckle Fighter Alpha. I'm aware that someone had converted the stage years before I did, but my version has yscale code implemented to the parallax floor. I also made a sunset alt because I can.

download here:
Re: Knuckle Fighter Alpha - Hitomi Stage (with sunset alt)
#2  May 09, 2022, 02:28:33 pm
  • ***
  • "Forgeddaboudit"
  • Squawkabilly
    • Romania
After 5 years of release, hopefully, it'll be worth the wait. Yes, that stage from ago. I kinda like it.