
Improvement for Fighter Factory Studio: Highlight Anim number, command goto anim (Read 7612 times)

Started by JasonThePhoenix, December 26, 2023, 10:45:07 pm
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Improvement for Fighter Factory Studio: Highlight Anim number, command goto anim
#1  December 26, 2023, 10:45:07 pm
  • **
    • UK
Improvement for Fighter Factory Studio: Let me highlight a number in the States section and click a button that pops up near the highlighted text to go straight to that number's animation in the Animations tab.

Like highlighting text and seeing a Translate button pop up.

Also add a box to the Animations tab with a Go button nearby. Put the animation number into that box and hit Go to go straight to that animation number.

No more scrolling through all animations from 0 to 60000 wondering where in the scroll bar you'll see 420 or 800. Okay, you can still do that if you want, but this method would be faster and more reliable.
Re: Improvement for Fighter Factory Studio: Highlight Anim number, command goto anim
#2  December 26, 2023, 11:38:39 pm
  • ******
  • 90's Kawaii
  • :thinking:
    • Guatemala
...this section is for forum feedback.