
Show us cool stuff you just bought! (Read 1358092 times)

Started by Vans, November 21, 2011, 06:01:10 am
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Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3481  June 03, 2020, 01:09:38 pm
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If its posable that'd be awesome
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3482  June 03, 2020, 07:20:36 pm
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Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3483  June 03, 2020, 07:28:29 pm
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Oh jeez. rad as hell. shame its super expensive

...think we'll get a Remaker Tifa figure?
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3484  June 03, 2020, 07:50:42 pm
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Honestly, spending that much on any game is ludicrously silly.

At least for new ones. Old ones, maybe it's fine, but at that point I'd rather just emulate.
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3485  June 05, 2020, 07:17:58 am
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Honestly, spending that much on any game is ludicrously silly.

At least for new ones. Old ones, maybe it's fine, but at that point I'd rather just emulate.

That price isn't just for the game, but also the steelbook, artbook, minisoundtrack CD, and the premium Cloud Strife 7 inch (I believe it's 7 inches) action figure with his Honda motorcycle.

It's also a Square Enix exclusive deluxe edition. KHIII was the same, except it came with three action figures based off the main team in their Toy Box forms.

Pricy, yes, but if I had the spare cash I'd have got it.
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3486  July 03, 2020, 09:14:55 pm
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I kinda stopped posting pics of things here but I might as well post a picture of the nice >$400 boy that came in today.
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3487  August 23, 2020, 07:03:20 am
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well, i don't know if you people have noticed (it's been mentioned on the news a couple of times) but things are kinda not good right now

which kinda messed up my modus operandi of wasting all my money on over priced toys. i had to cancel a lot of them and the ones i've payed for are stuck in japan until further notice. and i'm kinda thorn between want them super badly and not want them to come, because my POSTAL office is gonna rip me a new one with their fucking taxes!

but last wednesday, after 5 FUCKING MONTHS!! and and extra FUCKING $70 i was able to finally smell the sweet fragrance of over priced japanese plastic again

but, don't think that i was just sitting here and saving money like some kind of responsible adult. ohoho, FUCK NO! you know i'm allergic to money and have to violently expel it away from me every now and then.

so, i created a steam and gog accounts. my computer is a potato, but deep in my heart i hold the irrational delusion that someday i'll have a decent machine
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Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3488  August 28, 2020, 12:42:44 am
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Got some new nerd gear I'm very happy about.

Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3489  September 01, 2020, 06:43:37 am
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Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3490  September 01, 2020, 07:30:57 am
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Hey, been a while, huh? Here's my newest toy from the Power Rangers Lightning Collection: the Hasbro Pulse Exclusive Putty Patrollers 2-pack:

And here's the entire collection I own thus far:

More will be coming this fall and possibly this winter as well.
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3491  October 13, 2020, 05:06:53 am
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  • Does this look like the face of mercy?
now my potato is slightly better

Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3492  October 13, 2020, 06:04:21 pm
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Rest in peace, Tamez. Thank you for everything.
Last Edit: October 13, 2020, 06:07:34 pm by Markpachi
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3493  November 17, 2020, 04:45:16 am
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jpg image

Saw this crt on Facebook marketplace for $20, then the seller posted it for free 1st come 1st served and you know your boy needed to go pick it up! Very excited because I've been looking for an early 2000s flat crt for years with component and s video inputs on back and this one has them.

I got the ps2 hooked up via component running on FMCB and the picture is amazing. Its 27 inches and weighs 95 pounds it was hell getting it into my apt on the 2nd floor but worth it.
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3494  December 11, 2020, 11:41:55 am
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not recent (actually a month ago or so!) but too cool not to share, some cool posters to add to my collection of neogeofreak/gamest stuff

and because I'm a super jamma nut I have to show that I have an ENGLISH LB2 cart

most of my MVS are JP so to get an English LB2 of all things is awesome!

That said, I also have my MotW JP cart, which is my baby (but they're really almost like twins, I can't decide which I love more ;P)
Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 11:56:21 am by Bannana
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3495  December 11, 2020, 08:19:06 pm
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Last Blade 2 eh? Limited Run shipped my PS4 copy recently, go figure.

AND I got my PS4 copy of Garou from them recently. What a coincidence!
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3496  December 11, 2020, 10:37:11 pm
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Can't go wrong with either! Probably gonna look really nice of a good TV too
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3497  December 21, 2020, 02:12:44 am
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I decided to finally get a Neo Geo.

Now I just need some legit games.
conscious dreamers can be treasurer to their own currency
im a conscious dreamer
therefore i can be treasurer to my own currency

i can be the mind controller
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3498  January 08, 2021, 10:48:33 am
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Just received my Qanba Shield backpack from the guys at Qanba yesterday! It's a really good bag and it's awesome how it doubles as an ITA bag! Now I can easily take my stick with me to my locals once the Covid era ends. I will post another picture of my bag once I get pins and buttons for it.

The front

The back

Fits my custom Hitbox Obsidian nicely! This is my main controller for FGs and Mugen thanks to it's PS4/PS3/PC switch. And yes, I am a fan of The Karate Kid movies and the Cobra Kai series.
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3499  January 20, 2021, 02:30:30 pm
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Ordered her back in late August last year, but she finally arrived this morning. So cute!

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: Show us cool stuff you just bought!
#3500  January 21, 2021, 07:52:28 pm
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Got/recieved this as a Christmas gift in 2020 (because big Mega Man fan here). It's not bad for what it's worth IMO. But there seems to be LOTS of bad reviews for whatever reason, I don't know why. I say it was worth the money if you enjoy retro stuff, or just a collector. You can add your own games via the Micro SD slot despite the manual/instructions not giving any details about the feature. Known games you can add seem to be NES, SNES, Genesis, GBA, Sega CD, Master System, 32X. That said, some reviews worried that the company had just left the doors open for you to do something like this. Though I'm not complaining.
Yea, adding your own games to a console is probably not "that" innovative these days, considering other (recreated) consoles probably have done similar features in the past. Not to mention there is NO UI for setting up screen size, filters, or button mapping. I think the bad reviews seem to be about the controller design, and having a sticker on it. Though you can plug in a USB controller otherwise.

Besides a 2nd one having Pac Man/Namco games, Arcade1up seemed to have worked on a 3rd variant that included some Disney games.  Not sure what happened to it, whether it was licensing issues, or not enough money to produce it.

"You must defeat my flaming
dragon punch to stand a chance."